Thu 24 Sep, 2009 07:26 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn, its a sad day when Obama panders to rogue states, and it is they that are giving him the highest marks. Perhaps Obama believes alot of what he says, that causes rogue states and thugs to compliment him, I actually do believe he does believe that anti-American stuff, and basically he is saying he has not had enough time to fix all of it yet.

We truly are in a very big mess with this guy, he is truly a very dangerous guy with the policies and decisions that he is making and wants to make. Our best chance is to sweep as many Democrats out of congress in the next election.
Thu 24 Sep, 2009 07:31 pm
The have been a rash of commentaries in the last few days that conclude that Obama is naive, and while none go so far as to decide what his basic incompetence is, I believe that it is that he does not understand much of anything about power. I hope that I am wrong.
Thu 24 Sep, 2009 07:55 pm
I don't think naivity is the main problem or the only problem. For example, are all leftists naive? Is Hugo Chavez naive? Maybe that is part of their problem, but I think the problem is far more serious than that, and I think Obama is more than naive, I think he knows what he is doing when he institutes policies. For example, I think he actually believes that America is very very flawed and that he wants to fix it. I think he actually agrees with thugs like Chavez, Qadaffi, and Achamenidjad to at least some extent. And I am actually wondering if Obama is intentionally trying to weaken the economy and our defense, all on purpose, to achieve a situation that could offer him an opportunity for more revolutionary actions and ideas. Remember, he has many friends and people working for him now that harbor desires for revolution. The change mantra truly meant alot more than even conservatives thought at the time, I wonder now if the guy is really a bad apple, worse than we thought.
Thu 24 Sep, 2009 10:20 pm
I hope you are wrong.
0 Replies
Thu 24 Sep, 2009 10:44 pm
I think that the evidence suggests that Hugo Chavez is very skilled at the use of power. I don't have a problem with leftists, I am one. Those on the Right I want to argue with, but I don't have a problem with them either . I do have a problem with people in leadership positions who don't understand how to get things done.

Up till now the jury has been out, is Obama crazy like a fox or just crazy with unfounded optimism. The last week has moved the needle towards crazy. I am hoping for some great success, and soon.
0 Replies
Fri 25 Sep, 2009 06:57 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
I read his speech on transcript and for the life of me, I can't find anything wrong with his middle east comments, he addressed the problems both have adequately. Palestinians have been oppressed/occupied and without adequate living conditions for over forty years and that would be just as hard to live with as would fearing a rocket striking in the middle of the night.

More importantly, he did not say Israel should return to its borders of 1967, he said Palestine should have contiguous territory that ends the occupation that began in 1967.

The time has come " the time has come to re-launch negotiations without preconditions that address the permanent status issues: security for Israelis and Palestinians, borders, refugees, and Jerusalem. And the goal is clear: Two states living side by side in peace and security " a Jewish state of Israel, with true security for all Israelis; and a viable, independent Palestinian state with contiguous territory that ends the occupation that began in 1967, and realizes the potential of the Palestinian people. (Applause.)

As we pursue this goal, we will also pursue peace between Israel and Lebanon, Israel and Syria, and a broader peace between Israel and its many neighbors. In pursuit of that goal, we will develop regional initiatives with multilateral participation, alongside bilateral negotiations.

Now, I am not naïve. I know this will be difficult. But all of us " not just the Israelis and the Palestinians, but all of us " must decide whether we are serious about peace, or whether we will only lend it lip service. To break the old patterns, to break the cycle of insecurity and despair, all of us must say publicly what we would acknowledge in private. The United States does Israel no favors when we fail to couple an unwavering commitment to its security with an insistence that Israel respect the legitimate claims and rights of the Palestinians. (Applause.) And " and nations within this body do the Palestinians no favors when they choose vitriolic attacks against Israel over constructive willingness to recognize Israel's legitimacy and its right to exist in peace and security. (Applause.)

We must remember that the greatest price of this conflict is not paid by us. It's not paid by politicians. It's paid by the Israeli girl in Sderot who closes her eyes in fear that a rocket will take her life in the middle of the night. It's paid for by the Palestinian boy in Gaza who has no clean water and no country to call his own. These are all God's children. And after all the politics and all the posturing, this is about the right of every human being to live with dignity and security. That is a lesson embedded in the three great faiths that call one small slice of Earth the Holy Land. And that is why, even though there will be setbacks and false starts and tough days, I will not waver in my pursuit of peace. (Applause.)


If President Obama is naive, he merely repeating the same goals most presidents have had without the one sided rhetoric to accompany it, it is a refreshing change.
Fri 25 Sep, 2009 07:09 am
Netanyahu commends Obama's UN speech

NEW YORK " Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has expressed his satisfaction with a speech made by US President Barack Obama before the UN General Assembly, in which he said Israel and the Palestinians should renew negotiations.

I commend this important speech of Obama's and his call to renew the peace process without preconditions. I commend his unequivocal support of Israel as the nation state of the Jewish people," he said.

Earlier political officials in Jerusalem also praised the speech, in which Obama addressed Iran's nuclear program.

0 Replies
Fri 25 Sep, 2009 07:22 am
okie wrote:

Remember, he has many friends and people working for him now that harbor desires for revolution.

The purpose of revolution is to take power. Obama has taken power by the usual legal and democratic means. What would be the point of revolution from someone already in power?
Fri 25 Sep, 2009 07:59 am
FreeDuck wrote:

okie wrote:

Remember, he has many friends and people working for him now that harbor desires for revolution.

The purpose of revolution is to take power. Obama has taken power by the usual legal and democratic means. What would be the point of revolution from someone already in power?

Free Duck, I don't know what your political thinking is in totality, but that question, I don't mean to be rude, but it either means you are acting dumb on purpose, or you really are very naive. True power for leftists does not include only winning one election, it means being able to hold power indefinitely and to institute really revolutionary change to the existing political situation. That means, often rigging elections from now on, and it means diminishing the clout of the opposition in Congress, etc. As it stands now, public opinion is building against Obama and it increasingly looks like the Republicans have better chances of winning more seats in 2010. And it isn't as if Obama's health care plan is sailing through unhindered. That is but one of his wants, he has a very long laundry list I am sure.

One of the things at the top of his list, I believe, is to shut down the voice of the opposition, such as conservative talk radio and other media. Freedom of speech is an enemy to his agenda. I don't know how they plan to try to do that, but I think that is in the battle plan somewhere. Remember, extreme leftists and radicals do not believe in free speech, or much of any personal liberty for that matter, they are the arbitors of fairness and social justice.
Fri 25 Sep, 2009 08:04 am
okie wrote:

Free Duck, I don't know what your political thinking is in totality, but that question, I don't mean to be rude, but it either means you are acting dumb on purpose, or you really are very naive.

Okie, I try to avoid engaging in insults with other posters, but at this point I'm assuming that you are a product of Oklahoma public schools.

True power for leftists does not include only winning one election, it means being able to hold power indefinitely and to institute really revolutionary change to the existing political situation. That means, often rigging elections from now on, and it means diminishing the clout of the opposition in Congress, etc.

Hmmm, consolidating power, rigging elections... where have I heard these accusations before?

As it stands now, public opinion is building against Obama and it increasingly looks like the Republicans have better chances of winning more seats in 2010.

What does their support look like right now? Have you seen any polls?

One of the things at the top of his list, I believe, is to shut down the voice of the opposition, such as conservative talk radio and other media. Freedom of speech is an enemy to his agenda. I don't know how they plan to try to do that, but I think that is in the battle plan somewhere. Remember, extreme leftists and radicals do not believe in free speech, or much of any personal liberty for that matter, they are the arbitors of fairness and social justice.

And how, may I ask, are you privy to this secret agenda of his? An insider, are you?
Fri 25 Sep, 2009 09:01 am
Okie, do you have any idea how paranoid that all sounds?

I mean, really.

Fri 25 Sep, 2009 07:20 pm
I looked up the definition again for "paranoia." I knew the definition, but wanted to review the dictionary for it again. Here is one:

"Paranoia is an unfounded or exaggerated distrust of others, sometimes reaching delusional proportions. Paranoid individuals constantly suspect the motives of those around them, and believe that certain individuals, or people in general, are "out to get them.""

I think the key here is whether my concerns, and others concerns are exaggerated or unfounded. I can't say for sure that I have the magnitude of concern right or not, only Obama knows. All we can do is judge by his personality as we perceive it, what he does, and by who he surrounds himself with. My concerns could be a little more than it needs to be, but they could also be not as much as they should be. I have been pushed a little more into the very worried group of people, by virtue of who this guy has around him, what he says, and what he does. So I do not think my concerns are unfounded or delusional at all, no way. I think rather that many of the libs fears of Bush were delusional. Take Van Jones, a trusted appointee of Obama, he thought Bush brought down the towers, now that is delusional. I think Rev. Wright was and is delusional. I believe Ayers and Jeff Jones are delusional and head cases, perhaps from their hippie days drug use, heck I don't know, all I know is that some of those people are whacked out. I think others around Obama are pretty far out there as well. So I am compelled to conclude that Obama is a shaky character, that is evidenced by virtue of being a very very poor judge of character about who he admires and hangs around with, and so forth. I think also that he has visions of grandeur about himself that is really beyond reality.

So it is not me that is delusional or paranoid I do not think. I think there are reasons to be a bit worried, and when legitimate reasons present themselves, it is not paranoia. If you see a funnel cloud in the distance, is it paranoia to warn others about a possible tornado. No way, cyclops. I do know that some very strange and weird, and tragic things have in fact happened in history, and some of those types of things will continue to happen. It behooves us to be on our watch for the strange and untrustworthy personalities that gain political power.

By the way, I am not distrusting of hardly anyone that I know that I hang around with, nor am I paranoid about politicians out there, but I do distrust quite a few, not all by any means. Trust but verify, perhaps is a good motto for politicians. Only a certain small number deserve a higher degree of distrust.
Fri 25 Sep, 2009 08:05 pm
So it is not me that is delusional or paranoid I do not think.
Fri 25 Sep, 2009 08:11 pm
According to Okie's signature line, these are the folks on his Ignore list so far:
Cicerone Imposter (9/11)
Dyslexia (9/15)
Debra Law (9/16)
Walter Hinteler (9/23)
Setanta (9/23)
cicerone imposter
Fri 25 Sep, 2009 08:43 pm
Hey! I know why okie put me on Ignore, but Walter? The guy's brains is/has gone to hell.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Fri 25 Sep, 2009 10:00 pm
Obama is so intoxicated with himself that he actually believes he can have some sort of alchemistic effect on the world through the power of his words and personage.

What should really concern us is the degree to which his self-opinion informs his judgment. Notice how, in his speech, he offers as proof of the basic goodness of America, his decisions in the first nine months of his presidency. Notice how often he uses the pronoun "I."

There is one thing of which we can be sure, Obama does not see himself as a servant of the United States.

When a nation's leader begins to consider themselves larger than the nation they lead there is nothing but trouble to be found.
Finn dAbuzz
Fri 25 Sep, 2009 10:29 pm
revel wrote:
I read his speech on transcript and for the life of me, I can't find anything wrong with his middle east comments...

Well, there you go, there can't have been anything wrong with it.

A contiguous Palestinian state requires a divided Israel. Look at a map of the region and explain how it can be otherwise.


Are you suggesting that Israel ignore the fact that the Palestinans refuse to acknowledge their right to exist?

Here is the absurdity of the Left:

On the one hand we have a long term democratic nation with virtually all of the freedoms we in the US allegedly cherish and an historical claim to their lands that goes back thousands of years.

On the other hand we have a rag tag group of Arab rejects that no Arab nation was ever willing to embrace, who celebrate suicide bombers, support one of the most corrupt governing bodies in modern history, and prance in the streets when NYC is devastaed by Islamist attacks.

Obviously there are many worthy and innocent people among the Palestinians and it would be wrong to ignore whatever suffering they incur, however it is equally wrong to ignore the behaviors and ideology that have contributed to their suffering.

Rather than blame Israel, blame the Palestinian leaders who have done so little to really advance the lifes of their people.

And here is where it gets really bizzare:

Liberals worship victims. Has their ever been a more victimized people than the Jews? However, give them 60 or 70 years of feeling like they might just be hot ****, and Liberals are foaming at the mouths to take them down.

Liberalism in the US has a long and solid relationship with American Jews, and yet if you want to find the most prevelant expressions of anti-semitism you need only look to the Left. And still American Jews vote Democratic.

When did it become cool to hate the Israelis (Jews) and love the Palestinians?

Finn dAbuzz
Fri 25 Sep, 2009 10:32 pm
FreeDuck wrote:
Okie, I try to avoid engaging in insults with other posters, but at this point I'm assuming that you are a product of Oklahoma public schools.

I appreciate that your are attempting to be clever, but do you know how revealing (in a not-so-good way) this comment actually is?

cicerone imposter
Fri 25 Sep, 2009 10:36 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Sounds like Bush Jr; he believed he was above domestic and international laws.
Finn dAbuzz
Fri 25 Sep, 2009 10:46 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

Sounds like Bush Jr; he believed he was above domestic and international laws.

That's it? That's your contribution?

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