Sat 29 Mar, 2008 06:58 am
teenyboone wrote:

Ask you mom and dad! I don't blame everyone and just because you didn't say it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. What a lame excuse!

I, as a free individual (like you), cannot be held reponsible for sins of my parents, forefathers, or ancestors.

And you did blame everyone, at least 'white people'.

YOU are a BIGOT teeny.

Here's the dictionary definition of bigot for you.

ig·ot (bĭg'ət) Pronunciation Key
n. One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.
0 Replies
Sat 29 Mar, 2008 06:59 am
maporsche wrote:
teenyboone wrote:

I guess it takes one to know one, huh? You never learn, because you don't use a dictionary. Please look the word up. A racist is a person or group, that discriminates against a person or group, for no apparent reason, than prejudice taught by whites to other whites.

Here is the correct dictionary definition.


rac·ism /ˈreɪsɪzəm/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[rey-siz-uhm] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
-noun 1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

Racism yes, racist? No! See definition above and in another post, where wiki, gave the definition! Study Black history, then study American History, where Blacks are vaugely mentioned, in maybe 2 sentences, because this country can't face its' sordid past!
0 Replies
Sat 29 Mar, 2008 07:02 am
teenyboone wrote:
Study Black history, then study American History, where Blacks are vaugely mentioned, in maybe 2 sentences, because this country can't face its' sordid past!

I learned quite a bit about black history and the civil rights movement in high school. In my college classes there was quite a bit more.

I think you're still living in the 60's teeny.
0 Replies
Sat 29 Mar, 2008 07:03 am
teenyboone wrote:
mysteryman wrote:
Can I join your church, club, organizations, schools, etc, without one of you questioning, what do I want?

Absolutely you can.
If you want, I will personally recommend you for membership on our fire dept.
We are always looking for good people.
You are also welcome to joing my local american Legion post (but you do have to be a veteran).

Unbelievable! You, a Legionnaire? When and where did you serve, because my husband is the DEC, here!

USN 1978-2003
Desert Storm

And 6 months TAD to Camp David.
0 Replies
Sat 29 Mar, 2008 07:34 am

Here's the dictionary definition of bigot for you.

ig·ot (bĭg'ət) Pronunciation Key
n. One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.

And, you're NOT, right? Re-read the definition. You're not partial to your own group? When a job comes up for grabs and the supervisor is white, does it not go to a white person, even if they are LESS qualified than you?
I AM partial to my OWN race, just as YOU are! People tend to be "tribal"! If it looks like me, talks like me, acts like me, etc.
My only intolerance is for people like you, who ignore the obvious.

1. that racism and racists still exist and it is systemic in the majority/white and is also historical in nature. Re-read; historic and systemic.
Is your neighborhood, bi-racial? Church/synagogue? Look around, then tell me you live in a totally bi-racial atmosphere.

2. while great racial strides have been achieved, they only came about through protests, boycotts, and only after white police beat and imprisoned Blacks, because they took to the street!

3. That assassinations were carried out in 1963, 1965, 1967 and 1968 of John F. Kennedy, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King and Robert F. Kennedy.
the Bloody 60's.

Since you are only 28, all of these incidents are history to you, reality for me. My formative years are sprinkled with these incidents, now history. All carried out against people of color and people of conscience; whites/Jews and hispanics. You have NOT lived my experience and I CAN'T move on until the 2 million incarcerated Blacks are free!

You claim to have nothing to do with the Civil Rights movement, yet, you do nothing to ensure that a class or race of people not return to the "bad old days", of the fire hose and the bull-whip, the lynchings and the rapes.

Until you study your history, you are doomed to repeat it and beat your breasts, lamenting "not guilty"! In 1956, the United States sent the first "advisors" to Viet Nam, because the French, had had it, with trying to colonize these Asian people. The US, goes into a country they haven't been invited into and commence to bombing the bejesus out of people who didn't attack us! Sound familiar?

Fast forward to 2001, tie in 9-11, to Afghanistan and Iraq, instead of the United Arab Emirates, who actually attacked New York, the Pentagon and Pennsylvania. The Congress gave the President their authority to carry out atrocities in our name. Torture, Abu Graib and Gitmo, while professing to not torture, while it is apparent by the photographs released, that torture is indeed going on!

Be careful for what you excuse yourself for not being and what you are, really!

Baghdad, one of the oldest cities in antiquity, bombed and looted to smithereens! Just read the old testament and read how your leaders, want to start their "holy war", using fundamentalists christian doctrine, why Israel, is being supplied oil, while Americans suffer needlessly. You need to read and stop calling me names, before they come for you! Rolling Eyes Sad
0 Replies
Sat 29 Mar, 2008 07:42 am
You have NOT lived my experience and I CAN'T move on until the 2 million incarcerated Blacks are free!

You want every black person in prison or jail in this country to be released, is that what you are saying??

I hope not, because that would be tragic for the black community.
While I will be the first to admit that some of them are most likely innocent, to release all of them would be wrong.
You would have some of the most violent offenders released simply because of their skin color?
You need to rethink that position.
0 Replies
Sat 29 Mar, 2008 07:49 am
maporsche wrote:
teenyboone wrote:
Study Black history, then study American History, where Blacks are vaugely mentioned, in maybe 2 sentences, because this country can't face its' sordid past!

I learned quite a bit about black history and the civil rights movement in high school. In my college classes there was quite a bit more.

I think you're still living in the 60's teeny.

No, I'm just making sure people like you, don't regress me into them, again! The jews say "never again" and I echo that sentiment, twice! Say that to a Jew and see what you get. They never forgot the holocaust, which occurred during WWII, a mere 60 years, so I should forget slavery? I'm making sure that if the Constitution is a living, breathing document, that it applies to ME, too! I'm making sure that when this country expects black men and women to serve her, that she is serving them, too!

When my father came home from Italy after WWII, he STILL had to sit in the back of the bus. I s that where you want ME to go? When my husband came home from Viet Nam, he was cursed at and spat upon! He was drafted! Did he run to Canada or get 5 deferments, like your Vice President? Did he go AWOL, like your President? No! He bit the bullet and served! It is only recent that Viet Nam Vets, are getting ANY recognition, because you have 2 deadbeats in the WH, that refused to serve! You have a regime that reviles the records of Viet nam veterans like John Kerry and Al Gore, while they sat back all comfy and dry, while others, fought in yet, another unjust war! I forgot, Bush and Cheney, wear flags in their lapels!

If you're so gung Ho, strap a uniform on and go serve your damn country! I'm from Missouri, show me! Show me what you got! Cool
0 Replies
Sat 29 Mar, 2008 07:57 am
teenyboone wrote:
maporsche wrote:
teenyboone wrote:
Study Black history, then study American History, where Blacks are vaugely mentioned, in maybe 2 sentences, because this country can't face its' sordid past!

I learned quite a bit about black history and the civil rights movement in high school. In my college classes there was quite a bit more.

I think you're still living in the 60's teeny.

No, I'm just making sure people like you, don't regress me into them, again! The jews say "never again" and I echo that sentiment, twice! Say that to a Jew and see what you get. They never forgot the holocaust, which occurred during WWII, a mere 60 years, so I should forget slavery? I'm making sure that if the Constitution is a living, breathing document, that it applies to ME, too! I'm making sure that when this country expects black men and women to serve her, that she is serving them, too!

When my father came home from Italy after WWII, he STILL had to sit in the back of the bus. I s that where you want ME to go? When my husband came home from Viet Nam, he was cursed at and spat upon! He was drafted! Did he run to Canada or get 5 deferments, like your Vice President? Did he go AWOL, like your President? No! He bit the bullet and served! It is only recent that Viet Nam Vets, are getting ANY recognition, because you have 2 deadbeats in the WH, that refused to serve! You have a regime that reviles the records of Viet nam veterans like John Kerry and Al Gore, while they sat back all comfy and dry, while others, fought in yet, another unjust war! I forgot, Bush and Cheney, wear flags in their lapels!

If you're so gung Ho, strap a uniform on and go serve your damn country! I'm from Missouri, show me! Show me what you got! Cool

I would never want to see us regress to where we were in the 60's.

Why would I want you to sit in the back of the bus? Why are you even asking ME these questions? Have I ever even implied that I consider my race superior to yours?

Your husband being spat upon had nothing to do with his race, all Vietnam vets were spat upon. You even mentioned two white vets (Kerry/Gore). I read somewhere that a large chunk of the homeless in this country are vets, many/most of them white vets.

I think you think that I'm a republican, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Bush/Cheney are NOT MY choices. I've never voted for a republican EVER.

I really don't think you know what you're talking about teeny. Your anger and bigotry are clouding your reasonable judgement.
0 Replies
Sat 29 Mar, 2008 07:59 am
teenyboone wrote:
maporsche wrote:
teenyboone wrote:
Study Black history, then study American History, where Blacks are vaugely mentioned, in maybe 2 sentences, because this country can't face its' sordid past!

I learned quite a bit about black history and the civil rights movement in high school. In my college classes there was quite a bit more.

I think you're still living in the 60's teeny.

No, I'm just making sure people like you, don't regress me into them, again! The jews say "never again" and I echo that sentiment, twice! Say that to a Jew and see what you get. They never forgot the holocaust, which occurred during WWII, a mere 60 years, so I should forget slavery? I'm making sure that if the Constitution is a living, breathing document, that it applies to ME, too! I'm making sure that when this country expects black men and women to serve her, that she is serving them, too!

When my father came home from Italy after WWII, he STILL had to sit in the back of the bus. I s that where you want ME to go?

Nobody is saying that, and you know it.

When my husband came home from Viet Nam, he was cursed at and spat upon!
That didnt just happen to him, it happened to white soldiers returning from Vietnam also.
Dont make that a racial issue when it isnt one.

He was drafted! Did he run to Canada or get 5 deferments, like your Vice President? Did he go AWOL, like your President? No! He bit the bullet and served! It is only recent that Viet Nam Vets, are getting ANY recognition, because you have 2 deadbeats in the WH, that refused to serve!
Cheney didnt serve, but Bush did.
You may not consider the NG as serving, but he was a NG fighter pilot.
You not liking him doesnt change that fact.
Tell me, what is Obama's military record?

You have a regime that reviles the records of Viet nam veterans like John Kerry and Al Gore, while they sat back all comfy and dry, while others, fought in yet, another unjust war! I forgot, Bush and Cheney, wear flags in their lapels!

Please show me one time where Bush or Cheney said anything bad about Kerry's or Gore's service.
It was other groups, not them.

If you're so gung Ho, strap a uniform on and go serve your damn country! I'm from Missouri, show me! Show me what you got! Cool

I wore a uniform for 25 years,and would go back to Iraq or Afghanistan today if I could.
Does that count, or are you just spouting nonsense?
0 Replies
Sat 29 Mar, 2008 07:59 am
mysteryman wrote:
You have NOT lived my experience and I CAN'T move on until the 2 million incarcerated Blacks are free!

You want every black person in prison or jail in this country to be released, is that what you are saying??

I hope not, because that would be tragic for the black community.
While I will be the first to admit that some of them are most likely innocent, to release all of them would be wrong.
You would have some of the most violent offenders released simply because of their skin color?
You need to rethink that position.

Which is?
Prior to 1964, 80% of the prisons were white, 20% Black. When Nixon declared his war on drugs in 1971, which is a war on Black and brown people, the prisons became 80% Black and 20% white. Whites, make up your most violent inmates, serial killers, spousal abuse and skinheads! The Oklahoma bombings were committed by whites. Jeffrey Dahmer was white.

So how do drugs get into this country and by whom? It's the CIA and the FBI! The kingpins are white and the runners are black. What's wrong with this picture? It's easier to round up the smalltime dealers, while the banks that launder the money for rich whites, go scot free! Drontline just broadcast a documentary on this 2 days ago. Check your PBS listing to see Nixon and Reagan's War. How whites are slapped on the wrist for cocaine use while blacks do big time for crack . Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Sat 29 Mar, 2008 08:04 am
mysteryman wrote:
teenyboone wrote:
maporsche wrote:
teenyboone wrote:
Study Black history, then study American History, where Blacks are vaugely mentioned, in maybe 2 sentences, because this country can't face its' sordid past!

I learned quite a bit about black history and the civil rights movement in high school. In my college classes there was quite a bit more.

I think you're still living in the 60's teeny.

No, I'm just making sure people like you, don't regress me into them, again! The jews say "never again" and I echo that sentiment, twice! Say that to a Jew and see what you get. They never forgot the holocaust, which occurred during WWII, a mere 60 years, so I should forget slavery? I'm making sure that if the Constitution is a living, breathing document, that it applies to ME, too! I'm making sure that when this country expects black men and women to serve her, that she is serving them, too!

When my father came home from Italy after WWII, he STILL had to sit in the back of the bus. I s that where you want ME to go?

Nobody is saying that, and you know it.

When my husband came home from Viet Nam, he was cursed at and spat upon!
That didnt just happen to him, it happened to white soldiers returning from Vietnam also.
Dont make that a racial issue when it isnt one.

He was drafted! Did he run to Canada or get 5 deferments, like your Vice President? Did he go AWOL, like your President? No! He bit the bullet and served! It is only recent that Viet Nam Vets, are getting ANY recognition, because you have 2 deadbeats in the WH, that refused to serve!
Cheney didnt serve, but Bush did.
You may not consider the NG as serving, but he was a NG fighter pilot.
You not liking him doesnt change that fact.
Tell me, what is Obama's military record?

You have a regime that reviles the records of Viet nam veterans like John Kerry and Al Gore, while they sat back all comfy and dry, while others, fought in yet, another unjust war! I forgot, Bush and Cheney, wear flags in their lapels!

Please show me one time where Bush or Cheney said anything bad about Kerry's or Gore's service.
It was other groups, not them.

If you're so gung Ho, strap a uniform on and go serve your damn country! I'm from Missouri, show me! Show me what you got! Cool

I wore a uniform for 25 years,and would go back to Iraq or Afghanistan today if I could.
Does that count, or are you just spouting nonsense?

Is you name MAPORSCHE? If it is, the post is directed at you. Since you are not, please re-read. I don't care to engage you, but 2 ignorants, don't make a positive, in my book. You people are taught to thwart anything I have to say, so au revoir, to ignorance! See you in Hell!
0 Replies
Sat 29 Mar, 2008 08:16 am
teenyboone wrote:
mysteryman wrote:
You have NOT lived my experience and I CAN'T move on until the 2 million incarcerated Blacks are free!

You want every black person in prison or jail in this country to be released, is that what you are saying??

I hope not, because that would be tragic for the black community.
While I will be the first to admit that some of them are most likely innocent, to release all of them would be wrong.
You would have some of the most violent offenders released simply because of their skin color?
You need to rethink that position.

Which is?
Prior to 1964, 80% of the prisons were white, 20% Black. When Nixon declared his war on drugs in 1971, which is a war on Black and brown people, the prisons became 80% Black and 20% white. Whites, make up your most violent inmates, serial killers, spousal abuse and skinheads! The Oklahoma bombings were committed by whites. Jeffrey Dahmer was white.

So you are saying that there is not one single black person in prison today that is guilty of anything?
And how can you equate the OKC bombing withanything?
Whites, blacks, hispanics, and people of other races all died in that attack, no matter who committed it.
And yes, Jeffrey Dahmer was white,so what?
What does that have to do with anything?

Are you saying that white people are more violent, or are you saying that blacks arent criminals but that they are all victims?

Lets look at some facts...

[quote]Black victims are over represented in homicides involving drugs. Compared with the overall involvement of blacks as victims, blacks are less often the victims of sex-related homicides, workplace killings, and homicide by poison.

Although slightly less true now than before, most murders are intraracial
From 1976 to 2005 --

86% of white victims were killed by whites
94% of black victims were killed by blacks

Those are FACTS, not opinions.
Are you going to deny those facts?[/color]

So how do drugs get into this country and by whom? It's the CIA and the FBI! The kingpins are white and the runners are black. What's wrong with this picture? It's easier to round up the smalltime dealers, while the banks that launder the money for rich whites, go scot free! Drontline just broadcast a documentary on this 2 days ago. Check your PBS listing to see Nixon and Reagan's War. How whites are slapped on the wrist for cocaine use while blacks do big time for crack . Rolling Eyes[/quote]

I agree that the sentencing for crack and regular cocaine are uneven, there is no dispute there.
But, that doesnt mean that blacks are innocent of any crime.
It does mean that the sentencing guidelines need to be changed.

It seems to me that your mind is made up and you dont want to be confused by the facts.
Nothing anyone says is going to change your mindset that all blacks are picked on, mistreated, and abused or that ALL whites are responsible.
Till you get over that, you are going to live a very bitter life.
0 Replies
Sat 29 Mar, 2008 08:24 am
Is you name MAPORSCHE? If it is, the post is directed at you. Since you are not, please re-read. I don't care to engage you, but 2 ignorants, don't make a positive, in my book. You people are taught to thwart anything I have to say, so au revoir, to ignorance! See you in Hell!

0 Replies
Sat 29 Mar, 2008 08:30 am
teenyboone wrote:
Is you name MAPORSCHE? If it is, the post is directed at you. Since you are not, please re-read. I don't care to engage you, but 2 ignorants, don't make a positive, in my book. You people are taught to thwart anything I have to say, so au revoir, to ignorance! See you in Hell!

I'm not Maporsche or Mysteryman, teeny. Nor do I generally agree with either of them on a political spectrum. This is the second recent reference to a sentiment about what people are taught to believe. The first one was

teenyboone wrote:
There are issues in Black households, that ALL Black children are taught and one is not to talk to any whites about anything. A security mechanism, because when whites question, there's usually an ulterior motive.

The concept of 'you people' and 'ALL Black children' is inaccurate. I certainly can't speak for all whites any more than you can speak for all blacks but none of 'my people' are taught to thwart anything anyone has to say. I sincerely hope that 'ALL Black children' are not being taught otherwise. I'm not saying that you weren't taught these things and that you weren't taught that the feelings you express are global, but they are not. There are no absolutes, teeny, and from where I sit the views you express on both sides of this debate are extreme and irrational. Just as a fundamentalist religionist of any religion can only see the world through his narrow view, I perceive you doing the same.

My suggestion is to let go of the hyperbole. Maybe someday you can let go of some of the other perceptions that are causing you so much pain, but for now please at least look to accept that there is no national systemic training of white children to keep blacks in any place but a place of honor and dignity.
0 Replies
Sat 29 Mar, 2008 08:38 am
I feel you, on your "the white man has been the racial aggressor for centuries" tip, but vast generalizations and kamikaze attacks on the A2K conservatives aren't going to make things clearer or open up communications.
I submit to you that it might take some ratcheting down of the rhetoric in order to move the discussion forward. They probably aren't going to cease and desist their attacks on Obama for any reason, but it certainly won't be because they were bested in a knock-down, drag-out.
0 Replies
Sat 29 Mar, 2008 08:40 am
snood wrote:
but it certainly won't be because they were bested in a knock-down, drag-out.

And certainly it won't be Teeny's bigoted, hate-fueled, unreasonable, rhetoric that bests anyone on this forum, conservative or not.
0 Replies
Sat 29 Mar, 2008 08:43 am
maporsche wrote:
snood wrote:
but it certainly won't be because they were bested in a knock-down, drag-out.

And certainly it won't be Teeny's bigoted, hate-fueled, unreasonable, rhetoric that bests anyone on this forum, conservative or not.

the same goes for your side, maporshce. You won't be moving the discussion forward by continuing to heap coals on, either.
0 Replies
Sat 29 Mar, 2008 08:51 am
Like others have said the ' race' discussion should be moved to another thread. Also while I agree teenyboone goes the other way not all of his/her assertions are off base merely because he/she is extreme; such as the unfair system of justice for people of color (don't mean to be political incorrect but I think it also involves other people who are not white). But like I said this discussion can be moved to another thread and should.
0 Replies
Sat 29 Mar, 2008 08:55 am
again with the hyperbole. No one is trying to say that ALL teeny's assertions are without merrit or off base. I do agree those unrelated to the Obama campaign don't belong here.
0 Replies
Sat 29 Mar, 2008 08:55 am
0 Replies

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