maporsche wrote:
Oh, I totally understand why you'd want to do that.
And I'm *shocked* to find you once again defending any and everything about Obama.
Actually, this brings up a good point.
When Obama was elected last year, one of the points that he hammered over and over was that change would take a long time and be a difficult struggle. And he challenged folks to stay involved after the election, to keep active politically and to help him accomplish his goals.
You love to bitch about Obama. I mean, you really seem to enjoy it. I'm sure you will protest that you don't, but I don't believe you. So let me ask you, as someone who voted for Obama, exactly what have
you done to stay active politically? To help him accomplish the health care bill or other bills?
My guess is: nothing whatsoever. Because it's way, way easier to sit around and bitch, than it is to actually work towards something. Part of the reason that I've continued my support of Obama since the election is the fact that I realized - before I ever voted for him for Prez - that Obama would not accomplish his goals anytime soon and that he would be surrounded by nay-sayers on all sides, with some of the worst being members of our own party. So I have remained active, I still work for Organizing for America and donate time and volunteer and do actual research on what is going on. I, as they say, Write my Congressman.
So pardon me if I do defend the guy against the mostly substance-less attacks from the right wing, and from ex-Clinton supporter Concern trolls. If you expected anything to be different than how it is today - that the Dems would have to struggle to accomplish the goals that we voted for - you were deluding yourself from the start.