Mon 24 Mar, 2008 02:43 pm
And so is Obama.
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Mon 24 Mar, 2008 02:45 pm
We'll see, won't we?
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Mon 24 Mar, 2008 02:45 pm
Keep hope alive. Very Happy
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Mon 24 Mar, 2008 02:47 pm
ho, of course most Americans aint gonna buy into what Wright says. Our President lied us into war and about 60% of Americans say he deliberately lied us into war. Yet they dont seem ready to call him a war criminal. But if he deliberately lied us into war of course he's a war criminal. The rest of the world overwhelmingly agrees with what Wright says. But then they're victims of America's cruelty. As far as AIDS is concerned there is proof in the Congressional record that the DOD asked for and received money to create a biological weapon that would attack and destroy the human immune system. Damning evidence that Americans largely would rather not discuss with Rev. Wright or anyone else. And without that request there would be no charges that AIDS is manmade. Of course you gotta ignore that completely in a rush to crucify those who not only refuse to ignore documented history but have nerve enough to speak openly about it. Rev. Wright aint the first to lay it on the line. MLK said America was " the greatest purveyor of violence on earth". A damning but truthful statement. Shortly after he was dead.
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Mon 24 Mar, 2008 02:50 pm
Well I suppose that's one way to support Barack Obama: admit that you like Jeremiah Wright and agree with all or most of what he says.

Somehow I don't think that will help him a great deal at the polls though.
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Diest TKO
Mon 24 Mar, 2008 03:00 pm
nappyheadedhohoho wrote:
Diest TKO wrote:
If republicans think that they can hold Obama accountale for the words and actions of another person because of their closeness/influence, then republicans would have held Bush accountable for Enron, Iraq, GitMo etc.


Unfortunately for Obama, the burden of proof regarding what he does and does not believe is his, not mine and not Republicans, as he is the one spending 20 years around a white-hating, America-hating demagogue.

If this is the case, then I will say that Obama has done enough. Certainly more effort to ease the minds of voters than say Cheney ever did to ease the minds of voters that his interests were that of the american people and not Halliburton.

I'm tired of hearing about how Obama is recieving some double-standard-free-pass-golden-ticket. In my opinion, everything he does (and for that matter, those around him) is given a more critisism than is waranted.

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Mon 24 Mar, 2008 03:19 pm
Foxfyre, I dont play at politics. My feelings about Jeremiah Wright have nothing at all to do with Obama and a whole lot to do with American history including unjust wars built on lies like Vietnam and Iraq. Including a long and well documented history of drug running by the CIA and drug money laundering by American banks. Including our prison system which is as bad as Abu Ghraib. Including for certain American reluctance to acknowlege the horror of Israeli atrocities in Gaza and the West Bank. Including 911 where over 70 million American say they dont buy the government's theories and want new investigations. And yes since the DOD did express a desire documented in the Congressional record, to build a biological weapon that would attack and destroy the human immune system I have questions about AIDS. In other words Rev. Wright is bringing up all issues I've long talked about myself and of course I've taken a shine to him. Obama has not one thing to do with that. I've been questioning American policies and studying American actions around the wotld since the JFK assassination. It aint a pretty history.
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Mon 24 Mar, 2008 03:31 pm
Now this is the best post I have seen from this poster. At least here we are talking about actual issues and policies; personally I agree with every one of them and at least it is money spent here at home rather than in Iraq.
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cicerone imposter
Mon 24 Mar, 2008 03:42 pm
revel wrote:
Now this is the best post I have seen from this poster. At least here we are talking about actual issues and policies; personally I agree with every one of them and at least it is money spent here at home rather than in Iraq.

Gee, what a novel idea; spend the money at home instead of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Anyone ride on a bumpy road lately? How many don't have health insurance? Our schools are being raped from lack of funding. Santa Clara County has sent out over 1,500 termination notices to teachers, because the state doesn't have enough money for our children's education.
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Mon 24 Mar, 2008 03:44 pm
So the three of you do in fact mostly agree, at least in spirit, with Pastor Wright? I am coming to see that as one of the elements in this campaign, and it does explain why some are so critical of anybody who presumes to criticize Jeremiah Wright and/or, by association, Barack Obama.

I doubt you can appreciate that I do not see it the way you see it at all. I love my country, fallible, sometimes weak, sometimes stupid, and all, but I know that Americans, while fallible people, are good people who are among the most generous in the world and who have bragging rights as citizens of a country that has helped more peoples all over the world than probably any other nation can claim.

I want a President who recognizes that and who will inspire us to appreciate the best that we have been and are and all that we can be. I think more Americans respond to that kind of message more than any other message. I think most Americans reject the image of America drawn by Jeremiah Wright.
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Diest TKO
Mon 24 Mar, 2008 03:55 pm
Ok. Fine. Then go string Wright up on a cross. He's not running for president.

On the issue of race, we can look at both candidates. McCain's out of color comments on the "gooks" that tortured him back in 2000, or comments that Obama hasn't even said.

I think if Republicans can forgive McCain's comments, they are in poor position to be critical of Obama for things he hasn't said.

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Mon 24 Mar, 2008 03:58 pm
I think that it's pretty revealing, that when asked what the practical effects of Obama's relationship with Wright would be, when elected to office, the right-wingers here respond with various flavors of the same criticism: "He'd enact Liberal policies.'

Let us not forget that the various posters on this board were referring to Liberals and Leftists as 'America-haters' LONG before Wright or Obama came around. This is the true thrust of their argument; that to be Liberal, and espouse Liberal domestic and foreign policies, is to show that one hates America implicitly.

This is why I discount the opinions of right-wing Cassandras who come in and moan about how unelectable Obama is, and how there are all these 'questions' about him because of the Wright association. Bullshit. What there is is a candidate who disagrees with them on the issues, profoundly, but whom they cannot effectively argue against on that level. So character assassination is the tool of the day. It will not work in the end.

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Diest TKO
Mon 24 Mar, 2008 04:09 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
I think that it's pretty revealing, that when asked what the practical effects of Obama's relationship with Wright would be, when elected to office, the right-wingers here respond with various flavors of the same criticism: "He'd enact Liberal policies.'

Let us not forget that the various posters on this board were referring to Liberals and Leftists as 'America-haters' LONG before Wright or Obama came around. This is the true thrust of their argument; that to be Liberal, and espouse Liberal domestic and foreign policies, is to show that one hates America implicitly.

This is why I discount the opinions of right-wing Cassandras who come in and moan about how unelectable Obama is, and how there are all these 'questions' about him because of the Wright association. Bullshit. What there is is a candidate who disagrees with them on the issues, profoundly, but whom they cannot effectively argue against on that level. So character assassination is the tool of the day. It will not work in the end.


Well Put.

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Mon 24 Mar, 2008 04:22 pm
I haven't seen ANYBODY criticizng Obama link Obama's liberal voting record or his socialist agenda to Jeremiah Wright. That huge leap of faith has been made by pro-Jeremiah Wright and/or a few Obama supporters only.
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Mon 24 Mar, 2008 04:29 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
I haven't seen ANYBODY criticizng Obama link Obama's liberal voting record or his socialist agenda to Jeremiah Wright. That huge leap of faith has been made by pro-Jeremiah Wright and/or a few Obama supporters only.

Sure you have. What do you seeing the problem with his judgment being? The decisions that he might make, because of his willingness to associate with Rev. Wright?

The decisions you consider to be problematic are Liberal ones. Or, how would you describe it?

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Mon 24 Mar, 2008 04:31 pm
I have a HUGE problem with Obama's liberalness. He leans so far left, his ear can touch the ground.
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Mon 24 Mar, 2008 04:31 pm
Wait a minute, his 'socialist agenda?'

A clever bit of parody there. It must be. B/c Obama's a lot of things. None of them Socialist.

You ought to spare a word against Ben Bernake's Socialist Agenda if you are so dead-set against such things.

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Mon 24 Mar, 2008 04:31 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
I haven't seen ANYBODY criticizng Obama link Obama's liberal voting record or his socialist agenda to Jeremiah Wright. That huge leap of faith has been made by pro-Jeremiah Wright and/or a few Obama supporters only.

You just did in this post "Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 2:44 pm Post subject: So the three of you do in fact mostly agree, at least in spirit, with Pastor Wright?"

Which followed directly after my post in which I agreed with Obama's social and economic programs. "Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 2:31 pm Post subject: Now this is the best post I have seen from this poster. At least here we are talking about actual issues and policies; personally I agree with every one of them and at least it is money spent here at home rather than in Iraq."
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Mon 24 Mar, 2008 04:32 pm
I was quite specific that Obama's relationship with Jeremiah Wright is a different issue from his voting record. His relationship with Jeremiah Wright could reflect on his personal attitudes about America. It is a given that Obama can be expected to promote a far left socialist agenda should he be elected President because he has a track record for that.
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Mon 24 Mar, 2008 04:35 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
I was quite specific that Obama's relationship with Jeremiah Wright is a different issue from his voting record. His relationship with Jeremiah Wright could reflect on his personal attitudes about America. It is a given that Obama can be expected to promote a far left socialist agenda should he be elected President because he has a track record for that.

His agenda is not "far left" it is merely left and I for one don't have a problem with that. I doubt many people do either after getting a taste of a true conservative platform in action these last eight years. If only we can get back to talking about that sort of thing.
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