Quote:If the War Against Terrorism goes on indefinitely, as it certainly is likely to, then it may be hard to regain the rights we've given up.
Is the suggestion that this war, not go on indefinitey?
Who is it that has made these changes in our way of life....since September 11, 2001?
The United States?
Some would say (especially on the internet) yes? Such is internet chat.
In hindsight D'art ( in your favor) the interment of Japanese Americans after Peral Harbor, is a stain upon our goverrnment. Never to be erased.
So I am not deaf to your thoughts.
But with the potential (and I suggest the real potential being, imminent ) of a nuclear attack against one of our major cities.....the times are not equal.
Political Correctness is not the issue?
Political Correctness taken to it's truest level, is indeed the only issue.
And would without question, allow those who would destroy us, do so.....freely and willingly!
"I will NOT give up a SINGLE freedom....... no matter which and no matter if it be......... in the name of survival"!
....so goes the argument.