Granted. You get to meet five new people a day, but you never see any of them again.
I wish I liked flying.
Granted, but you like flying so much that you don't want to come down and you really have to go to the bathroom but you're conflicted between flying and peeing and you don't know what to do and pretty soon you can taste it.
I wish I could make sauces like the French (moan).
Your now married to Frances number one chef, and he will show you all you ever need to know about cooking, however he is in exile in a mosquito ridden swamp in Belize and you are there with him for the rest of your life.
I wish I owned six oil wells in Kuwait.
Granted but this time it's the Iranis who invade, seize the oil wells and put all the owners to death by torture too horrible to describe.
I wish I had an extremely lucrative job that I enjoyed.
Granted, but the job is also extremely high risk and soon results in a terrible accident.
I wish I could play flute perfectly without having to do all my scales and excercises.
Granted, but it necessitates the grafting of seven new fingers on each hand to make up for your limited talent.
I wish there were cheap and available bio-gas cars.
There are, on Saturn, and I have bought you a one way ticket.
Oh I wish for a world without termagants!
Granted, but you die of boredom.
I wish my current deal was done and dusted.
Granted, but it is only afterwards that you realise you definitely got the worst side of the deal.
I wish someone else would come and clean out the guinea-pigs' hutch.
Granted. It's a big man with tattoos, and he also cleans out your wallet and your jewellery box.
I wish someone would throw a party for my 60th birthday.
Granted, but no one invites you!
I wish I could find a pretty dress for my leaver's ball.
Granted. You find a lovely dress. Unfortunately for you, it's located in the central regions of Mongolia and they don't know the concept of mail order delivery. It'll take you at least a week of travel time, the time to find a good guide who speaks the local dialect and something in excess of 5000 dollars to collect it.
I wish the dutch would care more about the leaver's ball.
I wish the dutch would care more about the leaver's ball.
Granted, they now give it one more micosecond thought a decade,
I wish for nothing.
Granted. Now you have nothing. Do you need a downside?
I wish I were a stone later.
granted but you will have to go thru a chemical processing under severe conditions - 2000 deg centigrade,an acid bath,a condensing chamber... to become a stone; and yes the stone will be subject to a weekly analysis on the same lines.
i wish i became a successful sculptor.
your wish is granted but a big block of stone fall's on you and you die
i wish i didn't have to do any exams again
You just joined Marco, that stone rolled over onto you, no more exams
I wish I was a laughing Hyena.
granted, but a ferocious hungry lion feels insulted and thrashes you to death.
i wish i were God.
Granted, but the strain of all the prayers and conflicting desires of your people result in a nervous breakdown, resulting in total insanityfor you and a planet completely ruined and out of control!
I wish I was ten again.
you become ten again but find that your parents are crule and mean so you have no fun and are a slave
i wish i was a pirate