parados wrote:
Quote:Have you heard of the old adage that "corporations don't pay taxes, people do?" The principle of that truism is that taxes are merely added into the cost and price of products, so that the consumer ends up paying the taxes in higher prices for the products.
That completely contradicts your argument that employees pay the taxes.
No, there is no contradiction at all. Higher taxes on businesses essentially drives the cost of products up, plus it hinders the ability of businesses to hire more employees, leading to a lack of businesses to compete in the market. This all leads to fewer jobs in the long run, which means the employee pays very dearly for the policy, because of fewer jobs and lower paying jobs. Not only that, the products have less competition, and consumers end up paying more than they otherwise would have, plus the products overall will be of lesser quality. The obvious conclusion is that both consumers and employees suffer adversely.
All of the factors are interconnected, which is apparently a very difficult concept for liberals to grasp. I don't know whether it is basic stupidity or ignorance, or whether they have such a hatred for free enterprise and business, that it blinds them to reality? What is it in your case, imposter?