dlowan, you can install IE over the net by going to this page:
and clicking on the download link. This will download a small utility that will assist you in implementing the complete download process, which may take 2 hours or more depending upon your connection speed and which accessories you select to download along with it.
However, I believe that you and Craven may well be right when you suggest that your machine would benefit from a complete hard drive reformat. I now believe, from the snippets of information revealed in your most recent posts, that this is what is happening:
1. It wasn't a matter of your IE browser not loading the web pages, it was a matter of your IE browser not opening in your computer.
2. You did in fact very likely complete the IE repair routine, it's just that the browser still won't open in your puter due to other problems.
Unfortunately, frequent reformats are necessary for a Win 9x system. When the StoatPuter was running Win 95 and then 98 I would typically have to reformat about once a year, sometimes twice. I have read of computer nuts who would do it ever three months, although I never went to those lengths because I convinced myself (perhaps untruthfully) that I "had a life" and so I avoided the reformat routine until I had no other choice.
When things are so bad that IE won't open, it's time to seriously consider a reformat, I'm sorry to say.
Your scandisk / defrag functions may run if you reboot into safe mode. To do this, reboot your machine and hold down the CTRL (or the F8 key, if my memory serves) while the computer's initial splash screen (not the Windows screen) is being displayed.
You will get a dialog that asks if you wish to start in Safe Mode....click Yes.
You can verify that you are in fact in the safe mode environment by a different look of the desktop, with much less functionality to the computer. You will, however, still have the ability to run the scandisk and defrag functions, and they will usually run in this environment even when they won't in normal windows mode.
You must, regardless of how successful the scandisk / defrag operation is, IMMEDIATELY backup all of your personal and sensitive data to external media, as your computer is in imminent danger of failure.
If it gets to the point (which it will without intervention) where it won't boot, then your repair options will be more limited and dramatically more costly.
Please let me me assist you with pecuniary matters as per the repair. Contact me privately and get moving on this because I know that your puter is very important to you and it is gasping at this point. Time is of the essence.