With pleasure, but you can do a little research on your own.
Lets start with Section 101, which is on page 14 of the bill.
It says quite clearly that a health benefits plan wont qualify unless it meets certain arbitrary govt definitions.
That means that the govt can say that ANY plan other then their own plan doesnt qualify.
Then read Section 102 (a) 1
That says that a health insurer cannot enroll anyone if the first effective day of coverage is AFTER Y1 (Y1 is the day the govt plan goes into effect)
It also says that the insurer cannot change anything after Y1.
This bill (HR3200) has so many flaws in it that I dont see how anyone can support it.
It should be thrown out totally and rewritten.
(BTW, I would copy and paste the relevant parts, but I am not sure how to do it from a pdf file.)