Tue 8 Apr, 2008 08:15 am
sozobe wrote:
He didn't say he has more foreign policy experience, though.

Sozobe is right. His claim is that he knows more and understands the world better. This claim, in my honest if possibly mistaken opinion, is supported by the positions he has taken about the war in Iraq (he opposed it), Bush's saber-rattling towards Iran, (ditto), and his readiness to talk to any country in the world without preconditions (which is standard diplomatic practice almost everywhere in the world -- except in Washington during campaign season).
0 Replies
Tue 8 Apr, 2008 08:16 am
As for Obama's committee meetings, you dont have to take my word for it, take HIS word for it...


So 2 ambassadorial meetings, but nothing else.
Even he said he was to busy running for President.

And from ABC we get this...

Responding to the assertion by the Clinton campaign that Obama has not held any substantive hearings on Afghanistan while he was chairman of the European Affairs subcommittee of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Craig turned it around on Clinton, saying that she had missed many important hearings on Afghanistan as well.

Reporters asked Craig for more details about what Obama had accomplished while chairing the subcommittee.

"He did hold hearings on nominees that were being put forth to ambassadors, those nominees were approved," Craig said. He added that most Afghanistan-related hearings were done in full committee, rather than in Obama's subcommittee.

When pushed more, Craig relented: "The record is what it is. He didn't become chairman of that subcommittee until January of 2007. The fact is that he made his announcement for president of the U.S. in February of 2007. So, he had other things on his mind."

So, again we see that running for President is more important then anything else to him.

So, its not me saying he didnt hold meetings with his committee, he's saying it.
0 Replies
real life
Tue 8 Apr, 2008 08:18 am
Finn dAbuzz wrote:
Cycloptichorn wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
Cyclop writes
Well, it isn't a tax increase.

If I pay in 2009 or 2010 a whole lot more taxes on the same amount of money than I am paying in 2008, I call that a tax increase. I don't care what anybody else wants to call it.

But, you understand that it won't be Hillary or Obama who made that happen. At all. The laws lowering the taxes were written that way by Republicans in Congress, and the bill was signed by Bush in the WH.

It's not as if there will be any legislation passed - there won't be. So it's fallacious to say that it's an increase; it's just returning to the normal state that it was at before Bush signed a LIMITED TIME tax break.



Eliminating previous reductions of tax rates is not a tax increase.

But, nobody is eliminating anything. The reductions were always a limited-time offer. You understand this, right?



The practical effect is that people will pay more taxes than they did before.

It won't be the "fault" of a President Obama or a President Clinton unless congress sends to one of them a bill which extends or makes permanent the cuts and they veto it.

It will be the "fault" of congress if they do not send such a bill to whomever is president.

The temporary nature of the tax cuts was a political compromise made to assure passage, and not the intent of the bill's sponsors or President Bush. You will recall that he began calling for them to made permanent almost immediately after he signed the bill into law.

Cyclo's comments are unintentionally self revealing of the mindset of a liberal.

A return to higher taxes is a return to 'normal'.

It is normal for liberals to want to spend your money for you, to make themselves appear generous and caring.

There is a big PR push to win over religious voters to supporting liberal programs by saying that Jesus would favor increased government programs of this or that kind because they are 'intended to help the poor'.

I wonder what happened to separation of church and state that these liberals used to believe in.

That used to be 'normal' to liberals, but I guess if it helps them win elections, principle goes out the window.
0 Replies
Tue 8 Apr, 2008 08:22 am
Fair enough, mysteryman. Your CNN and ABC references establish that Obama hasn't held a meeting of the subcommittee he's chairing. That's bad; I'm not defending it; but as I said, it doesn't affect the rest of my response to you.
0 Replies
Tue 8 Apr, 2008 08:22 am
Thomas wrote:
sozobe wrote:
He didn't say he has more foreign policy experience, though.

Sozobe is right. His claim is that he knows more and understands the world better. This claim, in my honest if possibly mistaken opinion, is supported by the positions he has taken about the war in Iraq (he opposed it), Bush's saber-rattling towards Iran, (ditto), and his readiness to talk to any country in the world without preconditions (which is standard diplomatic practice almost everywhere in the world -- except in Washington during campaign season).

Then using the same standard that Obama is using, I knoe more and understand the world better then he does.
After all, I have been to 32 different countries in my life, and talked to and visited more people in those countries then he has.
Does that mean I am better suited to run the country and to make the foreign policy decisions then he is?

Using his own standards, yes it does.
0 Replies
Tue 8 Apr, 2008 08:24 am
mysteryman wrote:
Does that mean I am better suited to run the country and to make the foreign policy decisions then he is?

If the rest of your qualifications are equal to Obama's -- why not?
0 Replies
real life
Tue 8 Apr, 2008 08:35 am
Finn dAbuzz wrote:
maporsche wrote:
Butrflynet wrote:

April 7, 2008, 11:05 AM
Ex-Clinton Staffer Launches Unity Ticket Petition
Posted by Vaughn Ververs|

A former aide to Hillary Clinton's initial campaign manager Patti Solis Doyle has launched a drive to gather signatures calling for a Democratic ticket featuring both Clinton and Barack Obama, reports CBS News chief political consultant Marc Ambinder. The online petition, called "Vote Both," carries a simple message: "We the undersigned call upon the members of the Democratic National Committee to support a unity ticket with both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama."

The creator of the petition is Adam Parkhomenko, a longtime aide to Doyle before she left the campaign earlier this year. Parkhomenko left the Clinton campaign three weeks ago. Read Ambinder's full report here.

Be sure to read the Ambinder story linked in the above article. It has a different twist to the "unity" message.

A unity ticket would be the only thing that would get me to vote Obama.

I wonder if there are many more who think the same way I do?

I guess this year anything can happen, but I would be mighty surprised if a so-called "unity ticket" materialized --- unless of course Hillary is willing to accept the VP spot and still has that Bulgarian assassin who took care of that little problem with Vince Foster on a retainer.

Hilly could still get the nod if the associations of Barack with Bill Ayers start to generate discussion.

The crazy uncles in Obama's attic
Will the black nationalists and white lefties who pushed Obama up the political ladder in Chicago prove to be a liability to his White House run?

By Edward McClelland

..................................................Obama began teaching constitutional law at U. of C. in 1993. When he decided to run for state Senate, in 1995, his district encompassed Hyde Park, as well as the weary black neighborhoods to the west, with threadbare street corners that might hold a liquor store, or a chicken shack. (It did not include Trinity United.) One of his first campaign events was at the home of Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn. Ayers and Dohrn were the '60s most glamorous radical couple: the Bonnie and Clyde of the Weather Underground, they spent 11 years underground after an accidental bombing that destroyed a Greenwich Village townhouse, killing three of their comrades. Ayers came from an upper-class background -- his father was CEO of Commonwealth Edison -- so when he came in from the cold, he didn't do prison time, the way some biker toolbox bomber would have. Instead, he became a professor of education at the University of Illinois-Chicago, and a fixture in Hyde Park liberal circles. The outgoing state senator, Alice Palmer, introduced Obama to local activists at the home of Ayers and Dohrn. Obama later served with Ayers on the board of the Woods Fund, which supports projects in poor Chicago communities. Ayers is also a member of Public Square, which organizes events that combine arts with social justice.

"Bill and Bernardine are respected members of the community," says a friend of the couple. "He's extremely involved in education policy nationally."

Another acquaintance, though, calls him a "narcissist," because he promoted his memoir "Fugitive Days" by saying, "I don't regret setting bombs. I feel we didn't do enough." Ayers posed for Chicago magazine with an American flag wadded at his feet..............................................

No Regrets for a Love Of Explosives; In a Memoir of Sorts, a War Protester Talks of Life With the Weathermen

''I don't regret setting bombs,'' Bill Ayers said. ''I feel we didn't do enough.'' Mr. Ayers, who spent the 1970's as a fugitive in the Weather Underground, was sitting in the kitchen of his big turn-of-the-19th-century stone house in the Hyde Park district of Chicago. The long curly locks in his Wanted poster are shorn, though he wears earrings. He still has tattooed on his neck the rainbow-and-lightning Weathermen logo that appeared on letters taking responsibility for bombings. And he still has the ebullient, ingratiating manner, the apparently intense interest in other people, that made him a charismatic figure in the radical student movement.

Now he has written a book, ''Fugitive Days'' (Beacon Press, September). Mr. Ayers, who is 56, calls it a memoir, somewhat coyly perhaps, since he also says some of it is fiction. He writes that he participated in the bombings of New York City Police Headquarters in 1970, of the Capitol building in 1971, the Pentagon in 1972. But Mr. Ayers also seems to want to have it both ways, taking responsibility for daring acts in his youth, then deflecting it.

''Is this, then, the truth?,'' he writes. ''Not exactly. Although it feels entirely honest to me.''

But why would someone want to read a memoir parts of which are admittedly not true? Mr. Ayers was asked.

''Obviously, the point is it's a reflection on memory,'' he answered. ''It's true as I remember it.''

Mr. Ayers is probably safe from prosecution anyway. A spokeswoman for the Justice Department said there was a five-year statute of limitations on Federal crimes except in cases of murder or when a person has been indicted.

Mr. Ayers, who in 1970 was said to have summed up the Weatherman philosophy as: ''Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, kill your parents, that's where it's really at,'' is today distinguished professor of education at the University of Illinois at Chicago. And he says he doesn't actually remember suggesting that rich people be killed or that people kill their parents, but ''it's been quoted so many times I'm beginning to think I did,'' he said. ''It was a joke about the distribution of wealth.''

He went underground in 1970, after his girlfriend, Diana Oughton, and two other people were killed when bombs they were making exploded in a Greenwich Village town house. With him in the Weather Underground was Bernardine Dohrn, who was put on the F.B.I.'s 10 Most Wanted List. J. Edgar Hoover called her ''the most dangerous woman in America'' and ''la Pasionara of the Lunatic Left.'' Mr. Ayers and Ms. Dohrn later married.

In his book Mr. Ayers describes the Weathermen descending into a ''whirlpool of violence.''

''Everything was absolutely ideal on the day I bombed the Pentagon,'' he writes. But then comes a disclaimer: ''Even though I didn't actually bomb the Pentagon -- we bombed it, in the sense that Weathermen organized it and claimed it.''........................
0 Replies
Tue 8 Apr, 2008 08:49 am
Obama supporters proclaim
That Clinton must quit, hurling blame,
Shrieking "Stop this damn fray!"
Dems love fighters, they say.
But not if the fighter's a dame.
0 Replies
Tue 8 Apr, 2008 09:01 am
BumbleBeeBoogie wrote:
Obama supporters proclaim
That Clinton must quit, hurling blame,
Shrieking "Stop this damn fray!"
Dems love fighters, they say.
But not if the fighter's a dame.

Perhaps it is simply that in the end we (dems) must marshall our energies into the general election rather than in-fighting. It is better to have a clear winner sooner rather than later. Right now Obama is winning; I believe it is almost impossible for Hillary to get enough delegates for her to win; she should step down for the good of the democratic party. If she had a chance then she should stay in; but she don't.
0 Replies
Tue 8 Apr, 2008 09:05 am
Still ROTFLMAO about real life drinking the right-wing Ayers kool-aid.
0 Replies
Tue 8 Apr, 2008 09:25 am
BumbleBeeBoogie wrote:
Dems love fighters, they say.
But not if the fighter's a dame.

Yeah, thats it. The reason why a lot of Dems dont like to see how Hillary is fighting on another day is not that, say, the math leaves her hardly any chance of winning anymore and she is effectively just attacking and harming the party's general elections nominee. It's not, say, that she was a war hawk who got the most important decision in her life wrong - and didnt even read the NIE intelligence document before doing so. It's not any of the unending shenanigans her campaign has been up to, or her transparent petty lies.

No -- it's because she's "a dame". That's it; that's the real or only reason they want her out. It's because they dont like a woman who fights.

Do you really even believe that, BBB?
0 Replies
Tue 8 Apr, 2008 09:26 am
That's such a male thing of you to say, nimh!
0 Replies
Tue 8 Apr, 2008 09:33 am
Re: Obama '08?
mysteryman wrote:
teenyboone wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
teenyboone wrote:
You Repugs, whose designated candidate, MCCain, a "born" racist, ...

Ah, that's right. He's a white man, so he was born racist.


Read whatever you wish! You do, anyway, Mr. one-way street, thinker! Thanks for reading MY mind! Cool

I have finally figured out what teeny's problem is.
She just cant stand to have conservatives on here.
She doesnt think that conservatives actually belong on this site...

We tend to be left of center, some far left, some moderate, all with differing points of view. If you're conservative, this is NOT the forum for you

Those are her own words, and she cant stand the fact that there are conservatives on A2K.

You call yourself one, but don't even KNOW what a REAL conservative IS!
It might interest you to know, that my best friends are conservatives. They are Black and White, so color has nothing to do with conservatism.
The few in this forum calling or labeling themselves conservatives, aren't!

FYI, I'm reading an old paperback written by a conservative, called "None Dare Call It Treason", how liberals and conservative administrations, SAY one thing but PRACTICE another! The old Bait and Switch mechanism used by ALL politicians, so called liberals and so-called conservatives.

They and you call themselves conservatives, to appeal to a certain group of voters. That's all! I'm conservative on some issues, liberal on others and non-committal on some, for lack of understanding.

Let's be clear, I was all in Hillary's camp, until she played the race card. I am in no political camp, but, the ganging up on a black cleric, who tells the truth about racism in America, is okay, by me!

Jesus drove the moneychangers out of the Temple! He knew how to separate Church from State and for that, He was crucified! When Rev. Wright said "God-Damn America", he was referring to an America that let 80% of a City drown! See Katrina! Who did the government think dominated New Orleans? Black People!

When a country's mantra is to condemn Communism, so be it, but don't secretly send them arms, food and money, like the US sent to Russia, during the Cold War! We're doing the SAME thing in Iraq! Their oil was supposed to pay for the war. Instead the US CLAIMS, it doesn't know where the money IS! Is THAT, being Conservative? Hell, no! Is losing 4000 American lives Conservative? I can't print the answer.

The book, None Dare Call it Treason, deals with ALL of the Administrations from Roosevelt up to LBJ, that LIED to ALL of us, keep us at each other's throats, use racism to have us against each other, while they use our tax dollars to enrich themselves; see Bush & Cheney for an example, but it didn't begin with them!

Instead of Americans of all parties uniting, to get the "crooks" OUT of our government, jail those in the State Department, for using the US, as a "slush" fund, for the already rich, we sit in these forums and trash each other, while the REAL culprits sit in the highest seats in office.

The book is by John A. Stormer, a staunch Conservative, written in 1964, by Liberty Bell Press. It cost $.75, when published, is probably out of print, but a damned good read!

You need not worry about what Teeny's problem is and wake up and start asking your legislators, what the hell is happening in THIS country! It's your right to know! It's YOUR tax dollars being eaten up, in the false name of Democracy. Obama, Clinton and McCain ALL be damned, if they don't start "fixing" this country for ALL of us to live the way our forefathers, promised us! If this is indeed YOUR country, ask any one of them! I dare you! Twisted Evil
0 Replies
Tue 8 Apr, 2008 09:46 am
Are you off of your meds again?

I have read the book,several times.
It is a good book, I dont deny that, and it raises several good points.
For you to assume that I havent read it wrong.

As for me not knowing what a "real conservative" is, I know what my political philosophy is.
If you are asking me if I think the current admin is conservative, the answer is NO I dont.
If you are asking me to define what a true conservative is, I would be happy to give you my definition.
Of course, it would be different from yours, and yours would be different then someone elses.

I will be the first to admit that on some issues, I am slightly to the right of Attila the Hun, but on other issues I am slightly left of Ted Kennedy.
So, maybe I dont fit your ideas of what a conservative is, but thats ok, I'm not here to fit your mold.

BTW, why are you getting so upset when I used your own words?

And as for the fact that your best friends are conservatives, what does that have to do with anything?
Is that like saying "some of my best friends are ???"

And where in my post did I ever mention color or race haveing anything to do with being a conservative?
You added that part on your own.
0 Replies
Tue 8 Apr, 2008 09:46 am
mysteryman wrote:
Obama stuck his foot in his mouth last night.

According to the Huffpost, at a fundraiser in San Francisco, he claimed

Ironically, this is an area--foreign policy is the area where I am probably most confident that I know more and understand the world better than Senator Clinton or Senator McCain."

How is this possible?
He has NEVER had a single meeting of the subcommittee he chairs, yet now he wants to claim he knows more about foreign affairs?
He is gonna catch hell from Hillary for that statement, and in this case it is deserved.

The whole story is here...

Not only that, MM, I heard he has never or almost never traveled to Europe in recent years, except maybe to London, and he is supposedly involved with European affairs on this committee. This is actually quite unbelievable for a so-called presidential candidate.
0 Replies
Tue 8 Apr, 2008 09:49 am
nimh wrote:
BumbleBeeBoogie wrote:
Dems love fighters, they say.
But not if the fighter's a dame.

Yeah, thats it. The reason why a lot of Dems dont like to see how Hillary is fighting on another day is not that, say, the math leaves her hardly any chance of winning anymore and she is effectively just attacking and harming the party's general elections nominee. It's not, say, that she was a war hawk who got the most important decision in her life wrong - and didnt even read the NIE intelligence document before doing so. It's not any of the unending shenanigans her campaign has been up to, or her transparent petty lies.

No -- it's because she's "a dame". That's it; that's the real or only reason they want her out. It's because they dont like a woman who fights.

Do you really even believe that, BBB?

Dismissing the fact, that she's a woman, with the money she has, she needs BETTER advisors! She needs people in her camp, that check FACTS, first! They give her BAD advice, sabotage her and make her look foolish, when she repeatedly reports FALSE stories. I always considered her the "brains" of the Clinton Duo. Get that husband of hers OFF the campaign trail, because when he opens his mouth, he inserts both feet!

Back check every statement she utters, to make sure she's on point and has her facts straight. As much as I admired Geraldine Ferraro, she's a "closet" bigot and needs diversity training. She's an old-line Italian New Yorker, that are famous for their bigotry against Blacks and forgets, that Slavery was as prevalent in New York, as it was in Mississippi. It's the North's way of "selective amnesia". Why else is there an African Buriel Ground in lower Manhatten? Wall St, so named to keep Blacks of that era, out of a certain area in Manhatten Island.

Her people immigrated here and she's probably the 2nd or 3rd generation, like Guiliani, originally poor and the generalization, that they are ALL part of the Mafia. The Italians, I grew up with in the South are nothing like the ones here in the NY/NJ area. They were warm, caring and Catholic, like me. Imagine my shock, that they hate and revile Blacks, here! The few, I've befriended here, told me so!

Hillary, if she makes it, has my vote, but I doubt it. Cool
0 Replies
Tue 8 Apr, 2008 09:51 am
BumbleBeeBoogie wrote:
Obama supporters proclaim
That Clinton must quit, hurling blame,
Shrieking "Stop this damn fray!"
Dems love fighters, they say.
But not if the fighter's a dame.

Are you adopting the poetry from Ramafuchs, BBB? Nice little rhyme.
0 Replies
Tue 8 Apr, 2008 10:29 am
mysteryman wrote:
Are you off of your meds again?

I have read the book,several times.
It is a good book, I dont deny that, and it raises several good points.
For you to assume that I havent read it wrong.

As for me not knowing what a "real conservative" is, I know what my political philosophy is.
If you are asking me if I think the current admin is conservative, the answer is NO I dont.
If you are asking me to define what a true conservative is, I would be happy to give you my definition.
Of course, it would be different from yours, and yours would be different then someone elses.

I will be the first to admit that on some issues, I am slightly to the right of Attila the Hun, but on other issues I am slightly left of Ted Kennedy.
So, maybe I dont fit your ideas of what a conservative is, but thats ok, I'm not here to fit your mold.

BTW, why are you getting so upset when I used your own words?

And as for the fact that your best friends are conservatives, what does that have to do with anything?
Is that like saying "some of my best friends are ???"

And where in my post did I ever mention color or race haveing anything to do with being a conservative?
You added that part on your own.

You need the meds, not me! I assume NOTHING! Assume, makes an ASS out of U and ME! I'm glad to know that you have read the book! Just in the few pages, I've read, are some astounding facts, I knew NOTHING about! What a country! Democrats are always being accused of taxing and spending, when nothing could be further from the REAL truth!

Democrats spend, when the country is in dire NEEd of it, as in Social Security, Medicare, which was added in 1965 and so on. Spending so the vulnerable, which are our Senior Citizens, get the BENEFITS, they sorely need! You can't educate a population, on an empty stomach, so the Education Dept. added Breakfast and lunch to Federally funded programs.
Are you against feeding children?

Who are the Majority in this country? Whites, right? Whatever benefits whites, should benefit ALL native Americans, do you agree, or is this a "for whites only" country?

As soon as another race gets a benefit, whites start screaming unfair, while they're getting it all along! Does not my taxes match yours, if we are making the same wages? Shouldn't I pay my fair share and if so, shouldn't I reap the benefit also, if I NEED it? :wink:
0 Replies
Tue 8 Apr, 2008 10:39 am
Who are the Majority in this country? Whites, right? Whatever benefits whites, should benefit ALL native Americans, do you agree, or is this a "for whites only" country?

You are the only person even suggesting that this is a "for whites only" country.

Since you said "ALL native Americans", are you suggesting that those not born in the US should not get the benefits that everyone else is entitled to?
Thats a bit xenophobic on your part, isnt it?
0 Replies
Tue 8 Apr, 2008 10:41 am
teenyboone wrote:
Who are the Majority in this country? Whites, right? Whatever benefits whites, should benefit ALL native Americans, do you agree, or is this a "for whites only" country?

As soon as another race gets a benefit, whites start screaming unfair, while they're getting it all along! Does not my taxes match yours, if we are making the same wages? Shouldn't I pay my fair share and if so, shouldn't I reap the benefit also, if I NEED it? :wink:

Could you clarify what you are referring to here? Is there a 'white-only' social program out there that I'm not aware of?
0 Replies

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