Fri 25 Sep, 2009 11:46 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Seems to me he was above the law. He broke more than any other president but has yet to be charged with any of of the laws he broke. Pols all stick together, after all they want cover for thier illegal activities.
Finn dAbuzz
Sat 26 Sep, 2009 12:14 am
Seems to me he was above the law.

Well, that's it then, string him up!

He broke more than any other president...

Which ones...specifically.

0 Replies
Debra Law
Sat 26 Sep, 2009 04:46 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:

Obama is so intoxicated with himself that he actually believes he can have some sort of alchemistic effect on the world through the power of his words and personage.

What should really concern us is the degree to which his self-opinion informs his judgment. Notice how, in his speech, he offers as proof of the basic goodness of America, his decisions in the first nine months of his presidency. Notice how often he uses the pronoun "I."

There is one thing of which we can be sure, Obama does not see himself as a servant of the United States.

When a nation's leader begins to consider themselves larger than the nation they lead there is nothing but trouble to be found.

Based on the forgoing monologue, Finn dAbuzz appears mezmerized by his own words based on fantasy and delusion rather than facts. Simply due to Obama's use of a pronounce, FinndAbuzz has determined that Obama has a God-complex.
0 Replies
Debra Law
Sat 26 Sep, 2009 04:52 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:

FreeDuck wrote:
Okie, I try to avoid engaging in insults with other posters, but at this point I'm assuming that you are a product of Oklahoma public schools.

I appreciate that your are attempting to be clever, but do you know how revealing (in a not-so-good way) this comment actually is?

Again, Finn dAbuzz delves into psychoanalysis based on word usage. What does this activity reveal about Finn dAbuzz?
0 Replies
Debra Law
Sat 26 Sep, 2009 04:56 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:

cicerone imposter wrote:

Sounds like Bush Jr; he believed he was above domestic and international laws.

That's it? That's your contribution?

The is a dilemma. CI didn't use enough "revealing" words for Finn to dissect.
0 Replies
Sat 26 Sep, 2009 07:11 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
A contiguous Palestinian state requires a divided Israel. Look at a map of the region and explain how it can be otherwise.

Are you suggesting they never have defined borders which is not crisscrossed all over by Israel because it might divide up land in which Israel grabbed for themselves ?

Actually the statement is not new, Bush called for a "contiguous Palestine" in 2008 and used most of the same words you are now objecting to Obama using.

"The point of departure for permanent status negotiations to realise this vision seems clear: there should be an end to the occupation that began in 1967," he said.


Now, the vision of the Palestinian state is one of contiguous territory. In other words, as I said earlier in my administration, I said, Swiss cheese isn't going to work when it comes to the outline of a state. And I mean that. There is no way that this good man can assure the Palestinians of a hopeful future if there's not contiguous territory. And we -- that position is abundantly clear to both sides. Therefore, the ultimate vision, of course, is there be no checkpoints throughout the Palestinian state-to-be.


Obama said no more than that and considerably less (in either direction) in his speech concerning Israel and Palestine. He (Obama) acknowledged both have problems of which has been the root of the reason forty years after the fact, there is still no peace in Israel or for the Palestinian people.
0 Replies
Sat 26 Sep, 2009 07:40 am
I know we have moved on, but I have been side tracked and wanted to come back to this and just make a small point.

revel, there are nutcases in all areas of the political spectrum. There were people trying to kill every president, that includes Ford, Reagan, Bush, etc., so the idea that things like this are somehow new, that is bogus.

Also, and this stems from my distrust of the left, we already know that the smashing of Demcratic office in Denver was done by a Democrat political operative. The very very few, extremely small percentage of hateful over the tope signs at tea parties, I think it is a possiblity that some have been planted by Democratic operatives, perhaps not all, but certainly the possiblity of some of that.

Violence should be condemned, no matter the source, and for the most part the violence of leftists are typically more ignored than we begin to hear now. I have seen tea party demonstrators and they are all normal looking people of all colors and types, many of which have never demonstrated before in their lives, but are getting very concerned over the direction of the country. They are not your typical "rent-a-mob" that you see at leftist demonstrations.

On the last point, merely because they were less numbers in those events than some of the anti-war demonstrations don't mean they were any less "rent-a-mob." The demonstrators were organized by lobbyist or other such concerned parties in most of the teabaggers and health reform protests.

I have seen images of those protesters, a good deal of them might of been normal looking in some parts of the country, but they looked angry and carried or wore somewhat controversially racist or accusations of socialism and the like signs and shirts.

It is really selectively paranoid of you to think the really bad ones were all planted democrat activist.

Lastly, on the census worker being strung up with the word "fed" on him, I seriously doubt that was a plant, but I guess we'll see. In any case, they have been egged on by the likes of Glen Beck and mostly Rep. Michele Bachmann.

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) waged a high-profile, wildly-dishonest campaign against the Census

And before anyone goes off a tangent:

Q: Is ACORN providing workers for the 2010 census?

A: No. ACORN employees will not be taking the census. The group is one of more than 30,000 "partners" that will help publicize the event.

Acorn and the Census
cicerone imposter
Sat 26 Sep, 2009 08:41 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
Yup; if you bother to search for evidence, just do a little on Google. Most of it are all there.
0 Replies
Sat 26 Sep, 2009 10:42 pm
revel wrote:
In any case, they have been egged on by the likes of Glen Beck and mostly Rep. Michele Bachmann.

Baloney. So any criticism of Obama is now labeled as "egging on" protests? If thats the case, what about all the criticism of Bush, which was much more vicious and strident? I look for this mantra to be enlarged upon, along with an attempt by the Obama administration to shut down freedom of speech. I don't think it will work, but it won't surprise me to see them try.

If you want to be concerned about hateful speech, I suggest you examine some of Obama's own friends or advisors, people like Van Jones, Reverend Wright, Jeff Jones, Bill Ayers, etc. Some of these are actual past criminals, members of groups that have tried to overthrow the United States, and even have suggested that all those people that died on 9/11 might have deserved it, or suggested that actually Bush brought down the towers. I suggest you actually direct some legitimate concern about violence in the appropriate direction, revel, at the true whackos. They are now helping run the government.
Sat 26 Sep, 2009 11:22 pm
2 Billion is alot of money, folks, thats with a "b."


"Democrats, media gloss over Obama's corruption
Sept. 14 " To the Editor:

On Sept. 2 (letters), Mr. Gary Ellmer asked the question, "Why did Obama give a Brazilian oil company $2 billion?"


The U.S. money was loaned to the Brazilian state-controlled consortium, Petrobras. The Brazilian Socialist Workers Party holds 40 percent of the company's net worth. Now enters George Soros, reputed to be the world's 11th richest man and major financial contributor to the DNC and other radical leftist organizations such as ACORN, MoveOn.org, and the Center for American Progress, headed by Clinton former chief of staff John Podesta, who also has been a key adviser to Obama.

Soros's charity, the Open Society Institute, in 2007, gave CAP $1.75 million and approved added grants of $1.25 million. Mr. Soros, also a hedge fund investor, was convicted in 2002 in France for insider trading for which he was fined $2.3 million, a decision upheld on appeal in a French court in 2006.

Question: Is it a coincidence that Obama backer George Soros repositioned himself in Petrobras to get dividends just a few days before Obama committed $2 billion in loans and guarantees for Petrobras' offshore operations? Even more interesting is the fact that the Soros hedge fund reported no holdings in Petrobras shares at the end of the first quarter of 2009. Apparently, left wing Brazilian oil is less polluting than U.S. coastal deposits?

Sun 27 Sep, 2009 05:56 am
Baloney. So any criticism of Obama is now labeled as "egging on" protests?

Actually at that point I was not talking about criticism of Obama, all presidents should be held accountable and face criticism from voters. I was talking about Michele Bachmann's long summer ranting about census workers with lots of unfounded wild claims perhaps adding to a mood that seems to be out there and some of getting out of hand.
Sun 27 Sep, 2009 06:05 am
Perhaps the media is ignoring it is because the claim is bogus.

Browse > Home / Ask FactCheck / Bogus Brazilian Oil Claims
Bogus Brazilian Oil Claims
September 18, 2009

Q: Did Obama loan $2 billion to Brazil’s oil company to benefit China and George Soros?

A: The president had nothing to do with the loan, which the Export-Import Bank approved for Brazil to buy U.S.-made equipment and services.

Read on for more factual information at the

0 Replies
Sun 27 Sep, 2009 06:23 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:

FreeDuck wrote:
Okie, I try to avoid engaging in insults with other posters, but at this point I'm assuming that you are a product of Oklahoma public schools.

I appreciate that your are attempting to be clever, but do you know how revealing (in a not-so-good way) this comment actually is?

I imagine that it reveals the fact that I've read the thread on Oklahoma high school students taking the citizenship test. I can't imagine why you would feel the need to comment given what okie reveals all the live long day. I believe I've been more than patient.
0 Replies
Sun 27 Sep, 2009 06:28 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:

A contiguous Palestinian state requires a divided Israel. Look at a map of the region and explain how it can be otherwise.

You mean it requires Israel to give up territory.

He's not just referring to the map and the separation between Gaza and the West Bank, though. He's talking about previous "generous offers" which were of little spots of territory in the West Bank (pretty much what they have now) chopped to pieces by Israeli roads and settlements, with Israel controlling passage between them. A non-contiguous state is not a state at all. I'm interested in what you see as a solution to the problem if you are willing to quibble with a contiguous state for the Palestinians.
0 Replies
Sun 27 Sep, 2009 03:06 pm
revel wrote:

Baloney. So any criticism of Obama is now labeled as "egging on" protests?

Actually at that point I was not talking about criticism of Obama, all presidents should be held accountable and face criticism from voters. I was talking about Michele Bachmann's long summer ranting about census workers with lots of unfounded wild claims perhaps adding to a mood that seems to be out there and some of getting out of hand.

So if I have this right, critizing Obama is okay, but not about how the census is conducted? And interesting you speak of wild claims, that is a subjective judgement for sure, and I just got through pointing out that many of Obama's own appointees or advisors have made some of the wildest claims that I can think of, such as maybe the people deserved to die on 9/11, and that maybe Bush brought down the towers. How come you are not similarly outraged with all of that, and demanding that Obama be held to account for relying upon or admiring the wrong people?

I find it interesting you are attacking Michele Bachmann, is it because your side makes it your practice to more viciously attack any republican that you think might be a really tough foe in the future for your party?
Sun 27 Sep, 2009 04:01 pm
If you are speaking of Wright and the others, those issues have been discussed at some length during the election and Obama has made a speech concerning it. I have accepted his speech, it is your right and choice not to accept his speech. I didn't approve of some of the thing the Reverend Wright said and I said so at the time it was discussed here in a2k.

On the census thing, if there are concerns that is one thing, but that is not the case. Bachmann and joined by the likes of Beck and Neal Boortz have been spreading wildly false information in another fear mongering campaign.

Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., says Americans should refuse to comply with the Obama administration’s 2010 census because the data could be used for nefarious purposes, including the imprisonment of Americans in internment camps.

Appearing on Fox News, Bachmann said it was the census that allowed the internment of the Japanese during World War II. She also boasted about breaking the law in refusing to complete the census form she received.

“If we look at American history -- between 1942 and 1947 -- the data that was collected by the Census Bureau was handed over to the FBI and other organizations at the request of President Roosevelt,” Bachmann said.

“That’s how the Japanese were rounded up and put into the internment camps. I’m not saying that’s what the administration is planning to do. But I am saying that private, personal information that was given to the Census Bureau in the 1940s was used against Americans to round them up.”

Bachmann said she was shocked that the census would ask for people’s telephone numbers. Although not required by law, the numbers are used only to contact recipients who have incomplete forms.

Bachmann also doesn’t like the fact the census asks about one’s age, race, and the type of home one lives in. According to the Census Bureau, questions on race have been asked since 1790; home language since 1890; rent since 1880; and income since 1940. The Census Bureau has asked what kind of heating fuel heats Americans’ homes since 1940.


To give some republicans credit, some of them urged Bachmann to stop her fear mongering.

Republicans Urge Bachmann to Stop Fear Mongering About the Census

The investigation in the census worker's death is still ongoing and we have not even been told if opposition against census counts (so to speak) was the reason he was killed, could have just been opposition to all federal workers in general or something else altogether.

However, all this hatred we have been hearing from segments of the republican party has been very divisive and kind of scary thinking of what some nut might be moved to do after hearing all this talk about "socialism" and "not going to take it anymore" and the like from prominent republicans and pundits.
Sun 27 Sep, 2009 08:44 pm
I am not familiar with what has been said about the census. And I am not familiar with what Bachman or Beck or anyone else has said about it. This I know, I have been critical of the Census, as I believe it goes way beyond what the purpose of the census was created for, the Census Bureau needs to be reigned in and reduced in terms of what it does. I don't blame anyone for not filling out the stupid forms, as I think its a waste of time and some of the information is none of the government's business, period. So you can say what you want about fear mongering, most likely it isn't fear mongering, it is merely an opinion, justifiable in my opinion, that the Census Bureau has gone way beyond its original mandate. And there is no doubt at all that the information could be used wrongly by the wrong people, whats wrong with that opinion, after all, its true. If you call that fear mongering, then I have to wonder about that. After all, I object to giving alot of that information more than the government checking on foreign phone calls for suspected terrorists, I think it is just as intrusive and probably more so than that, for no reason. At least we had a reason to check phone calls for suspected terrorists. I see no legitimate reason for the snooping into our business by the Census Bureau.

Unfortunately, I think there are attempts to politicize the Census Bureau, example ACORN, and I object to that, and I resent the idea that anyone criticizing the Census Bureau is fear mongering, that is nonsense. It is a legitimate concern that everyone should be concerned about. Talk about fear mongering, we went through 8 years of fear mongering over Bush, and I think the threat is far greater now. I would trust Bush far far more than a guy that sat listening to a fear mongering hate spewer like Reverend Wright and apparently thought he was great, great until he was called out on it.
0 Replies
Sun 27 Sep, 2009 08:52 pm
Revel, one important point, the press has implicated conservatives to blame for the killing of the census worker, when absolutely nothing is known for sure, it could be suicide, or it could have been someone with no motive, or some liberal for all we know. If you want to talk about fear mongering, look in the mirror.

The left has been trying unsuccessfully to point blame for lots of thing, burning of black churches, which was proven totally bogus, dragging deaths, you name it, and all I have to say for your ilk, it is pathetic, very pathetic, very very pathetic. If you want to talk fear mongering, look at your pals on the left.
Sun 27 Sep, 2009 08:56 pm
"it could be suicide"

Really... Rolling Eyes

please tell me how that woulda worked, okie.
Sun 27 Sep, 2009 09:18 pm
And why he would have written "Fed" on himself?
0 Replies

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