H2O MAN wrote:

Wrong again!
MJ, you are on quite a losing streak.
But still nowhere near your staggering world record of 12,659 consecutive paranoid, obliquely racist, logically flawed, misspelled posts. You, sir, are an inspiration to old, irrelevant rednecks everywhere.
And today, in your honor, I would like to announce that you have been selected to feature prominently in an extension of Harry Harlow's social isolation experiments on rhesus monkeys. That's right, the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Anthropology department would like to apply Harlow's famous tests one-notch up the evolutionary ladder, to water softener repairman.
Specifically, Joethewaterguy will represent the control group: water softener repairmen reared under a healthy mother-child relationship. Whereas you will represent neglected water softener repairmen with underdeveloped brainstems. Each of you will be confined to an observation cell containing a computer and nothing else.
How will the subjects compare? Will they post an equal number of links to questionable "new" sources? Will they exhibit equally deficient analytical faculties?
Stay tuned for my hypothesis!