Re: How did you come to know about this site?
Good Mornin'! :wink: I came upon this site this mornin' after seein' it listed in my "Favorites" Folder, & when I got here, looked around, scanned over some posts, I thought, "This is the place for ME"!

Back in the year 2000, (Feb.28th. to be exact), I logged onto the World Wide Web for the 1st. time... That alone seems to be surreal, for I never dreamed in a million yrs. that I would learn as much as what I have over this soon to be 4 yrs., but I've enjoyed it all. Some of the things I've learned have been a tremendous help, some have been a pain in the "patoot"! LOL However, there have been times that I wished I didn't know some of the things that I do about the Web, but all in all, lookin' back over the yrs., it's been fun, educational, & I've met some great Folks from all around the World! I now have my own Website, (which I cannot & will not, make reference to here, for I read the rules! LOL) :wink: , but that alone has been a tremendous accomplishment for me, & rewarding as well, just not monetarily, for it's all free. LOL

Hmmmm, wonder what's up w/that? I reckon I'm a givin' type of person, & the reward, well, it's knowing my Members are happy! (Last account I had of that, they are! LOL) At any rate, my name's Patt, (yes, that's 2 t's...), & you Folks may remember a Site called That's where I got my start to answerin' people's requests of knowledge in certain fields & areas. I loved it, & ranked right up there w/the best of 'em! <Patt's tootin' her horn here just a tad>... LOL But, this mornin' when I came upon this Site, I thought: "Well, what have I got to lose"? So here I am... Last night, my Hubby was on for quite awhile, & this mornin' I checked his pretty cool Bookmarks, & this was 1 of them! I now see why he Bookmarked it! Thanks so much for the welcome email, & I hope to make some friends here as well... Take care all, & have a grand weekend! :wink:
Respectfully Posted,
User I.D.: PegasusPatt