Sat 25 Mar, 2006 09:03 pm
Hello everybody. I thank you in advance for reading this. I remember when I was kid, I was at my cottage during the the very cold Canadian winter. It was a very silent night, which was weird because the other night there was lots of noises. anyway I woke up to get a drink at around 3:00 a.m. I took a look out the window and I saw something.
It was a bright red light slowly flashing in the forest. I waited, and watched this strange light for about 10 minutes. It wasent a car or anything like that beacuse it was in the deep forest, there was over 3 feet of snow so there was no way that it was a car. My parents saw it too and they called the police. The police said that it was a car or a train, but it was dead silent outside, there was not a sound to be heard.
The next morning we went out to that section of forest were the light was seen. We found nothing. Not even tracks or broken trees and branchs. To this day that has been a mystery to me. Does anybody have an idea on what i saw that night? Have you ever seen anything like that. Please let me know. Thank You.
Hi, bond.
Sorry. I don't have a clue what you saw that night. Sounds pretty strange. I've never seen anything in the sky that I couldn't identify, but both of my parents have. These are their accounts, in case you're interested. (Both happened in Texas.)
Once, on a camping trip, my dad was following what looked like a satellite as it moved across the sky, when it suddenly, on a dime, made a 90 degree turn. He swears he was watching it when it made the turn. A friend of his at NASA assured him that satellites don't do that.
On a totally separate occasion, my mom and step-father claim to have seen strange, slow moving lights, in formation, that all of a sudden, without a sound, took-off and disappeared from sight. They were both so freaked that they didn't say a word about it to each other until the next day.
I have questioned all of them, repeatedly, about what they saw, and every time I get the same story. So, I don't know. Maybe they saw some cool, alien spacecraft. But it's also just as likely that they are all nuts.
Wow that is pretty cool. I have heard of the lights in a long straight line. I have even seen them on video, and it is pretty strange. And as for that camping trip. That is also pretty strange. I have heard of storys of fighter jet piliots following a UFO. They would follow it at very high speeds, then all of a sudden the UFO would turn on a dime and the piliots would figure out that the UFO is all of a sudden behind them. Then it would dissapeer. But that is some pretty strange stuff. Thank You echi.
I voted for Not Likely. Simply because I have not seen them....
Isn't it strange that Aliens are ONLY seen in Western Countries... We have absolutely Zero experiences in India. You will not find a single alien incident in India if you scoop.
Do they like \ prefer America?
I have absolutely no doubt that aliens exist. I have absolutely no doubt that the term refers to those who are not citizens of the nation which i inhabit.
I have absolutely no doubt that there is no reason to believe that this planet has been visited by intelligent life from any other planet.
Has nobody suggested a mirage type explanation for your flashing light ? I seem to remember my school physics book showing how these can happen in cold conditions as well as hot ones.
Excerpt from link:
.........."For example, the superior mirage could be the source for many nighttime UFO sightings. Here's why. The light from headlights on automobiles moving along the highway can be refracted under inversion conditions so that they appear to come from the heavens rather than from the surface where they originated. These images can appear to move quickly across the sky, or they can disappear suddenly as the angle or position of the light beam from the moving vehicle changes"..........
I have little doubt that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the cosmos. Visiting the Earth is another matter.
Yes, I believe that there are other beings out there and there's no reason for me not to believe that some have found their way to earth.
For all we know, we could be the least intelligent beings out there and they're wondering why we still haven't found our way to their planet :-)
It was a very good hunter/tracker who was playing a trick on you (or tying one on in the bush). Sighting abound of these 'bush lights'.
What were you drinking? :wink:
I do believe in intelligent extraterrestial life. Why not. The probability is good. I sometimes question the intelligent life on earth though.
They probably even thought about saying hello until they saw all the violence and said "screw this, these aliens are nuts" and off across the sky they shot at the speed of light....
Hey, the aliens may be as screwed up or more screwed up than we are. We do not know. Anyone read Martian Chronicles? It offered some interesting but disturbing possibility of the misunderstanding that can happen when humans meet aliens.
With 200 billion stars in this galaxy, and a similar number of galaxies, I don't suppose they need a reason not to make a visit to Earth a priority. The main reason they don't get here very often is probably simply that we're unimportant and undistinguished.
Or maybe they're still figuring out how to travel through wormholes. :wink:
Thank you everybody for your oppinions, they are really interesting. Fresco, that is a very good theory but it was just not possiable. Because, at my cottage I live basically in the middle of no where. The nearest highway is like 5 miles away, and through all the dense bush. It was not a car driving by either because there were no cars in the aera at the time. But Thanks anywase, that is a slight possiability.
does anybody else have an idea on what I saw that night. Have you ever seen anything like this before?
I have no idea what you saw, and really find it uninteresting. On the entire topic of "UFOs" i would point out that it is completely plausible that people frequently see, or think they see, objects, or what they believe are objects, which are, or which they believe are, flying--and which they are then and subsequently unable to identify.
That is no kind of reason at all to believe that the planet is being visited by extraterrestrial, intelligent beings.
There's no reason for them to come here. Unless they are with 70 light years of us, there's no reason for them to even know we are here. If they were within 70 light years of us, and used any form of microwave communications, the odds are pretty good we'd have noticed by now.
Whenever People Say "We saw an Alien Today", I tell them "It isn't an April Fools Day!"
But the day before yesterday nobody said that to me. I would have believed.
BTW nobody answered my question, "Why Aliens Prefer America? We dont see them in India much. Any reasons?"
The Drake Equation was developed by Frank Drake in 1961 as a way to focus on the factors which determine how many intelligent, communicating civilizations there are in our galaxy. Try the Drake Equation Yourself!