okie wrote:
To be clear, I am not a birther, and I do not involve myself with this stuff daily,
declaring yourself "not a birther" doesn't liberate you your crazy paranoia. There's plenty of ways to demonstrate that without a brand like "birther."
Such as...
okie wrote:
but I still find the Obama presidency one of the weirdest political occurrences in my lifetime.
If a man getting democratically elected by a large margin is the "weirdest" thing you've seen in your lifetime, you're calibrated incorrectly.
okie wrote:
There remain so many strange twists to the man, his true politics, and who he really is. He remains a man shrouded in various degrees of mystery.
If the weirdest part of Obama's presidency isn't the irrational rumors that circulate (and that you personally perpetuate), then you're calibrated incorrectly.
The truth about Obama is quite simple, and in truth utterly unremarkable. The man isn't ultra liberal, and yet the right seems dead set on labeling him so far left he's a socialist or a marxist or a communist etc etc etc. The necessity it seems for many conservatives is to make the man somehow scary, and to impose false mystery and controversy about who he is, or rather as you ominously refer, who he
really is. This has become a very important part of many conservative's defense. No matter the effort to dispel the utter lies made about Obama, your goal is to remain immaculately uninformed and in denial.
So, birther or not, you're ******* crazy or an idiot as long as you desperately cling to these frail threads of paranoia.