Sat 3 May, 2003 07:05 am
Most names are recognizable and I know how you got here but I'd like to know where some of the newer members are arriving from.
If you arrived here from an advertisement, search engine, web directory etc please let us know.
For the rest please feel free to vote in the poll.
I always do what my mama tells me and she told me I should check out this message board.

No, I'm not telling who my mama is!
You know how I got here -- but I doubt you know how happy I am that this site exists -- and that I finally overcame some initial reluctance to join it.
It is unquestionably better than any other site where I've been a participant.
Thanks Frank, BTW, do you know who her mama is?
he he
By the way butrflynet, I've been really enjoying your posts! You're being awfully sweet to that carolinaboy. Your mama must've taught you well. (Ahem.)
Heh, Frank in a tender moment...

I think I like it! I got an invite, as an ex-Abbuzer. I think the site is fantastic, and I am going to forward the URL to my brother...I think he would enjoy the community.
Heh, yeppers, Soz. I'm an ol hand at giving folks a chance and a bit of coaching along the way if they need it. This one is iffy. I'm hoping he'll prove to be a butterfly rather then a gnat.
I've been invited, too - and I'm no good in guessing butterflies, neither moms nor children.
I was invited by a very dear friend. I am grateful for the privelege to be on a2k.
got an e mail invite. it was probably for squinney though......
Came in through the Realm and have been a happy camper ever since.
I was invited to a couple of forums from an Abuzzer several months ago, and remembered seeing this site mentioned there a couple of times as a second option to Abuzz. I just decided to check it out again to see if this is where the nice Abuzzers went, and lucked out!
i was specifically invited not to join A2K, the gauntlet was tossed
GWLight kept inviting me to film topics and I eventually broke down and checked it out. Love at first or second sight. Um, site.
Somebody posted it on Abuzz - God bless them whoever it was!
Hi all!
Welcome LibertyD!
I was very lucky to be invited here.
: )
I'd joined Raven's Realm after I heard about it on Abuzz, but never participated. It was still in my "Favorites" folder. I was going through the folder one day, clicked ... and here I am.
It's a great site, Craven.
Any more fundraising ops coming up?