Sat 19 Sep, 2009 10:41 am
revel wrote:

do you think Hillary would have done any differently or for that matter, McCain? I seriously doubt it.

I don't know; nor will we ever know. But if they didn't, I sure as **** wouldn't be any less upset at them as I am at Obama.

If he fails to reverse this decision, I'm not going to be able to vote for the guy in 2012.
Sat 19 Sep, 2009 10:56 am
Are you nuts? Obama is doing a great job. He has kept the country from going into a deep depression. Health care costs will soon be one-third of our economy, which is a sure prescription for disaster. O see this and is working hard at reforming the health-care system and contain cost. He hasn't screwed up at all. It is just that the right can't stand to see a black president succeed.
cicerone imposter
Sat 19 Sep, 2009 11:05 am
Some people's only solution is to throw the baby out with the bath water. They just can't see themselves working within the system.
Sat 19 Sep, 2009 11:11 am
Even apart from the unjustified racial smear, this post is absurd.

The economic evidence to date suggests that the TARP program, initiated under the previous Administration has been a success in stabilizing the banking system. However, President Obama's stimulus program has merely added enormously to our national debt without "stimulating" any detectable economic activity.

Can you point to any "successes" president Obama has yet achieved - apart from the enthusiasms of his dedicated followers?
Sat 19 Sep, 2009 11:20 am
@cicerone imposter,
Obama has made one poor decision after another; starting with the economic stimulus package, continuing on to allowing people to be sent to other countries to be tortured, continuing on to not ending or expediting removal from Iraq or Afghanistan (he's following the SAME plan that Bush laid out), not being IN THE SLIGHTEST concerned with fiscal discipline, allowing pork barrel spending to continue, and I could keep going.

Not what I voted for. And I don't see myself making the same mistake again unless he reverses many of these decisions.

I asked someone a while back what Obama has done that has made them really excited that they voted for this guy. My question never received a response.
0 Replies
Sat 19 Sep, 2009 11:21 am
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

They just can't see themselves working within the system.

And aren't you the one clammering around with "I quit" when talking about advocating for health care reform?
Sat 19 Sep, 2009 11:24 am
well sure, Obama has brought stability to Iraq, ended the hostilities, eliminated corruption and enhanced the economy; the Taliban is running scared in Afghanistan, peace is just around the corner (perhaps just a few more additional troops will be needed) Pakistan has eliminated (along with Indian and Israel) their stockpile of nuclear weapons. Kraft foods are now marketing Velveeta in Paris, Englanders now dine on gourmand preparations, daylight savings time has improved the profitability of municipal golf courses throughtout america and McDonalds now serves drinkable coffee. For all these blessings and more, we thank Obama. In his second year I expect to see him make the USA an energy exporter and revive the Hudson Hornet.
cicerone imposter
Sat 19 Sep, 2009 11:25 am
That's right! I'm one person who has given up on advocating for all those dummies who still believe in death panels and government takeover of health care in this country. It's about "advocating," and not about giving up on our country. This is only one issue that has many repercussions from the inaction for health care reform; more Americans will be without health care, the cost for health care will continue to escalate, and our products and services will become less competitive in the world marketplace. I don't think I'm wrong on these accounts.

There's no cure for stupid; and we have too many of them in this country.
Sat 19 Sep, 2009 11:27 am
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
There's no cure for stupid; and we have too many of them in this country.

I don't disagree, and I'm sure an equal number on both sides of the isle. However, to chide me for doing to Obama the same thing you're doing regarding healthcare is a little hypocritical, no?
Sat 19 Sep, 2009 11:39 am
goddamn ! Dys is right again !!
Sat 19 Sep, 2009 11:56 am
yes of course, I'm always right and I'm never wrong, I used the G.I.Bill for my education.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Sat 19 Sep, 2009 01:31 pm
To each their own; the observer will decide for themselves what we mean by our personal opinions. It's okay to challenge what we say; that's what these forums are all about.
0 Replies
Sat 19 Sep, 2009 01:57 pm
Just tossing this in here:
My state of Virginia will be having a contest for Governor between Bob McDonnell (R) and Creigh Deeds (D) in November. Governors here can not succeed themselves, so we get a new one every 4 years.
Rasmussen yesterday had McDonnell up 48% to 46%. Two weeks ago McDonnell was up 9 points.
McDonnell has been trying to tie Deeds to the health care debate and to President Obama in general. Mr Obama has a 49% approval rating and support of the health care notion is some 10 points lower.
Pretty boring so far, huh? It gets better.
The Washington Post (the liberal and not part of Virginia newspaper) uncovered McDonnell's masters thesis from 1989 when he was at the conservative Regent University (founded by tele-evangilist Pat Robertson). In it, McDonnell argued that our country would collapse because of feminists, unmarried cohabitators, fornicators and homosexuals.
52% of likely voters say his writings are somewhat important vs 36% 2-weeks ago. Deeds manages to mention this issue in many appearances.
I think it will become a non-issue as things go along.
It is worth noting that Governors in Virginia don't have as much power as they might in other states. Also, since President Carter was in office, the person elected as Governor was of the opposite party as the President.
Right now I am predicting Deeds (D) will win...
cicerone imposter
Sat 19 Sep, 2009 02:07 pm
rjb, Admitting from the onset that my memory is not that reliable, I thought I read this past week that the state (Virginia) has swung from liberal to conservative since January of this year, and that not only the gov by congress has a good chance of winning.
Sat 19 Sep, 2009 02:19 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I don't think that is accurate, C.I. Our 2 senators are now Dems with the election of Mark Warner (D) to replace John Warner (R) - no relation - in 2008.
Jim Webb (D) won't be up for reelection for awhile.
All members of the U.S. House will be up in 2010. Candidates are only now starting to line up. I am sure that the (R) will be competitive, but the names I am hearing for various seats are moderate rather than conservative. That may change, of course.
The demographics of the state: a growing urban middle class in N VA, a growing minority population in Richmond etc, and a declining rural population in southside does not, it seems to me, bode well for Repubs who stray too far too the right. If they can target the middle or just to the right of middle, they could do well.
It could be you heard something from a pundit reading too much into the Gov's contest.
0 Replies
Sat 19 Sep, 2009 02:31 pm
dyslexia wrote:

well sure, Obama has brought stability to Iraq, ended the hostilities, eliminated corruption and enhanced the economy; the Taliban is running scared in Afghanistan, peace is just around the corner (perhaps just a few more additional troops will be needed) Pakistan has eliminated (along with Indian and Israel) their stockpile of nuclear weapons. Kraft foods are now marketing Velveeta in Paris, Englanders now dine on gourmand preparations, daylight savings time has improved the profitability of municipal golf courses throughtout america and McDonalds now serves drinkable coffee. For all these blessings and more, we thank Obama. In his second year I expect to see him make the USA an energy exporter and revive the Hudson Hornet.

One out of eleven ain't bad. I beg to point out, McDonalds changed coffee blends during a Republican administration.
cicerone imposter
Sat 19 Sep, 2009 02:47 pm
roger wrote:
I beg to point out, McDonalds changed coffee blends during a Republican administration.

Boy, that really hurts! But besides Bush crashing the world economy, what else did the republicans accomplish?
0 Replies
Sat 19 Sep, 2009 03:13 pm
WASHINGTON " As President Obama welcomes world leaders to the United States this week, he has gone a long way toward meeting his goal of restoring the country’s international standing. Foreign counterparts flock to meet with him, and polls show that people in many countries feel much better about the United States.

But eight months after his inauguration, all that good will so far has translated into limited tangible policy benefits for Mr. Obama. As much as they may prefer to deal with Mr. Obama instead of his predecessor, George W. Bush, foreign leaders have not gone out of their way to give him what he has sought.

Lack of understanding of power? Unwillingness to use hard power?
cicerone imposter
Sat 19 Sep, 2009 03:40 pm
Lack of communication; that's Obama's biggest weakness domestically and internationally.
Sat 19 Sep, 2009 03:45 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

Lack of communication; that's Obama's biggest weakness domestically and internationally.

An interesting observation to make about one who speaks so much and on such a lofty plane.

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