Just read through this, and I can see the point from both sides.
My observation is that, this being a relatively new site, by striving to not make the same mistakes as Abuzz had,..led to a bit of "over-policing" in the beginning. We were all very enthusiastic, and that lead to an almost "antiseptic" feeling to the site. There were also so many "staff" that it had the feeling of "too many chiefs, and not enough Indians".
I have seen an evolution, through discussion and through the growth of the site, that has eased up on the reigns and given the environment for lively debate to thrive. I feel that it is even encouraged. It will just take a little time to grow.
One of my favorite members on this site is SlappyDooHoo, because he doesn't really care what everyone thinks of him. He posts funny, stupid, irreverrent nonsense,..and can turn around and post some pretty smart stuff. (Although "Crazy Toast Man" is still my favorite.

) I think that many of us, staff and members included, need to take ourselves a little less seriously, and worry less about what other people are going to think.
My point is, that we should all be having fun with this. I consider this forum "home" to all who wish it to be, but like anything else it can only be what you make of it. You want a debate,..start one!,..make it interesting and I'm sure many will join in. I'm also sure that, if it's good, it'll spawn more debates, and so on, and so on, and so on. (just like the "Toni" commercial

All for now!