Mon 31 Mar, 2008 08:00 am
mysteryman wrote:
As far as the POW, which is true, he crashed 4 planes, leading to his capture and don't know if it's true, sold out other POW's for better treatment. Don't quote me, just reading what's on the net.

And of course, since its on the net, it must be true.

Why dont you read what the men that were in the Hanoi Hilton with him have said.

Read a book titled "POW, AN American experience in Vietnam".
Read what Lt Everett Alvarez (the first American piolt captured by the NVA) said about McCains actions.

Those that claim that he sold out have absolutely no idea what he and the other prisoners went thru, so to claim he "sold out" is a cheap attack on a man that survived what would have killed most of us.

I'm not claiming anything, but like the Rev. Wright scam, being run, these videos speak for themselves. When Obama was born, 1961, graduated High school, 1979, the draft was over! Viet Nam ended in 1975, when the Army "cut and run", under Gerald Ford! Rev. Wright was speaking from an historical perspective on the treatment of Blacks, whites and others, exploited by the system.

McCain is being trashed by other POW"s! There's a difference. Congressional hearings were held and you can conclude from the video's presented what you want.

Rev. Wright's speeches, were ALL edited to run his negative comments together, rather than as an emphasis to a point, so blame Obama for being Black, but don't blame him for the rhetoric of another!
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Mon 31 Mar, 2008 08:42 am
teenyboone wrote:
mysteryman wrote:
As far as the POW, which is true, he crashed 4 planes, leading to his capture and don't know if it's true, sold out other POW's for better treatment. Don't quote me, just reading what's on the net.

And of course, since its on the net, it must be true.

Why dont you read what the men that were in the Hanoi Hilton with him have said.

Read a book titled "POW, AN American experience in Vietnam".
Read what Lt Everett Alvarez (the first American piolt captured by the NVA) said about McCains actions.

Those that claim that he sold out have absolutely no idea what he and the other prisoners went thru, so to claim he "sold out" is a cheap attack on a man that survived what would have killed most of us.

I'm not claiming anything, but like the Rev. Wright scam, being run, these videos speak for themselves. When Obama was born, 1961, graduated High school, 1979, the draft was over! Viet Nam ended in 1975, when the Army "cut and run", under Gerald Ford! Rev. Wright was speaking from an historical perspective on the treatment of Blacks, whites and others, exploited by the system.

Actually, it was Nixon that ordered the US out of Vietnam.
He resigned before we had totally left.
Read your history, Ford didnt start the pullout, he was just President when it ended.

McCain is being trashed by other POW"s! There's a difference. Congressional hearings were held and you can conclude from the video's presented what you want.

Can you provide evidence that he is being trashed by other POW's?
And did those other prisoners serve in the Hanoi Hilton with him?

Rev. Wright's speeches, were ALL edited to run his negative comments together, rather than as an emphasis to a point, so blame Obama for being Black, but don't blame him for the rhetoric of another!

You are either totally ignorant, or just trying to stir up s@#t.
How can anyone be blamed for their skin color?
How can you possibly make that stupid a comment, and then expect to be taken seriously?
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Mon 31 Mar, 2008 08:58 am
Can You Read?

When Obama was born, 1961, graduated High school, 1979, the draft was over! Viet Nam ended in 1975, when the Army "cut and run", under Gerald Ford!

Like I said:
Ford didnt start the pullout, he was just President when it ended

McCain is being trashed by other POW"s! Congressional hearings were held and you can conclude from the video's presented what you want.

Since you edit out the links I provide, call me names, take my words out of context, once more:


Very damaging, indeed! :wink:
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Mon 31 Mar, 2008 08:59 am
As I am one who does not see the Jeremiah Wright flap as inconsequential and who thinks it will likely be an issue after the Democratic nominee is decided, Obama is definitely benefitting from Hillary's "Bosnia under fire" experience. Smile


If I was reeeeee aaaaallly cynical, I could think that Hillary has already seen the handwriting on the wall and has cut a deal with Obama--this would be reinforced if she is in fact his Veep pick. If you're into conspiracy theories, and that is the game plan, then Hillary's idiotic duck and cover Bosnia story was specifically manufactured to get Jeremiah Wright off the front pages.

And that could be why Obama so magnamimously stated that Hillary should stay in the race when others were telling her to hang it up. She is far more convenient to him as a non threat but who is drawing off the negative media attention.

Okay this is really speculative but it's America and it's campaign season.
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Mon 31 Mar, 2008 09:09 am
teenyboone wrote:
McCain is being trashed by other POW"s!

Ah, McCain is being "swift boated," then?
0 Replies
Mon 31 Mar, 2008 09:13 am
Obama's long and inimate relationship with the racial bigot, Rev. Wright and his Black Theology church, isn't a scam, and it isn't going to go away. I strongly believe that American voters will overwhelmingly reject any candidate with a long association with an organization that preaches racial divisiveness, and hatred for the United States. Die-hard Obama supporters can squirm and spin all they wish, but Obama made a major political blunder by not totally severing his relationship with Rev. Wright more than a decade ago. He didn't and that relationship will be one of the many issues used against him for the duration of this political season.

The Army didn't "cut and run" from Vietnam. The U.S. departure from Vietnam was a political decision forced by the protest movement of the time. Pacifists and Leftists began protesting Vietnam early on, though Civil Rights Protests and marches tended to receive more attention at first. As the LBJ administration began to rack-up major legislative victories in the field of Civil Rights, the emphasis shifted to the world's first television war.

All of the horrors of armed combat were suddenly in American living rooms during the dinner hour. Time, distance and censorship no longer "protected" the folks at home from destruction, wounds and sudden death. The Protest Movement was already experienced from the Civil Rights struggle, and the numbers of well-organized protestors rose dramatically. That was also in the news every evening. The North Vietnamese conducted a pretty effective propaganda campaign aimed at the "hearts and minds" of Americans Celebrities like Hanoi Jane went to North Vietnam and contributed to the enemies propaganda efforts.

Like the current imbroglio, Vietnam wasn't a military campaign that could simply and easily be communicated to the public. Vietnam was one of many confrontations of the Cold War between clients out on the periphery. The Soviet Union and the U.S. were eyeball to eyeball across the Fulda Gap. One miscalculation might have resulted in a nuclear war waged in Europe, mostly in Germany. To avoid that madness, the two giants supported clients in out of the way places where the risks of MAD were more acceptable. The first confrontation was on the Korean Peninsula, and that "war" continues to this day. India was a Soviet client and received major military assistance (including nuclear), and the U.S. had Pakistan as a client.

What are called Islamic States today were then deeply infiltrated by Soviet backed guerrilla groups. The "Arabs" have an uncanny knack for choosing the wrong side. In WWI they backed the Germans and fell under the sway of France and Britain. In WWII they backed the Axis, and lost Palestine to the U.N. created Israel. They decided to exterminate the new Jewish State, and were soundly whipped... repeatedly. When the Soviet Union folded, the Radical Islamic Movement was suddenly free to pursue their own agenda of returning the world to the 7th century. I know this last para is a digression, but I think some may be interested in being reminded.

Trying to sully John McCain's reputation as a military hero is about like asserting that the U.S. intentionally invented and promoted A.I.D.s as a genocidal policy against Blacks. McCain had many opportunities to duck going in Harm's Way, and chose to fly dangerous missions instead. McCain didn't hide out in the National Guard, or take a cushy job on his Daddy's staff. He flew real missions, and was shot down while carrying out a mission that others might have abandoned. The very real torture and mistreatment of John McCain didn't make him a hero. Under the sort of torture that our POWs endured during those years everyone "broke" to some extent. John McCain's "confession" was so blatanly coerced that it was unusable as propaganda by the enemy in Vietnam, or back in the U.S. of A. John McCain attempted suicide rather than "break", but that failed not for lack of trying. John McCain was singled out for more intense torture than most POWs, because of his father's Theater and Naval command. He will carry those injuries to his grave, and suffers everyday from them. John McCain was offered early release, but turned it down unless all of the POWs captured before him were simultaneously released. That guaranteed more years of physical torture. He was the POW leader, and his efforts and example inspired and helped many to survive.

To even suggest that John McCain's military service was anything but heroic, is a shameful slander. You may dislike the man for his willingness to take stands in opposition to his political Party, but you should never, ever question his loyalty to the United States. You may believe that the policies that he favors for fighting Radical Islam are flawed, but don't for a moment suggest that John McCain doesn't understand the pain of war more deeply than most. You may think his understanding of the economy is weak, but he already recognizes that and has the courage to say it publicly. Search John McCain's background, his long record, and you will find a courageous man dedicated to principles, yet open to compromise and working with the opposition to achieve real results. What you won't find, is a twenty year long record of consorting with racial bigots.

For you to continually assert that Obama shouldn't be condemned, or even questioned about his relationship with Rev. Wright is self-delusion. What would your response be if a white candidate for the Presidency was revealed to have a twenty year long intimate relationship with a KKK leader whose speeches were slurs on Black people in general. Would you still defend the candidate who regularly attended KKK meetings, just because he never made a public speech on their behalf? C'mon.
0 Replies
Mon 31 Mar, 2008 09:15 am
Ticomaya wrote:
teenyboone wrote:
McCain is being trashed by other POW"s!

Ah, McCain is being "swift boated," then?

No more than Kerry! Seems it's not enough that you serve, be captured, etc.
I don't know where this is coming from and I don't like it from either side.
Same thing happened to Gore.
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Mon 31 Mar, 2008 09:18 am
Asherman wrote:
ic speech on their behalf? C'mon.

You're not worthy of a reply, with your race-baiting!
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Mon 31 Mar, 2008 09:33 am
So far Teeny, your posts are the most racially bigoted I've seen here.

I've written nothing that any reasonable person would consider racist. Would it be "race-baiting" to question the suitability of a White Presidential candidate, if it was revealed that he/she had a 20 year close relationship with a KKK leader, and regularly attended KKK meetings? Would you defend that candidate on the basis that he/she never made a public speech containing racial slurs?

You're just backing a candidate with some heavy baggage, and he will be called on it repeatedly over the coming months. If you want to run him in the general election, that's your choice as a Democrat. However if I were a Democrat, I think I might prefer a Black candidate with the credentials, reputation and character of someone like Collin Powell, over a young man tainted by long association with racists and virtually no record or experience.

Bring him on, and we'll see if American voters prefer your candidate over a moderate Republican with a well-earned reputation for high principles and courage.

BTW, Kerry's military record was shown to be inflated. He may have been an exemplar in the is attention to duty, but he chased after medals and received them for questionable actions.
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Mon 31 Mar, 2008 09:42 am
Calling on something "repeatedly" after a while losses it affect.

Also to keep bringing up his Vietnam experiences while I personally honor; also has the chance of seeming like Guiliani repeated use of his 9/11 experience.

Moreover; McCain has turned too far to the right and right into Bush who has low approval ratings; this can and will be used against him by who ever wins and Obama has a way with his speeches. In a debate between the two; I can't see Obama coming off the loser.
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Mon 31 Mar, 2008 09:56 am
teenyboone wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
teenyboone wrote:
McCain is being trashed by other POW"s!

Ah, McCain is being "swift boated," then?

No more than Kerry! Seems it's not enough that you serve, be captured, etc.
I don't know where this is coming from and I don't like it from either side.
Same thing happened to Gore.

You don't like it from either side? Well, that explains why you've gleefully mentioned it now in 3 or 4 posts. Rolling Eyes
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cicerone imposter
Mon 31 Mar, 2008 09:57 am
revel wrote:
According to Gallop Poll 28% of Hillary supporters say they would vote for McCain if Hillary does not win and 19% of Obama supporters say the same.

If McCain vs. Obama, 28% of Clinton Backers Go for McCain


However this was before both Obama and Hillary spoke out about this.

Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama told Democrats to take a deep breath yesterday and stop worry. The two rivals for the Democratic presidential nomination told their supporters that "they may bicker daily over issues, character and innuendo" but they both believe that "Democratic voters will coalesce around a nominee and carry him or her to victory in November over Republican John McCain."

The Associated Press reports that both candidates addressed the issue after a series of polls showed that the intensity of their struggle was affecting their supporters. Many told pollsters that they would rather vote for McCain than for the other Democrat.

"Please think through this decision. It is not a wise decision," Clinton said to applause from a crowd in Fayetteville, North Carolina. "Every time we have a vigorous contest like we're having this primary election, people get intense. Senator Obama has intense support. I have intense support. It's exciting because people want to be involved. But, the differences ... pale in comparison to the differences between us and Senator McCain."

Clinton pledged to be a "team player," regardless of who won the nomination, saying she would help to make sure the party was united

Meanwhile, Obama was making a similar point during an interview on ABC's "World News."

"There are going to be some bruised feelings, whoever the nominee is. We are going to have to come together and remind ourselves that there is a heck of a lot bigger difference between either Senator Clinton or myself, and John McCain," Obama said. "I think short term, there is going to be work to do for the nominee to bring the party back together again. People feel pretty passionate about their respective candidates. I appreciate that, and I understand it."


What is interesting about how some democrats will vote in the event Obama or Hillary wins, but it does't show how many republicans will be voting for the democratic candidate. It seems one-sided to me; most Americans including republicans are looking to vote for either Obama or Hillary over McCain. What's that number?
0 Replies
Mon 31 Mar, 2008 10:05 am
So far McCain has a lead over Obama and Clinton though less of a lead over Obama which suggest to me that the Wright thing did not have as much an impact as I thought it would because if it did; Clinton would have less of gap behind McCain than Obama.


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cicerone imposter
Mon 31 Mar, 2008 10:07 am
revel wrote:
So far McCain has a lead over Obama and Clinton though less of a lead over Obama which suggest to me that the Wright thing did not have as much an impact as I thought it would because if it did; Clinton would have less of gap behind McCain than Obama.



revel, That's what I've been saying all along; the Wright issue hasn't impacted any voter, but some on these threads make it a bigger issue than the reality. They should get a life; they're wasting everybody's time trying to make a mountain out of nothing.
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Mon 31 Mar, 2008 10:08 am
It's fear that drives those attacks, compadres; they fear him, and will latch on to anything they feel can defeat him.

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Mon 31 Mar, 2008 10:10 am
Like I said before, the people who really care about the Wright nonsense weren't going to vote for him anyway.
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Mon 31 Mar, 2008 10:10 am
Bring him on!
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Mon 31 Mar, 2008 10:15 am
Asherman wrote:
Bring him on!

It looks as if you will get your wish. I doubt you will enjoy it once you do, however.

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Mon 31 Mar, 2008 10:25 am
FreeDuck wrote:
Like I said before, the people who really care about the Wright nonsense weren't going to vote for him anyway.

It is true that some like Obama more than will care about the Jeremiah Wright 'nonsense' or will convince themselves that it doesn't matter. True Obama devotees seems to consistently put themselves into that demographic.

I don't think it is true that there are not some who do care about the Jeremiah Wright and who are now viewing Obama differently than they did before. I do believe Jeremiah Wright has cost Obama in both favorability ratings and votes.

It is true that I was not planning to vote for either Obama or Clinton as both lean far too left for me. But I am also a realist who knows that there is a good chance that the Democratic nominee will win in November. Prior to the Jeremiah Wright bruhaha, I leaned pretty strongly Obama as the choice to be that candidate.

But not because of Jeremiah Wright specifically, but the way Obama has handled that, has convinced me that Hillary, as dishonest and lacking in conviction as she is, would be the least dangerous of the two. So emotionally and practically, I am now pulling for her.

And that I think will be the lingering legacy of Obama and Jeremiah Wright.
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Mon 31 Mar, 2008 10:27 am
What, that it allows people to expose their deeply hidden fears of a black president?

That's what you mean, at the end of the day. Otherwise, I challenge you or anyone else to explain how Obama's association with Wright affects his ability to govern at all.

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