Wed 31 Mar, 2010 06:50 pm
This has nothing to do with Obama, but it is funny.
Here we have a Democrat Congressman actually worried that Guam is gonna "tip over and Capsize".

FYI, Guam is an island.

Is this guy really this stupid?
Wed 31 Mar, 2010 07:53 pm
I'm putting this here because most of the people I know on the internet are on this forum.

Go to and type in your name.
With your first and last name I can find out your cell phone number, and other information about you, for free.

I had my name removed, and I suggest all of you do the same thing.
Wed 31 Mar, 2010 09:15 pm
We have accomplished our military objectives in Iraq, as far as I am concerned.

So then you think the US should cut and run?

Or do you see that what you posted doesn't relate at all to Obama telling a lie?
0 Replies
Wed 31 Mar, 2010 09:23 pm
That's some funny stuff MM. Over 50% of the information was incorrect. It got my name, address, home phone number correct and that was it.
Wed 31 Mar, 2010 09:27 pm
They got you mysteryman


Phishing While Spokeo has a Privacy link that provides a process for removal of a name from Public Listing, what it also does is harvest a legitimate e-mail address. The legitimate e-mail address is then available for purchase, potentially opening up the email address to spam.
Thu 1 Apr, 2010 12:11 am
Are you surprised? The esteemed Congressman attended Texas Southern University's Thurgood Marshall School of Law. That Law School is listed in US News and World Report as a fourth tier Law School. These Law Schools are usually refered to as Fourth Tier Toilet schools by most Law School attendees. In short, they are diploma mills which take almost any breathing body!
0 Replies
Thu 1 Apr, 2010 12:37 am
You have been told, Ticomaya, by Cyclops! Cyclops, of course, has solid evidence that Victor David Henson is a DRUNK and a FOOL. Didn't you know that?

But, seriously, Ticomaya, it is Cyclops who is the fool. I know nothing about his "drinking" habits. He is a fool because he obviously hasn't read enough about the coming economic and health care disaster crafted by Obamacare.

He also doesn't know how many "drunks and fools" there are out there.

The editors of the Wall Street Journal( all drunks and fools, I am sure) wrote
in an editorial March 25th entitled ObamaCare Day One---

"In an e mail titled "President Obama Signs Health Care Legislation Tuesday night Verizon warned that "we expect that Verizon's costs will increase in the short term"...the message to workers was clear: Expect changes for the worse to your health benefits as the direct result of this bill, and maybe as soon as this year"


Another "drunken fool", Robert Tracinski, writes:

"Right now, your best option for reducing the cost of your health insurance is to buy a policy with a high deductable, which leaves you to pay for routine checkups and minor injuries(perferably from savings held in a tax-free Health Savings Account) but which covers your needs in catasthropic circumstances....But the health insurance exchange is intended to eliminate precisely this kind of low-cost coverage. Its purpose is to force health-insurance companies to offer comprenhensive coverage that pays for all your routine bills which, in turn, comes at a higher price, So, under the guise of making health insurance more affordable, this bill will restrict your menu of choices to include only the most expensive options...This bill so comprehensively wrecks private health insurance that pretty soon a "public option" will be the only alternative"



0 Replies
Thu 1 Apr, 2010 12:53 am
Well, Ican,perhaps Brian Reidl, the scholar from the Heritage Foundation is only a "drunken fool". That is the way that Cyclops vanquishes those who tell the truth about Obamacare--name calling and "ad hominem arguments.

Sally Pipes, President and CEO of the Pacific Research Institute has written a cautionary article entitled:
"American Patients, Get Ready to Wait.

Some of her pertinent facts:

l. "As of this year, 694,161 Canadians are on a waiting list for medical procedures. Assuming one person per procedure, that means 2.08 percent of the population is queued up for "free" care, according to the Frazer Institute's annual survey on wait times.

2. An incredible 16 % of the population is waiting to get a primary care doctor-five million people.

3. On average, Canadians waited 16.1 weeks( THAT'S RIGHT, SIXTEEN WEEKS) from the time their general practitioner referred them to a specialist until they actually received treatment( 2009)

4. In the United States, the average wait to see an orthopedic specialist is 16.8 days. Canadians wait 17.1 WEEKS for the same appointment .

5, The results of managing costs through budgets set by government officials in Canada? It takes 4.6 weeks to get a CT scan and 8.9 weeks for an MRI

ican--Obamacare will ruin our Health System. The figures about the Canadian Socialistic System are unassailable.
Thu 1 Apr, 2010 05:06 am
I saw that, thats why I gave them a hotmail address that I never check or use.
0 Replies
Thu 1 Apr, 2010 05:07 am
Its the home phone number part that worries me.
Thu 1 Apr, 2010 05:43 am
Speaking of our troops...

They loved G.W. Bush

Not much love for the community organizer in chief though...

0 Replies
Thu 1 Apr, 2010 05:54 am
i'm a canadian, i read this stuff all the time, i guess from my experience i should buy lottery tickets because i've never had any delays in service, family and friends have had good experiences as well

don't know what to tell you, i'm not a flag waving patriot by any means i live here because i was born here, but i never want to be homer, touting my country as the best, it is what it is a piece of the planet that happens to be my home
Thu 1 Apr, 2010 07:33 am
If I know your name, I can probably find your phone number here
0 Replies
Thu 1 Apr, 2010 09:24 am
I sat in the bath one night here in jolly olde England and when I opened my eyes after swilling my head a red screen had appeared in my right eye.

At 10 the following morning, I'm a late riser, I rang the quack and was in his surgery within 15 minutes. He examined me and then he rang the optician and I was in his chair within 10 more minutes. He examined me for an hour and concluded I had suffered a retinal detachment possibly resulting from heading footballs into the net out of reach of the goalie's despairing fingertips.

He booked me into the hospital as soon as I could get there which was about an hour. The experts there put me through a load of tests and then booked me into the world renowned eye hospital in Manchester for the following morning. I actually had to get up in the middle of the night.

A full day of tests and measurements ensued and the day after I underwent a two hour operation under local anaesthetic, which was very interesting as I could see the instruments within my eyeball which was resting on my cheek.

A gas bubble was pumped into my eyeball to hold the torn retina back where it belonged as near as dammit. I returned to the hospital once a week for six weeks for progress checks and my sight gradually returned as the gas bubble dissolved. Taxis were provided.

No questions, no invoices, no nothing except the treatment.

They even offered to do further operations on what they said were incipient cataracts but I declined.

Waiting times my arse. And all paid for by the tax on beer, tobacco and gas.
Thu 1 Apr, 2010 09:38 am
Yup. American Conservatives are wedded to the idea that you all hate your system, despite the fact that you all seem to love your system.

0 Replies
Thu 1 Apr, 2010 10:09 am
April 1, 2010

President Barack Obama's new health care legislation aims to raise $20 billion over 10 years to pay for the extensive new entitlements. How? By slapping a 3.8 percent "Medicare tax" on interest and rental income, dividends and capital gains of couples earning more than $250,000, or singles with more than $200,000, along with raising the top two individual income tax rates and other measures.

But it won't work, says Alan Reynolds, a senior fellow with the Cato Institute:

The maximum tax rate fell to 28 percent in 1988-1990 from 50 percent in 1986, yet individual income tax receipts rose to 8.3 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) in 1989 from 7.9 percent in 1986.

The top tax rate rose to 31 percent in 1991 and revenue fell to 7.6 percent of GDP in 1992.

The top tax rate was increased to 39.6 percent in 1993, along with numerous other major revenue enhancers, yet individual tax revenues were only 7.8 percent of GDP in 1993, 8.1 percent in 1994 and did not get back to the 1989 level until 1995.

According to Reynolds, a few of the ways that taxpayers will react to the Obama administration's tax plans include:

Professionals and companies who currently file under the individual income tax as partnerships, LLCs or Subchapter S corporations will form C-corporations to shelter income.

Investors who jumped into dividend-paying stocks after 2003 when the tax rate fell to 15 percent will dump many of those shares in favor of tax-free municipal bonds if the dividend tax goes up to 23.8 percent as planned.

Faced with a 23.8 percent capital gains tax, high-income investors will avoid realizing gains in taxable accounts unless they have offsetting losses.

In short, when marginal tax rates go up, the amount of reported income goes down. The belief that higher tax rates on the rich could eventually raise significant sums over the next decade is a dangerous delusion, because it means the already horrific estimates of long-term deficits are seriously understated, says Reynolds.

Source: Alan Reynolds, "The Rich Can't Pay for ObamaCare," Wall Street Journal, March 30, 2010.
Thu 1 Apr, 2010 10:20 am
The maximum tax rate fell to 28 percent in 1988-1990 from 50 percent in 1986, yet individual income tax receipts rose to 8.3 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) in 1989 from 7.9 percent in 1986.

The top tax rate rose to 31 percent in 1991 and revenue fell to 7.6 percent of GDP in 1992.

The top tax rate was increased to 39.6 percent in 1993, along with numerous other major revenue enhancers, yet individual tax revenues were only 7.8 percent of GDP in 1993, 8.1 percent in 1994 and did not get back to the 1989 level until 1995.

LOL.. a meaningless argument. People tend to move taxes around from year to year to advantage themselves. Of course the amount of tax paid increases as a % of GDP the year before a tax goes into effect and then falls the year it does. People have moved income from one year to the other where possible.

As the numbers clearly show, it is a temporary thing that settles out in a couple of years.

What investor is going to hold unto his investments for 10 years just because his taxes went up now? No one that is sane would. You get out of the investment when you can make the most money. Taxes are a part of the equation but not the only factor. If you think the value of something will drop next year by 20%, the tax hit isn't going to make you not sell.
0 Replies
Thu 1 Apr, 2010 10:46 am
Was I the only one who forgot it was April fools day? I read 4 posts before I figured out that something was wrong.
Thu 1 Apr, 2010 12:39 pm

Yesterday's Morning Bell: Our Long National Obamacare Nightmare is Just Beginning

By Conn Carroll - March 29, 2010
@ 9:37 am In Health Care | 54 Comments [1]

If you are tired of our nation’s year-long health care debate and you were hoping that the passage of President Barack Obama’s health care bill would settle anything, then Politico [2] has some bad news for you: the real fight is just getting started. Starting today, a coalition of leftist groups will sink millions of dollars into television advertising and astroturf events selling the plan to the American people. But as a Washington Post poll [3] conducted after passage last week shows, the Obama administration and their leftist allies face a steep climb.

The top line numbers [4] are bad but not daunting for the pro-Obamacare forces: 50% of Americans oppose the changes in the new law while 46% support them. But the numbers [3] also show that most Americans believe the new law will cause “the overall health care system in this country” to get worse, “the quality of the health care you receive” to get worse, and “your health insurance coverage” to get worse. The poll also shows that most Americans believe the law will weaken Medicare and that there is “too much government involvement in the nation’s health care system.” And strong majorities of Americans believe Obamacare will increase the federal budget deficit (65%), increase “your health care costs” (55%), and increase “overall costs of health care in this country” (60%). The American people are right on all counts. And if the events of last week are any indication, these beliefs will only harden over time.

Pitching his failed stimulus plan back in February of last year, President Obama told a factory in East Peoria, Illinois, “So what’s happening at this company tells us a larger story about what’s happening with our nation’s economy, because, in many ways, you can measure America’s bottom line by looking at Caterpillar’s bottom line.” well, Caterpillar was quick to inform the markets exactly what Obamacare meant for its bottom line. Caterpillar announced [5] that Obamacare would raise its insurance costs by at least 20 percent " or more than $100 million " just in the first year of the health-care overhaul program. And Caterpillar was not alone. Other Fortune 500 firms quickly followed suit announcing Obamacare hits to their bottom line [6] including: Deere & Co., $150 million; AK Steel, $31 million; 3M, $90 million; Valero Energy, $20 million; and AT&T, $1 billion. The consulting firm Towers Watson tells the Wall Street Journal [6] that the total hit this year will reach nearly $14 billion. America’s employers simply can’t sustain losses like these, so many of these companies, including Verizon [7], have informed their employees to expect significant changes to their current health care benefits.

The leftist majorities in Congress were incensed that America’s employers would dare warn their investors about the costs of Obamacare at the same time as the Obama administration’s national sales pitch was set to begin. So using the full force of the federal government to bully and harass America’s job creators, House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Henry Waxman (D-CA) sent letters [8] to the CEOs of Deere, Caterpillar, Verizon, and AT&T demanding all documents “from January 1, 2009, through the present” regarding “any analyses related to the projected impact of health care reform” and “any documents, including e-mail messages, sent to or prepared or reviewed by senior company officials related to the projected impact of health care reform.” Waxman intends to haul these CEOs in front of the Subcommitte on Oversight and Investigations, which just happens to be chaired by Rep. Bart Stupak (D-MI), for a hearing April 21st.

While it is unfortunate that the left in Congress believes our nation’s business leaders’ time is best spent being browbeaten by congressmen for not doing more to support their policy preferences, the American public should look forward to these hearings. The more information the American public is given about Obamacare, the more they will oppose it. The more they oppose it, the easier it will be to repeal it. We have a long road ahead of us, but eventually the Obamacare nightmare will end.

Quick Hits:
• AFL-CIO and Service Employees International Union lawyer Craig Becker was one of 15 appointments President Barack Obama plans to make during the Senate’s Easter recess [9] in order to avoid confirmation votes.
• The day after Rep. Bart Stupak (D-MI) and ten other House members compromised on their pro-life position to deliver the necessary yes-votes to pass health care reform, the “Stupak 11″ asked for more than $4.7 billion in earmarks [10] " an average of $429 million worth of taxpayer money for each lawmaker.
• Directly contradicting Obama administration claims, the Kremlin confirmed that the treaty agreed to by President Dmitry Medvedev and President Obama contained a “legally binding linkage between” [11] offensive weapons and missile defense.
• This past Friday, 327 congressmen signed a letter [12] expressing concern that “the highly publicized tensions” in US-Israeli ties will “not advance the interests” of either state.
• The Los Angeles Unified school district wants to end what little school choice parents have [13] by limiting the more than 12,200 permits that allow students to attend schools elsewhere.
Article printed from The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.:
Thu 1 Apr, 2010 12:52 pm
Somehow the posts from ican seem to have a whole different flavor today almost as if I shouldn't take them seriously.
0 Replies

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