G'day Hingehead...
Ya can fool some o the people.....
Hi DSDiva, Nice to have you on board. c.i.
I was in search of a place where I'd be able to get an insightful opinion on a personal issue, and I imagined that a forum would be a good place to post such a question, as many of the new comers here do, but most of them never stay.
WellÂ… I stayed and I love it here. As my profile says: "A2K is my new online refuge and I'm here for the fun of it!"
Oh yeah, I almost forgotÂ… I googled it.
Hi again Margo - it's been a long time!
Through Google. Wanted to have a rap battle with someone and it took me straight to the link.
how did you do with your rap battle?
looked up a quote, found it here.
Through google... I love google!
I came through MSN's search on the main page. I have a Kitchenaid with the pasta roller attachments - very cool! My family makes a ravioli type deal every Christmas. It requires alot of work as there are normally 40 - 50 at dinner. I am wondering how long I can let the dough rest wrapped in plastic in the fridge.
It would be best if you started a thread with your question.
At the top, right next to home, click forums and look for the food one. More people will see it.
hmm... i've been here for not more than 3 hrs but i really love surfing and jumping from forums to forums.. thread by thread... i really enjoy reading and posting here
Hey, all. Was doing a search on video games the other night....landed here, bookmarked.
Welcome Zane...got any cheats for Terminator-Redemption?
Moxiac, I've enjoyed your posts...don't fade on me...
I searched the web In the hope to find a fix for my problems with search2web and it directed me several times to your site and forums
Hope you can do the same for me
Ditto on the above message.
Looking to find an answer to a problem, and found it through Searchalot.com
I was refered here to read one of the posts relating to SEO.
While reading on another board, there was a link to a 'big boards' rating guide....the rating guide listed this one, and after looking around a bit, I decided to sign up!
I commented in another forum how the U.S. is up to its eyeballs in debt and was looking for similar expressions of the same using "eyeballs debt" and Google search and found a few similar posts here in your forum.
cygonaut, welcome to A2K, glad to have you here.
Ain't Google wonderful?
Hey, newbies. I would like to echo BBB's welcome to A2K.
Mudwalker, What part of Virginia are you from?