Thu 3 Mar, 2011 12:23 pm
Do you think taking money from one person through taxes and giving that money to someone else is stealing? You have said so many times. Yet when it comes time for you to get money from other people's taxes you seem more than happy to accept what you consider stolen goods.
0 Replies
Thu 3 Mar, 2011 01:57 pm
POM, thank you for admitting to all that you don't have a freaking clue.

You get points for honesty.
Thu 3 Mar, 2011 02:50 pm
America is becoming, over time, increasingly liberal on social issues.

Actually, it's more accurate to say that America is continuing its' trend of moving to the left on social issues.

Social Conservatives are really, really screwed. As my generation and younger ones age, we are replacing the scared old fogeys with a new attitude of acceptance. And it's a one-way trip, baby....

cicerone imposter
Thu 3 Mar, 2011 03:57 pm
I see the evolution of the younger generation as more accepting of equal rights for all; the old-guard conservatives don't know it yet, but they will shrink into insignificance.
0 Replies
Thu 3 Mar, 2011 04:00 pm
I wonder why Pew reported change from 2009-2011 rather than 2008-2011.
0 Replies
Thu 3 Mar, 2011 04:08 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:

And it's a one-way trip, baby....

Why do you believe that? History very strongly suggests the opposite is much more likely.
Thu 3 Mar, 2011 04:14 pm
georgeob1 wrote:

Cycloptichorn wrote:

And it's a one-way trip, baby....

Why do you believe that? History very strongly suggests the opposite is much more likely.

Oh really? I guess you think we're going to be swinging right back into an era of reduced rights for women and minorities any day now, eh? Not only that, but things like open racism or the acceptance of bigotry - man, that's right around the corner, eh?

Actually, given the attitudes of your party on these issues, I guess you're just being aspirational with your comment.

cicerone imposter
Thu 3 Mar, 2011 04:24 pm
I just find it curious that the conservative meme is less government intrusion into private lives, but they want to "control" the lives of gays, lesbians, and women.
Thu 3 Mar, 2011 04:26 pm
Social Conservatives are really, really screwed. As my generation and younger ones age, we are replacing the scared old fogeys with a new attitude of acceptance. And it's a one-way trip, baby....

And so it is. What do you think the younger generation will have to get up to Cyclo when you're an old fogey and they set about proving that you're really, really screwed? Which they will do. In fact, the speed things are moving I daresay you're a bit old fogeyish already.

You sure don't seem on the cutting edge of anything particularly modern to me. Your posts are cliche ridden throughout. I mean to say old chap--"baby". I've seen George Raft use that expression and he's been dead 21 years. You're dead MOR--don't you know that?
Thu 3 Mar, 2011 04:28 pm
By the way Cylco--those figures in your tables can be interpreted in ways you haven't become familiar with yet.
Thu 3 Mar, 2011 04:30 pm
spendius wrote:

Social Conservatives are really, really screwed. As my generation and younger ones age, we are replacing the scared old fogeys with a new attitude of acceptance. And it's a one-way trip, baby....

And so it is. What do you think the younger generation will have to get up to Cyclo when you're an old fogey and they set about proving that you're really, really screwed? Which they will do. In fact, the speed things are moving I daresay you're a bit old fogeyish already.

Yeah, I know. I'm already both pissed at and scared of my theoretical grandkids, what with their mind-computers and hoverboards and marriage to trees.

You sure don't seem on the cutting edge of anything particularly modern to me. Your posts are cliche ridden throughout. I mean to say old chap--"baby". I've seen George Raft use that expression and he's been dead 21 years. You're dead MOR--don't you know that?

We still use the term here in America. I guess it may be passe where you are from. I'll just have to find some way to live with your judgment Laughing

Thu 3 Mar, 2011 04:30 pm
spendius wrote:

By the way Cylco--those figures in your tables can be interpreted in ways you haven't become familiar with yet.

Is this a sexual reference?

Thu 3 Mar, 2011 04:31 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

I just find it curious that the conservative meme is less government intrusion into private lives, but they want to "control" the lives of gays, lesbians, and women.

They don't want to control them per se; just to make sure that they stay second-class citizens, and shut the **** up about the discrimination they face. That's all.

cicerone imposter
Thu 3 Mar, 2011 04:33 pm
It is definitely control; when they don't have the same legal rights as everybody else, I'm not sure how you can assume it's anything else.
Thu 3 Mar, 2011 04:36 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I was being sarcastic.

0 Replies
Thu 3 Mar, 2011 04:44 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:

Oh really? I guess you think we're going to be swinging right back into an era of reduced rights for women and minorities any day now, eh? Not only that, but things like open racism or the acceptance of bigotry - man, that's right around the corner, eh?

Actually, given the attitudes of your party on these issues, I guess you're just being aspirational with your comment.


No, not at all. You appear to be projecting your own way of prejudicial thinking on me. I think for myself and don't frequent the writings of party hacks on either side. I believe the point is that I know a lot more about history than you.

Mankind has not seen the last of bigotry: the forms occasionally change, but the basic human behavior patterns persist.
Thu 3 Mar, 2011 04:47 pm
georgeob1 wrote:

Cycloptichorn wrote:

Oh really? I guess you think we're going to be swinging right back into an era of reduced rights for women and minorities any day now, eh? Not only that, but things like open racism or the acceptance of bigotry - man, that's right around the corner, eh?

Actually, given the attitudes of your party on these issues, I guess you're just being aspirational with your comment.


No, not at all. You appear to be projecting your own way of prejudicial thinking on me. I think for myself and don't frequent the writings of party hacks on either side. I believe the point is that I know a lot more about history than you.

LOL. Unless you have a couple of degrees in history, you aren't trained in the study of it - like some of us are.

I'm sure you think you know more, though, George. But you achieve that by not actually knowing or caring about details, just like you neither nor know care about details of modern events. What's more important to you is a Narrative that matches your ideology.

You certainly have an advantage over me, that you were present for a lot of it Smile

Regarding our country's long march to the left on social issues: upon what do you base your assertion that it isn't a one-way trip? Just wondering. I'm more interested in hearing explanations from you than bombast.

Ah, I see you edited this in:

Mankind has not seen the last of bigotry: the forms occasionally change, but the basic human behavior patterns persist.

I submit two things:

1, that we have seen a lessening of bigotry and prejudice amongst humankind as a whole in the last 100 years, as information becomes much more easy to obtain, that challenges long-standing social narratives; and,

2, complaints of bigotry against conservatives, such as we've seen rise a great deal in the last few years, are quite entertaining but hardly serious.

Thu 3 Mar, 2011 04:56 pm
More projection and bombast from the master of both.

Cyclic episodes of tolerance and intolerance about many things are a readily observable feature of most civilizations. Human nature hasn't changed at all since the dawn of recorded history. Boastful and naive poclamations of "new ages" are very common as well.
Thu 3 Mar, 2011 05:04 pm
georgeob1 wrote:

More projection and bombast from the master of both.

I just want an explanation from you as to how you came to your opinion. That is all I'm interested in. But, if you're going to throw around phrases, you ought to be able to take your lumps as well.

Cyclic episodes of tolerance and intolerance about many things are a readily observable feature of most civilizations. Human nature hasn't changed at all since the dawn of recorded history. Boastful and naive poclamations of "new ages" are very common as well.

Vague and non-specific, sophomoric pap. Hardly what one would call evidence.

I would also note that I didn't claim that human nature has changed OR that we are entering a 'new age.' I'm talking about observable trends and historical events here in America. In fact, that's specifically what I said in the post you responded to. And I think you are kidding yourself if you believe that America hasn't become much more socially liberal over the last 200 years or so. In fact, I would ask: what's your counter-evidence in that time? What are we more Conservative about, socially?

Not holding my breath on that last one. But I'd love to see ya try.

0 Replies
Thu 3 Mar, 2011 05:52 pm
Yeah, I know. I'm already both pissed at and scared of my theoretical grandkids, what with their mind-computers and hoverboards and marriage to trees.

You needn't worry too much old bean. Their minds will be fucked by then, hovering is rarely dangerous and shagging trees is a joke Caractacus was boo-ed for repeating. There was a report of an American in his fifties shagging the hole in his patio table from which he had removed the sunshade.

Are Jean Genet's publications still banned in the US? If they are you've nothing to worry about. You're making a mountain out of a molehill rather than a fountain out of a holefill.


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