Dude, this isn't 1960 anymore. The things you talk about don't have much to do with our modern day. Sometimes I think you are stuck in the past, mentally.
And the fact that you know some country families who live off of very little doesn't reflect the experience of 9/10ths of Americans - at all.
Quote:t is your spoiled attitude that would make it hellish.
Bullshit. I submit that you don't know what you are talking about.
Let's say that you have a family of four that make 25k a year. That's about 2 grand per month. Let's say that you pay at least 500 bucks a month rent/mortgage and another 60o bucks a month for food for your family (this is the lowest cost the USDA accepts as being 'non-poverty'). That leaves you with around 900 bucks per month for the rest of your bills - car, gasoline, insurance, electricity, clothes, school supplies, medical expenses not covered by insurance, upkeep on the house, et cetera. How far do you think that other 900 dollars goes? How are those people supposed to save money and improve their situation, save for college, save for retirement so they aren't just sucking off of social security?
An actual examination of what 25k per year for a 4-person family is like quickly reveals that it sucks, Okie. I accept that you grew up country poor, but is that really how you think people should live?
In summary, I am sick of the whiners and complainers here.
Nobodyon A2K whines and complains more than you, Okie. Except for maybe Hawkeye. You bitch constantly about the state of things and rarely if ever put forth a positive or constructive message.