Ed, Welcome to the A2K old geezers club.

Peeked at your picture of the wedding party, and didn't notice anybody grinning like a jackass; but saw quite a handsome family group. If you really want to see a ugly jackass, I'd be more than happy to direct you to some photos of me. LOL
I found here by phpbbhack
I found this site through seattlebuzz.net and decided to join and take a look about.
How are things at Seattlebuzz, Jack? I haven't visited there in quite a while.
One day, while researching recipes for "Dog's head soup" and finding none, I changed to searching for help with housebreaking our third dog. Among the various helpful sites was a2k. I started a thread and members responded with great advice, which worked. Yes, a2k saved Yamni from becoming several meals and fur trim on a pair of mukluks.
I'm here therefore I snoop. Now I'm hooked, is there an a2ka 12 step program? No not for rehabilitation, so I can avoid it.
No Sam there is not but I have been thinking about starting one. Jespuh used to run the 12 step program at the other site. If I start it up will you participate?
Righto not to rehab just to know that you are in good company with your need to visit A2k every day and be silly, serious, and whatever.
Count me in! This is truly a stimulating site, even if some of the arguments are a bit sloppy. I really enjoy the time here, the debates, the laughter, just being with people who use their brains.
I do have a serious, quasi-serious question, why is it when I post requests for facts or definitions, the thread seams to dead end? Discussing fluff is ok sometimes but, for serious issues there should be something firmer than "emotional jello" to work with. Yes?
I await your reply
The other site used to be better for that type of thing because we were sent topical interactions based on the words we used in our posts right to our e-mail or profile page. That is something we do not have here.
However, if you post something serious and you would like responses you can send links to the topic via PM to the A2kers that you suspect might have the answer or would be interested in exploring the subject with you. Lots of us do that.
Sometimes thread just dies it is hard to predict. As you interact more and more with people you will see that they will follow your posts and support you.
As you have probably noticed some of us have been together for quite awhile. It can be unnerving for new members. But just keep posting and interacting and things will pick up for you.
What are the threads that you have posted in which you have not gotten responses to. You might link them here and see what happens
I'll give that a shot but, later. Wiyaka is starting to gnaw on her keyboard, time to cook. Right now! Yikes! Let go of my leg, Wiyaka!
Sam, couple of hours and over 30 views with no comments I deleted it. No use taking up A2k space if no one is interested
I just tried the link, no go. I got involved in a couple of threads and a pot of fresh coffee, my turn to make it. We can always chat along right here or on other threads as we meet by chance.
Greetings to all new people.
Now, I'm forcing Sam to get moving. We'll be in Iowa for the weekend, but need to do a few things before we leave. See you next week.
Just cuz the lil PM asked me to do so...
I do believe I found this site by searching on Yahoo! There was something that my NIS was asking me to block and I wanted to know what it was. You guys were number one on the search. Speaking of which...I'm having that problem again =shuffles off to post about it=
I'm in the 40% group. Google is responsible. Now I love posting...Hi everyone. I hope to talk to you in the Forum!
How did you find out about this site...
Someone sent me an e-mail about US Foreign Aid given to those who continually vote against the US @ the UN. My Google search turned up a link in A2K on the subject....I surfed some more and I was impressed. So here I am...just hatched.
Interesting pointsofview - welcome to A2k!