Edgarblythe, I fear you're right about trying to outBush Bush.
There is such a rich field of corruption and self-serving in this administration, that it would seem to be easy to put together a list of all the arbitrary legislation, civil rights abuses, religious incursions into government, corporate favoritism, etc.; the only problem I can foresee is that it might be hard to believe the atrocities on such a list, especially for anyone who hasn't kept up with the goings on of the Republicans.
Here is another link to a religious organization that has a quiet but strong influence in politics, especially in this administration. It shows the growth of out-of-the-public eye organizations that exert enormous power on the government.
I think that if the public is made aware of these secretive organizations, more people will actually start thinking and worrying about the increased power of the government and the long term plans for control, not only in this country, but in every country in the world.
Just getting these things out in the open air will help provide a long list of constructive changes that need to be made.
This is a long article, but I suggest reading it all the way through.