el_pohl wrote:Oh, oh, and although I didn't read the whole article, I think you forgot to mention that he said that probably his the PRD representants in each booth where probably bought too, after the video fiasco. He doesn't even trust his people...
The second article does.
IMHO both articles fall short.
AMLO's attack on "subliminal" ads was a piece of unintentional humor.
"Watch the color of the can!" he exclaimed, showing a Jumex commercial.
Jumex cans have been blue since AMLO and myself were children. So has been the PAN logo.
And what about the "hidden algorithm"? A mysterious cybernetic fraud by the PREP... and later the prescinct by prescinct recount been forged to match the PREP (and the exit polls, and the prescinct sample fast count).
And calling the IFE "delinquents", even if it's one of the most prestigious institutions of the country.
And telling his people to "put pressure on the media".
And accussing soap operas ("La fea más bella") and comedy shows ("Muévete") of doing subliminal propaganda. As part of a legal case made mostly of newspaper clips.
And saying that, since the "Lopez Obrador is a danger to Mexico" ads are "fascist", the whole election was a fraud.
I personally think we've lost AMLO. He's gone beserk. And I gotta thank those 237 thousand extra Mexicans who held their noses and voted Calderón anyway just to keep this lunatic out of power.
el_pohl wrote:
I'm kinda disappointed.
You're a rational person, pohl.
I've met several AMLO voters who have already regretted their choice. And not two weeks have passed from the election.