Barack Obama offered a vision today of his top priorities during the
first 100 days of an Obama administration that won't be much of a
surprise to anyone who has been following his presidential campaign.
Asked about the first 100 days of a hypothetical Obama administration at
a fundraiser in Denver, Obama said he would focus on interim progress
toward three key goals: troop withdrawals from Iraq, health care access
for all and action on energy and climate change, according to a pool
report of the fundraiser.
On Iraq, Obama said, the public should expect within 100 days of taking
office he would convene the Joint Chiefs of Staff to devise a plan for
withdrawing troops from Iraq.
He also set a goal of proposing legislation on his promise of affordable
health care coverage available for all quickly upon arriving in the
White House. "We need a March or April to get going before the
political season sets in," Obama said.
Obama also promised to take early action on energy and climate change.
"We will have to be immediately prepared to send a signal to the world"
on alternative energy, he said.
For good measure, he added that he would rapidly proceed with a review
of all executive orders imposed by the Bush Administration and consider
overturning them.
"I would call my attorney general in and review every single executive
order issued by George Bush and overturn those laws or executive
decisions that I feel violate the constitution," Obama said.