Chumly wrote:I figure there may be a number of religious people who accept all personifications of god as being equal in likelihood.
Now, it may be a matter of semantics--what I'm about to post--if so, please forgive my misunderstanding of your statement, because I'm basing it mostly on the pivot word 'religious.' My idea (my truth, ha ha) of 'religious' is not really truly holy (pure) but rather more like superstitious politics. So if that's far from what you mean, then I'm straying right here.
But, the way I see it--being a 'religious' person is almost a default setting for zero tolerance of any other view, whatsoever. Hence, the various flavors of religion.
But, IMO--just ONE God (or god or ____). Again, IMO--God is all, God is perfect void, all matter and the energy which created it, all Mind, all Soul, all protoplasm, all light, all 'good' and yes, even all 'evil.' I can't say what God is--or what God is not, but I suspect God is not a christian, muslim, democrat, or concerned about religion or geo-politics one iota. A God worth the title is BIGGER than such human scraps (once again, IMO--a bit stronger this time, but still all mine

Therefore, how can God be delineated?

Who the heck am I to presume I possess the ability--even more:
the spare time--to determine another's ideas/thoughts/perceptions/conceptions/growth/labels/language? How can I draw a line through an ethereal sphere in which I am less than a micrometer-sized pinpoint?
That's my truest feeling on the matter at this point in time from my own view.
Another thing is this, (even more importantly): I truly feel, with all my mental conviction, that there is no need for me to worry about another in this sense. I truly feel my only responsibility is to love. Without preference.
I'm not sure if I'm rational, but I do know I'm liberated in a certain sense I cannot explain.
A rational theist is an emancipated theist....