Sat 7 Jun, 2008 05:21 am
Butrflynet wrote:
Great picture from the town hall meeting in Nevada on the housing crisis there.


More here:

Sweet photo. Reminds me of:
Obama wrote:
I'm not talking about blind optimism here -- the almost willful ignorance that thinks unemployment will go away if we just don't talk about it, or the health care crisis will solve itself if we just ignore it. No, I'm talking about something more substantial. It's the hope of slaves sitting around a fire singing freedom songs; the hope of immigrants setting out for distant shores; the hope of a young naval lieutenant bravely patrolling the Mekong Delta; the hope of a mill worker's son who dares to defy the odds; the hope of a skinny kid with a funny name who believes that America has a place for him, too. The audacity of hope!

Just going to borrow a word that says I think you and buterflynet, are 2 "Magnanimous" individuals! Been off a few days and next week, I'll be away, so you two are reasons I stay on this thread! Really great things you post here! :wink: :wink:
0 Replies
Sat 7 Jun, 2008 05:28 am
okie wrote:
Obama dogged by endorsements from the wrong people:


"In a presidential race in which unwanted, damaging endorsements seem far more plentiful than endorsements that actually could help, Barack Obama has had the unfortunate distinction of being a magnet for such well-wishers.

The latest unsought praise for the Democratic front-runner came from Fidel Castro, who wrote in a column for Cuba's Granma newspaper Monday that Obama is "the most progressive candidate to the U.S. presidency.""

....And I agree with Fidel! So if a Communist, thinks that Obama is Progressive, (look the word up), it's an endorsement? Sounds more like an opinion, to me. Endorsements come in the form of contributions, not opinions. Sounds as though Obama, the Statesman, would be more agreeable than what PASSES for statesmen, now, I would think, but opinions are like A$$-holes; everybody HAS one! Cool
0 Replies
Sat 7 Jun, 2008 05:32 am
Ticomaya wrote:
Electoral College:While national polls garner attention, they have no direct bearing on choosing our next President. A state-by-state count of electoral votes is the key to analyzing the presidential race.

For the first time this year, we run through all 50 states plus the District of Columbia in order to handicap the presidential race. Outlook: If the election were held today, we see a McCain victory by the narrowest of margins.

The electoral map looks nearly identical to 2004, with Iowa and Colorado swinging into the Democratic camp. Beneath the surface, however, we see Michigan and Pennsylvania becoming more competitive for Republicans.

The election will hinge on two regions: Lake Erie and the Mountain West. An Obama win in New Mexico or Nevada would be enough to tip the scales, but a McCain win in Pennsylvania could put the race out of reach. In the end, as always, it comes down to Ohio, where Obama's weakness among rural whites could send McCain to the White House. McCain 270, Obama 268.


Then YOU'D get, what you deserve, AGAIN! A REALLY "EFFED" up country! I'd be like Susan Sarandan and LEAVE! Cool
0 Replies
Sat 7 Jun, 2008 05:34 am
snood wrote:
I can't speak for anyone else. As for how I would act if the roles were reversed and Hillary was the nominee, I just had that conversation with my wife - she is of the opinion that she would just stay home rather than vote for Hillary.

I said that if I was ever about any kind of principles - if I ever really wanted tax cuts for the middle, universal healthcare, protection of right to choose, sensible gun regulation, etc. - then I would have to hold my nose and vote for Hillary.

I don't see how I can say I was ever for anything I say I'm for, and then do some kind of "statement" vote for McCain.

So that's the yardstick I'm using to measure the behavior I'm seeing.

I'm with your wife, snood! My bad! Cool
0 Replies
Sat 7 Jun, 2008 06:05 am
cicerone imposter wrote:
snood, I can really understand your indignation towards Hillary, because I'm not a supporter of either Obama or McCain, but the Clinton bullshyte takes the cake; four days to say she lost. Is this a new record for stubborness or what? What is she trying to prove except she'll remain in the media for another four days?

What is more surprising is the backlash this thing is taking; they'll vote for McCain instead. Another bullshyte.

Elections are messy, but this one belongs in the history books for sure.

It's about me, me, me, and me; what an ego-maniac.

I was FOR Hillary, when I wasn't sure who Obama was, or what his agenda would be! I saw him speak here, at a local University last year and couldn't believe the electricity in the room! I forgot who was running for Governor, here in NJ! Frank Lautenberg, Sen. Menendez, Bonnie Watson and other prominent Blacks were present and "centered", in this huge gymnasium in this rich, "white", (Republican) run county, I live in. No, I'm not rich, but comfortable and I EARNED, every cent!

Long story short, I agree with you! This county has now become Democrat dominant, in recent WEEKS! 1st time in NJ History! Does this mean Democrats will take over a stranglehold County? Will keep you posted! Lots of Republican Corruption in the past 6 years! :wink:
0 Replies
Sat 7 Jun, 2008 08:18 am
Finn dAbuzz wrote:
Do you think the NY woman who has recently enjoyed her 15 minutes of fame thanks to an emotional outburst on video is a bigot? An idiot? (This is not to argue that she is neither, but to pose honest questions)

I'm in the idiot camp. Clinton's and Obama's positions are so similar, you probably couldn't tell them apart if randomly presented. To say that you would vote against all your beliefs (assuming she was voting for Clinton based on her beliefs) to spite ... who? Who is she punishing other than herself? Idiocy for certain.

Finn dAbuzz wrote:
I would find it more illogical for a Hillary supporter to vote for McCain rather than Obama if McCain did not hold so many "liberal" positions.

I think that was true in 2000. Today, McCain's stated positions are just about every topic are in line with Bush. The only place where McCain has set himself apart is on immigration and he's backing up there as well.

Finn dAbuzz wrote:
It is certainly more illogical for a Republican opponent of McCain to vote vote for Clinton or Obama, than for a Clinton supporter to vote for McCain, but it's not difficult to see how someone might consider the latter a purely emotional response.

An anti-war Republican might go for Obama given McCain's war rhetoric. A Evangelical who feels the government should do more to help the poor might fall into the same camp.

Finn dAbuzz wrote:
Considering that the appeal of Obama is so deeply based in personality, and the contemptuous regard so many Obama supporters have had for Clinton, it's a bit disingenuous for Obama supporters to now scold the Clinton faithful for taking this competition somewhat personally.

I think this is somewhat a media line. Obama supporters are to my view no more contemptuous of Clinton supports than visa-versa. The difference at this point is that the Obama supporters won. After a year of trash talking, that's tough to swallow.

Finn dAbuzz wrote:
The Winner and his or her supporters always want the losers to shrug off losing and get with the program. Clinton's supporters would feel the same way if she had won and Obama supporters vowed to either vote for McCain or stay home.

In any case, the Winners are likely to have a better chance of getting want they want if they exhibit some grace and avoid insulting demands of the Losers and their candidate.

I hope you don't of course, but it's a thought you may want to consider.

There, I think you are right on the money.
0 Replies
Sat 7 Jun, 2008 08:44 am
Cycloptichorn wrote:
rabel22 wrote:
All I hear from you and him is change. Just exactly what Bush said in order to get elected. Instead of telling me I don't listen why don't you tell me what he really believes and how he is going to accomplish what he claims he is going to do. All I have ever heard from you is go to his spin sites which I never do because they are brain washing sites which say nothing wether dem or rep. So when you say nothing your right I don't hear anything.

Well, heck. What would you like me to discuss, specifically? It's difficult for us to move forward without knowledge of specific topics, as there are so many different aspects of governance that he has discussed...

I promise not to send you any site, either.


This is directly from Obama's website...

Bringing Our Troops Home
Obama will immediately begin to remove our troops from Iraq. He will remove one to two combat brigades each month, and have all of our combat brigades out of Iraq within 16 months. Obama will make it clear that we will not build any permanent bases in Iraq. He will keep some troops in Iraq to protect our embassy and diplomats; if al Qaeda attempts to build a base within Iraq, he will keep troops in Iraq or elsewhere in the region to carry out targeted strikes on al Qaeda.

Now, how is he going to accomplish this?
Is he going to bring troops home and leave their equipment behind?
Its not possible to bring two brigades, with ALL of their equipment, home in one month.
the infrastructure built by a brigade just to support themselves is massive.
Also, since there are approx 15 people supporting each combat soldier, people like cooks, medical staff, mechanics, armorers, clerks, IT people, and others in non combat roles, is he counting them in his remarks?
Or, did he leave himself a way out by specifying COMBAT brigades?

And if he wont build permanent bases in Iraq to
carry out targeted strikes on al Qaeda
then where else in the region will he station them?
Saudi Arabia?
Exactly where will he station them?
And, does he have permission or agreements with those other countries to launch offensive attacks into Iraq from those other countries?

His statements dont answer any of those questions, neither does his website.
0 Replies
Sat 7 Jun, 2008 08:59 am
teenyboone wrote:
Then YOU'D get, what you deserve, AGAIN! A REALLY "EFFED" up country! I'd be like Susan Sarandan and LEAVE! Cool

Please don't make promises you're not prepared to keep.
0 Replies
Bi-Polar Bear
Sat 7 Jun, 2008 08:59 am
You are dead right, Snood. Other than the 2012 theory, her behavior has been completely inexplicable for more than a month now (I don't want to give the Bobby Kennedy theory any credence). Tuesday through Saturday with her 18 million BS after losing is undeniably doing harm to her Party's chances of winning in the General. Reasons to support her actions are:

    If you're a Republican. If you're a Bigot. If you're an idiot. If [i]anyone [/i]can provide another reason(s); I'd love to hear it.

that's the thing... you would hear it... but you would not consider it.

When you make it clear that you must be a repub and idiot or a bigot.... well, what's the incentive for trying to be reasonable? Laughing
0 Replies
Sat 7 Jun, 2008 09:17 am
Thanks, mysteryman. Those are substantial questions, and I'm happy to answer them.

I'll have to do some research to answer them properly (I'm only here for a minute). Off the top of my head (as in, maybe not correct, I'll either confirm or adjust later):

- Cost/benefit-wise, it's just not worth it to have permanent bases in Iraq. It's dangerous politically, it's dangerous for the people manning the base, it's expensive, and we can still go after Al Qaeda (which is, of course, not limited to or based in Iraq) without having permanent bases there. It also takes away some incentive for Iraq to govern and police itself effectively, if we're hanging around and jumping in.

- Obama has said that he wants to bring the troops out but will listen to the expert counsel of generals (etc.) in the field. This is, in fact, an over-arching policy of his, the whole pragmatism thing. Seek out expert advice and listen to it (as opposed to surrounding himself with yes-men), then make decisions based on it.
0 Replies
Sat 7 Jun, 2008 09:20 am
I guess today we will finally find out, "What does Hillary want?"

I have heard this question and seen the soundbite of her saying this over and over since Obama won. I've been trying to figure out why I should give a f*ck. I got nothing.

0 Replies
Sat 7 Jun, 2008 09:21 am
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
You are dead right, Snood. Other than the 2012 theory, her behavior has been completely inexplicable for more than a month now (I don't want to give the Bobby Kennedy theory any credence). Tuesday through Saturday with her 18 million BS after losing is undeniably doing harm to her Party's chances of winning in the General. Reasons to support her actions are:

    If you're a Republican. If you're a Bigot. If you're an idiot. If [i]anyone [/i]can provide another reason(s); I'd love to hear it.

that's the thing... you would hear it... but you would not consider it.

When you make it clear that you must be a repub and idiot or a bigot.... well, what's the incentive for trying to be reasonable? Laughing

A few here have beat that drum for some time. And anybody who doesn't embrace the particular messianic fervor of the day--no matter what the subject--will be branded "repub" or "rightwingnut" or "racist" or "bigot" or "idiot". Makes any kind of reasonableness damned difficult.
0 Replies
Sat 7 Jun, 2008 09:24 am
messianic fervor=anything resembling support for Barack Obama
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Sat 7 Jun, 2008 09:32 am
Right. If you're an Obama supporter, you've drank the koolaid, you're caught up in a fervor, you can't be in your right mind, etc.

While criticizing the bs, they indulge in the same bs. How tiresome is that? Rolling Eyes
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Bi-Polar Bear
Sat 7 Jun, 2008 09:32 am
kicky I have a lot of "real time " friends... young and old, black, white and every hue in between, male and female, who support Obama and we have had many discussions about this election and we disagree on many things.
Same with the McCain supporters I know, although I don't know as many who support McCain.

Only on A2K have I been branded an idiot, a hater and a racist. Only here.
0 Replies
Sat 7 Jun, 2008 09:35 am
This may come as a surprise to some here but I read and goggle many articles and news stories trying to garner information about all the candidates beliefs. I don't go to Mc Cains or Obamas websites. They spin any information on them to make them look good. I read today about the war in the middle east and Obama beginning to back off of his removing our troops from Iraq. He seems to have backed off of the complete removal of all troops from the middle east. I was never for the war in Iraq nor the reasons for going there but when we elected and reelected Bush we bought in to the war. As aggressors we owe it to the Iraqi people to stay until its safe for them to live a reasonable life. He also seems to have become another Israeli ally of the kind that tells the palistianins we back Israel no matter what they do. Now that he has the nomination locked up you all might want to watch what he says and dose closer than you have in the past. There may be more changes . I expect some of you will claim that the Iraqi want us out of their country but Ill be willing to bet an equal number want us to stay. Not much different here where the population is split on almost any subject you want to put forward. I do try to educate myself and try not to tell people how stupid they are because they don't believe just as I do unlike many on these threads.
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Bi-Polar Bear
Sat 7 Jun, 2008 09:35 am
kickycan wrote:
I guess today we will finally find out, "What does Hillary want?"

I have heard this question and seen the soundbite of her saying this over and over since Obama won. I've been trying to figure out why I should give a f*ck. I got nothing.


Hillary still has the ability to either unite the party or keep it bitterly divided.... and whether she's right or wrong... an admirably tenacious warrior or a harpy piece of ****... only a fool would not be interested in what she wants... Obama is interested and has taken steps to find out.... as an Obama supporter you should take a page from his book....you do want your guy to win, right?
0 Replies
Sat 7 Jun, 2008 09:36 am
BPB, I was only responding to this bullshit statement by Foxfyre:

Foxfyre wrote:
[anybody who doesn't embrace the particular messianic fervor of the day--no matter what the subject--will be branded "repub" or "rightwingnut" or "racist" or "bigot" or "idiot".

You do see how this is bullshit, don't you?
0 Replies
Sat 7 Jun, 2008 09:40 am
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
kickycan wrote:
I guess today we will finally find out, "What does Hillary want?"

I have heard this question and seen the soundbite of her saying this over and over since Obama won. I've been trying to figure out why I should give a f*ck. I got nothing.


Hillary still has the ability to either unite the party or keep it bitterly divided.... and whether she's right or wrong... an admirably tenacious warrior or a harpy piece of ****... only a fool would not be interested in what she wants... Obama is interested and has taken steps to find out.... as an Obama supporter you should take a page from his book....you do want your guy to win, right?

I'm not a democrat, and I'm not some Obama robot. I feel the way I feel, and since I'm not running for president and I'm not a democrat I'll say whatever I like. The fact that she didn't concede four days ago when she should have pisses me off. F*ck her and everything she wants. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
0 Replies
Sat 7 Jun, 2008 09:44 am
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
kicky I have a lot of "real time " friends... young and old, black, white and every hue in between, male and female, who support Obama and we have had many discussions about this election and we disagree on many things.
Same with the McCain supporters I know, although I don't know as many who support McCain.

Only on A2K have I been branded an idiot, a hater and a racist. Only here.

LOL well, don't feel bad. I have been accused of being a man here. Something that NEVER happens in real life.

I wouldn't take being called an idiot to heart. I have a 145 IQ and get called an idiot all the time. I don't recall seeing you called a racist or a hater although you, at times, display homophobic and misogynist sentiments.
0 Replies

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