failures art
Sun 30 May, 2010 01:53 pm
I'd be interested if you think that Obama's admin should have regulated this more. On one hand you have your conservative ideals, in the other your desire to demonstrate some sort of political tit for tat.

So are you arguing that the Obama admin should have raised the degree of inspection on the rig? Or do you want to jab at the Dems and ignore what that would mean in regards to Republican ideas about regulation?

Sun 30 May, 2010 02:03 pm
@failures art,
failures art wrote:
On one hand you have your [political] ideals, in the other your desire to demonstrate some sort of political tit for tat.

Failart, with my edit, your statement is just about perfectly descriptive of our political process for at least the last 12 years that I've been paying attention.

It's completely frustrating.
Joe Nation
Sun 30 May, 2010 02:18 pm
The same people who have been screaming Socialism at every move of this administration and decried the opposition of environmentalists to the oil companies as anti-Capitalistic now seem to be in favor of the immediate confiscation of ownership of any company or corporation which had transgressed the rules of the EPA.

Joe(boy howdy, these people know how to talk out of both sides of their mouths)Nation
failures art
Sun 30 May, 2010 03:00 pm
Edit approved.

0 Replies
Sun 30 May, 2010 04:13 pm
@Joe Nation,
I'm one of many, if not all, conservatives who does not think the Gulf oil problems will be solved by the feds taking over one or more oil companies.

Current Gulf oil problems can be be solved by the feds helping the oil companies plug the leak and clean up the oil spill. Requests to the feds have been made by Governor Jindal and others for permission to do what they think will help solve these problems. I'm not aware of even one of these requests that have yet been granted by the feds. So far, all Obama has done is criticize the oil companies, suspend future drilling, and visit a Gulf beach to examine "tar babies."

Also the feds should now work with the off shore oil drilling companies to establish the safety procedures required to prevent these problems from reoccurring.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Sun 30 May, 2010 07:05 pm
@Joe Nation,
Joe Nation wrote:

The same people who have been screaming Socialism at every move of this administration and decried the opposition of environmentalists to the oil companies as anti-Capitalistic now seem to be in favor of the immediate confiscation of ownership of any company or corporation which had transgressed the rules of the EPA.

Joe(boy howdy, these people know how to talk out of both sides of their mouths)Nation

Who are "these" people?

I'm certainly not familiar with with any conservative demanding that Obama nationalize BP.
0 Replies
Sun 30 May, 2010 09:03 pm
Never fails........ Every time a Repugnant tries to describe Democrat he alway.....ALWAYS describes himself.
Mon 31 May, 2010 06:44 am
@failures art,
Yes, the govt should have raised the level of inspections.
While I do support offshore drilling, I also think that the govt should be regulating and inspecting the platforms more.
0 Replies
Mon 31 May, 2010 09:54 am
Bravo for pointing out to him how much he and his ilk hates the Feds.
0 Replies
Mon 31 May, 2010 09:55 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
Why make stupid comments that you can not back up? You implied that you have occult knowledge of my life!
Mon 31 May, 2010 09:56 am
How come you can not admit that you are wrong? That either you or ann coulter plagiarized and adapted?
0 Replies
Mon 31 May, 2010 09:56 am
Apparently, the point she made flew over your head.
Mon 31 May, 2010 11:26 am
Apparently, the point she made did not fly over your head.

Apparently, the point she made socked you right between your eyes.
Mon 31 May, 2010 11:31 am
Just for the fun of it & to illustrate some more of the endless Repugnant hypocrisy , lies & "blame Bill Clinton, now Obama"...........................

Remember James Watt, Reagan's infamous Interior Secretary? The one who was so hostile to protecting the environment?

The one who quintupled the area leased for coal mining and wanted to open 80 MILLION acres of land to unrestricted mining?

Ah, yes, James Watt. He of "I have a black, a woman, two Jews and a cripple" infamy. One of the Reagan Admin's cruelest jokes on the public.

From Bio:

From 1980 through 1982, The Beach Boys and The Grass Roots performed Independence Day concerts on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., attracting large crowds. However, in April 1983, Watt, while serving as Secretary of the Interior, banned Independence Day concerts on the Mall by such groups. Watt said that "rock bands" that had performed on the Mall on Independence Day in 1981 and 1982 had encouraged drug use and alcoholism and had attracted the "the wrong element", who would mug people and families attending any similar events in the future. Watt then announced that Las Vegas crooner Wayne Newton, a friend and supporter of President Reagan and a contributor to Republican Party political campaigns, would perform at the Mall's 1983 Independence Day celebration. During the ensuing uproar, Rob Grill, lead singer of The Grass Roots, stated that he felt "highly insulted" by Watt's remarks, which he called "nothing but un-American".

The Beach Boys stated that the Soviet Union, which had invited them to perform in Leningrad in 1978, "obviously .... did not feel that the group attracted the wrong element". Vice President George H. W. Bush said of The Beach Boys, "They're my friends and I like their music". Watt apologized to The Beach Boys after learning that President Reagan and First Lady Nancy Reagan were fans of the group. Nancy Reagan apologized for Watt. White House staff presented Watt with a plaster foot with a hole in it, symbolizing his having shot himself in the foot with his decision. When Newton entered an Independence Day stage on the Mall on July 4, 1983, members of the audience booed him.

In an interview with the Satellite Program Network, Watt said that "If you want an example of the failure of socialism, don't go to Russia, come to America and go to the Indian reservations."

A public controversy erupted after a speech to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce by Watt in September 1983, when he mocked affirmative action by saying about a coal-leasing panel: "I have a black, a woman, two Jews and a cripple. And we have talent. Within weeks of making this statement, Watt submitted his resignation letter. The next year, The Beach Boys gave an Independence Day concert on the National Mall to an audience of 750,000 people.

Later life

In 1995, Watt was indicted on 25 counts of felony perjury and obstruction of justice by a federal grand jury. The indictments were due to false statements made to a grand jury investigating influence peddling at the Department of Housing and Urban Development, which he had lobbied in the mid to late 1980s. On January 2, 1996, as part of a plea bargain, Watt pleaded guilty to one misdemeanor count of withholding documents from a federal grand jury. On March 12, 1996 he was sentenced to five years' probation and ordered to pay a $5,000 fine and perform 500 hours of community service.

During a March 1991 dinner event organized by the Green River Cattlemen's Association in Wyoming, Watt said, "If the troubles from environmentalists cannot be solved in the jury box or at the ballot box, perhaps the cartridge box should be used. In a 2001 interview, Watt applauded the Bush administration energy strategy and said its prioritization of oil drilling and coal mining above conservation is just what he recommended in the early 1980s. "Everything Cheney's saying, everything the president's saying - they're saying exactly what we were saying 20 years ago, precisely ... Twenty years later, it sounds like they've just dusted off the old work."

0 Replies
Mon 31 May, 2010 11:33 am
More gibberish. Be a man.
Mon 31 May, 2010 11:36 am
Magginkat wrote:
Never fails........ Every time a Repugnant tries to describe Democrat he alway.....ALWAYS describes himself.

OK! I'll give it a try!
Democrats are devoted to:
(1) the rescue and preservation of everyone's liberty under the rule of law;
(2) the rescue and preservation ofthe USA's constitutional government;
(3) the rescue and preservation ofthe USA's capitalist economy.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Mon 31 May, 2010 12:51 pm
plainoldme wrote:

Why make stupid comments that you can not back up? You implied that you have occult knowledge of my life!

I see, you still do not want to answer the question.

It doesn't taken a wizard to understand you occupy a narrow slice of life. Your posts constantly refer to this colleague or that relative who either agrees with you or tells you how brilliant you are. You continuously make such outrageous assertions about Republicans and conservatives that it's pretty obvious you've never actually spent any time with one.
Mon 31 May, 2010 01:17 pm
This criminal gang in Washington will stop at nothing!

Dems launch effort to block GOP citizen-inspired spending cuts
by Bill Weckesser * May 30, 2010 " 09:43:34 AM CDT

Democrats and President Obama remain firmly committed to behind-closed-doors deal-making and uncontrolled spending as usual. The Hill reports that they’ve now launched an effort to scrap a GOP initiated web site to host discussions for a “new agenda rooted in principles of smaller, more accountable and less costly government.” A number of republican congressmen are hosting meetings over the Memorial Day Weekend to show the site to constituents and Republican deputy whip Kevin McCarthy talked about it in the Republican’s weekly address.

Democrats are aghast that taxpayer money is funding it. They’ve launched an effort to use the GOP’s great new tool, YouCut, to scuttle the funding.

Democrats describe “America Speaking Out” as a “partisan initiative,” and say that Republicans “have refused to disclose the total cost” of the project to taxpayers.

But McCarthy and other House Republicans are pushing the program as a way for Americans to “once again have a role in driving America�’s agenda.”

Saul Alinsky, who was the mentor of those who mentored Barack Obama when he was a community organizer in Chicago, in his books, Reveille for Radicals, and Rules for Radicals, wrote:

Radicals should be "political relativists." and should take an agnostic view of means and ends;
The most basic principle for radicals is lie to opponents and disarm them by pretending to be moderates and liberals;
The radical organizer does not have a fixed truth"truth to him is relative and changing;
Radicals are not virtuous by not wanting power, because power is good and powerlessness is evil;
Life is a corrupting process;
He who fears corruption fears life;
The radical is not a reformer of the system but its would-be destroyer;
The radical is building his own kingdom;
The radical’s purpose is to undermine the system by taking from the haves and giving it to the have-nots;
The stated cause is never the real cause, but only an occasion to advance the real cause;
The real cause is accumulation of power to make the revolution;
The standard of the revolution is a democracy which upends all social hierarchies, including those based on merit.

0 Replies
Mon 31 May, 2010 01:40 pm
plainoldme wrote:

... Be a man.

POM, what in the hell do you know about being a man?
Mon 31 May, 2010 01:52 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Well, how many real life people do you speak to? I have a hunch that if you spewed some of the stuff you spew here in public, that you find people depart from your presence rather quickly.

I quote real people because I can. I have frequent discussions with many people in many settings . . .that is hardly narrow.

Consider one thing: what is the difference between reportage of conversations with several friends and colleagues and the statistics available from a polling organization? How about the size of the sample because each poll is a conversation, albeit a structured one.

It seems that you project from your life to mine.

What are outrageous about my statements? That the Neo-Cons lie because they follow the philosophy of Leo Strauss? i haven't begun to state what I have to say about that.

What is interesting is how little the average conservative knows about conservatism.
0 Replies

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