Thu 30 Jul, 2009 02:03 am

I believe in people Diest - you only believe in people just like you- that's the difference between me and you.

I meant to say I believe in people-you only believe in people who THINK or SEE THINGS just like you.
Thu 30 Jul, 2009 02:28 am
@cicerone imposter,
Your implication that a private porch is a license to do anything the owner wants is ridiculous on its face, but you wanted to pursue that line of thinking - all based on your imagination.

No, that wasnt my implication at all.
I was simply responding to what others have said.

And if that is to difficult for you to undersand, thats not my problem.
0 Replies
Debra Law
Thu 30 Jul, 2009 02:44 am

911 OPERATOR: 9-1-1, what is the exact location of your emergency?

FEMALE WITNESS CALLER: Hi, I'm actually at (inaudible) street in Cambridge, the house number is 7 Ware Street.

911 OPERATOR: OK ma'am, your cell phone cut out, what's the address again?

FEMALE WITNESS CALLER: Sorry, it's 7 Ware Street. That's W-A-R-E Street.

911 OPERATOR: The emergency is at 7 Ware Street, right?

FEMALE WITNESS CALLER: Well no, I'm sorry. 17. Some other woman is talking next to me but it's 17, 1-7 Ware Street.

911 OPERATOR: What's the phone number you're calling me from?

FEMALE WITNESS CALLER: I'm calling you from my cell phone number.

911 OPERATOR: All right, tell me exactly what happened?

FEMALE WITNESS CALLER: Um, I don't know what's happening. I just had an older woman standing here and she had noticed two gentlemen trying to get in a house at that number, 17 Ware Street. And they kind of had to barge in and they broke the screen door and they finally got in. When I had looked, I went further, closer to the house a little bit after the gentlemen were already in the house. I noticed two suitcases. So, I'm not sure if this is two individuals who actually work there, I mean, who live there.

911 OPERATOR: You think they might have been breaking in?

FEMALE WITNESS CALLER: I don't know 'cause I have no idea. I just noticed.

911 OPERATOR: So you're saying you think the possibility might have been there? What do you mean by barged in? You mean they kicked the door in?

FEMALE WITNESS CALLER: No, they were pushing the door in. Like, umm, the screen part of the front door was kind of like cut.

911 OPERATOR: How did they open the door itself with the lock?

FEMALE WITNESS CALLER: They, I didn't see a key or anything 'cause I was a little bit away from the door. But I did notice that they pushed their (interrupted).

911 OPERATOR: And what do the suitcases have to do with anything?

FEMALE WITNESS CALLER: I don't know, I'm just saying that's what I saw.

911 OPERATOR: Do you know what apartment they broke into?

FEMALE WITNESS CALLER: No, they're just they first floor. I don't even think that it's an apartment. It's 17 Ware Street. It's a house, it's a yellow house. Number 17. I don't know if they live there and they just had a hard time with their key but I did notice that they kind of used their shoulder to kind of barge in and they got in. I don't know if they had a key or not because I couldn't see from my angle. But, you know, when I looked a little closely that's what I saw.

911 OPERATOR: (inaudible) guy or Hispanic?


911 OPERATOR: Are they still in the house?

FEMALE WITNESS CALLER: They're still in the house, I believe, yeah.

911 OPERATOR: Were they white, black or Hispanic?

FEMALE WITNESS CALLER: Umm, well there were two larger men, one looked kind of Hispanic but I'm not really sure. And the other one entered and I didn't see what he looked like at all. I just saw it from a distance and this older woman was worried thinking someone's breaking in someone's house, they've been barging in. And she interrupted me and that's when I had noticed otherwise I probably wouldn't have noticed it at all, to be honest with you. So, I was just calling 'cause she was a concerned neighbor, I guess.

911 OPERATOR: OK, are you standing outside?

FEMALE WITNESS CALLER: I'm standing outside, yes.

911 OPERATOR: All right, the police are on the way, you can meet them then they get there. What's your name?

FEMALE WITNESS CALLER: Yeah, my name is (deleted).

911 OPERATOR: All right, we're on the way.

FEMALE WITNESS CALLER: Ok. All right, I guess I'll wait. Thanks.

0 Replies
Diest TKO
Thu 30 Jul, 2009 03:10 am
aidan wrote:

I believe in people Diest - you only believe in people just like you- that's the difference between me and you.

I meant to say I believe in people-you only believe in people who THINK or SEE THINGS just like you.

Pat yourself on the back aidan. You're just like you think you are. Please do continue your self-inflated masturbatory hyperbole about how you, unlike me, "believe in [all] people" and I, unlike you, am some whipper-snapper-arrogant fool. I care not. If I'm too worry about being vile, the real prosecution won't come from someone with your introspection. Like I said, your standard may come back to bite you in the ass.

A lot of people compare apples and oranges here on A2K. You actually do compare Apples, and claim one is an Orange. Don't speak of my "arrogance" as if my confidence in my ideas is any less than the confidence you express about yours.

I'll have no lectures on arrogance from you aidan.

You accuse me of being close minded, and yet you forget my connection to this story. I was at this rally. I was there to see a candidate in person. I was there to hear there message and remove any filter between me and them. I was there after working a 12 hour shift from 7:00PM to 7:00AM and then I waited 3 hours in a parking lot to see him. I didn't boo or hiss. I didn't go and disrupt. It was in the last days of the campaign and I was giving them a shot to appeal to me. It didn't change my vote, but it wasn't a waste of time either.

Debra Law
Thu 30 Jul, 2009 03:21 am
aidan wrote:

I believe in people Diest - you only believe in people just like you- that's the difference between me and you.

I meant to say I believe in people-you only believe in people who THINK or SEE THINGS just like you.

You are being unfair.

If you truly "believe" in people, then you wouldn't be so quick to condemn the vendor simply because she made money selling merchandise that people wanted. Nor would you be so quick to condemn TKO simply because he doesn't agree with your condemnation of the vendor. You're the one who jumped to the conclusion that the vendor didn't care about her customers. In all likelihood, she cares very much for them as people and would not want any harm to come to them.
0 Replies
Thu 30 Jul, 2009 07:33 am
There is a good article from BBC with a good image of Gates being arrested, (forgot how to leave an image) that i think puts this whole thing in perspective.

"There is a long history in this country of African-Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately."

That was how US President Barack Obama put the arrest of the black Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr into context.

His comments - in particular his description of the arresting officer's actions as "stupid" - have attracted criticism in conservative circles, forcing him to make a surprise appearance at the daily White House press briefing in an attempt to calm the situation.

But for many in America, Mr Obama's evocation of the country's history of racial oppression will have great resonance.

Traffic stops

Professor Gates was arrested outside his own home. A passer-by had called the police after seeing him apparently attempting to force his way in through a damaged front door.

When Sgt James Crowley arrived, Professor Gates indicated that he was the owner of the property and reportedly began accusing Sgt Crowley of racism.

Sgt Crowley then arrested him for disorderly conduct, prompting Professor Gates, director of Harvard's W.E.B. Du Bois Institute for African and African American Research, to allegedly start shouting: "This is what happens to black men in America."

Statistics suggest that he may have a point.

Racial profiling is defined by the UN as "the practice of police and other law enforcement officers relying, to any degree, on race, colour, descent or national or ethnic origin as the basis for subjecting persons to investigatory activities or for determining whether an individual is engaged in criminal activity".

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has put together a dossier looking at incidences of racial profiling throughout the US.

In Los Angeles - where memories of the police beating of an African-American man, Rodney King are still fresh - the ACLU cites a recent study by Professor Ian Ayres of Yale University which found that African-Americans are nearly three times as likely to be stopped by the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) as whites.

"These disparities are not justified by crime rates in different neighborhoods where people of color live," Professor Ayres writes. "Nor do the disparities arise because more police are assigned to black or Latino neighborhoods."

In Illinois, a state-sponsored study revealed that black and Hispanic motorists were more than twice as likely as white motorists to be subjected to "consent searches" by the police, yet white motorists were twice as likely to be found with contraband as a result of the searches.


President Obama has a personal connection to the Illinois statistics.

He sponsored the legislation (the Illinois Traffic Stops Statistics Act) that empowered the state authorities to collect the data on traffic stops.

It is clearly an issue that Mr Obama feels strongly about. During his presidential campaign, he pledged to "ban racial profiling", and his Attorney General, Eric Holder, has indicated that ending the practice is a "priority" for the administration.

Ta-Nehisi Coates, an African-American blogger for the Atlantic Monthly magazine, who writes regularly about the issue of race in America, thinks that Mr Obama's personal experiences may have informed his opposition to racial profiling, and his reaction to Professor Gates's arrest.

I would say that this is the sort of thing that angers upper middle-class black people even more than it angers anyone else, because they tend to be individuals who, by society's lights, are very accomplished," Mr Coates writes.

"Obama has lived as a member of that class for a large portion of his adult life... [his reaction is] not shocking... "

Law enforcement officials in the US are - understandably - unwilling to accept that police officers engage in racial profiling.

The LAPD, in its response to Professor Ayres's study, acknowledged that the statistics showed that African-Americans and Latinos were more likely to be stopped than white people, but refused to concede that racial bias was causing the disparities.

And in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Police Commissioner Robert Haas has insisted that Professor Gates's arrest was not motivated by racism, and that Sgt Crowley "basically did the best with the situation that was presented to him."

But African-Americans clearly believe that racial profiling is a big problem in the US.

The National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People (NAACP) is spearheading a campaign to pass the End Racial Profiling Act, which would outlaw the practice.

With presidential backing, and the example of Professor Gates to grab the public's attention, it may not be long before Congress acts to make racial profiling a thing of the past.


Perhaps Obama should not have used the word stupidly, but I don't see why Gates was arrested merely for accusing the officer of racial profiling. He didn't start in screaming until after he was put in handcuffs.
0 Replies
Debra Law
Thu 30 Jul, 2009 08:25 am
British Foreign Secretary: Clinton threatened to cut-off intelligence-sharing if torture evidence is disclosed

Glenn Greenwald


I've written several times before about the amazing quest of Binyam Mohamed -- a British resident released from Guantanamo in February, 2009 after seven years in captivity -- to compel public disclosure of information in the possession of the British Government proving he was tortured while in U.S. custody. At the center of Mohamed's efforts lie the claims of high British government officials that the Obama administration has repeatedly threatened to cut off intelligence-sharing programs with the U.K. if the British High Court discloses information which British intelligence officials learned from the CIA about how Mohamed was tortured. New statements from the British Foreign Secretary yesterday -- claiming that Hillary Clinton personally re-iterated those threats in a May meeting -- highlight how extreme is this joint American/British effort to cover-up proof of Mohamed's torture.

In August 2008, the British High Court ruled in Mohamed's favor, concluding in a 75-page ruling (.pdf) that there was credible evidence in Britain's possession that Mohamed was brutally tortured and was therefore entitled to disclosure of that evidence under long-standing principles of British common law, international law (as established by the Nuremberg Trials and the war crimes trials of Yugoslav leaders, among others), and Britain's treaty obligations (under the Convention Against Torture). But as part of that ruling, the Court redacted from its public decision seven paragraphs which detailed the facts of Mohamed's torture -- facts which British intelligence agents learned from the CIA -- based on the British Government's representations that both the Bush and Obama administrations had threatened to cut off intelligence-sharing with Britain if those facts were disclosed, even as part of a court proceeding.

* * *

Also in May, The Washington Post's Dan Froomkin -- in a column entitled "President Obama Joins the Cover-Up" -- wrote: "The president who came into office promising to restore our international reputation and return responsibility to government now seems to be buying into the belief that covering up our sins is better than coming clean."

This has gone well beyond a passive failure to apply the rule of law (and comply with our treaty obligations) by prosecuting. Instead, these are now active efforts to cover-up war crimes. The British Foreign Secretary insists that Obama's Secretary of State personally threatened that the U.S. would conceal information about terrorist plots from the British if the facts of Mohamed's torture were disclosed, while the Obama administration actively seeks to block American courts from examining the same evidence. Can anyone justify that?

Debra Law
Thu 30 Jul, 2009 08:32 am
Hillary Clinton made security help 'threat' to David Miliband over Binyam Mohamed case

Hillary Clinton, the US Secretary of State, warned David Miliband that America would consider cutting security co-operation with the UK if a British court releases information about a former Guantanamo Bay detainee, two judges have been told.

Mrs Clinton personally told the Foreign Secretary that the US government would consider the dramatic step if a short summary of the treatment of Binyam Mohamed is placed in the public domain, the High Court was told.

* * *

At a hearing in London on Wednesday, Guy Vassall-Adams, representing the media, argued that keeping the information secret would provide a "veto" to the alleged perpetrators or human rights abuses.

But Karen Steyn, representing Mr Miliband told the court that the Foreign Secretary was convinced that publishing the redacted paragraphs would seriously threaten the "unique" intelligence sharing relationship between Britain and the US, despite the change in administration.

"The conversations that he has had with the US Secretary of State are part of the information that he has taken into account in forming that assessment," she said.

In lengthy and heated exchanges, Lord Justice Thomas repeatedly pressed Miss Steyn on whether Mr Miliband had been told personally that a warning had come directly from the Obama administration.

Insisting that there could be no "wriggle room" on the issue, the judge said: "He (Mr Miliband) understands the position of the US government is that it would risk the intelligence relationship with the United Kingdom with the result that there would be a serious risk to the national security of the UK and that would endanger the men, women and children of the United Kingdom " that is really what Mrs Clinton is saying according to the Foreign Secretary?"

Miss Steyn said that Mr Miliband had made it "absolutely plain".

The judge ordered a transcript of the hearing to be sent to the Foreign Secretary directly to give him an opportunity to make clarify what he meant.

At a press conference in Washington later alongside Mrs Clinton, Mr Miliband said: “Our two countries have a uniquely close intelligence sharing relationship.

“It is a relationship which is based on deep trust and a fundamental principle is that we do not disclose each other’s intelligence publicly.”

Mrs Clinton refused to comment directly on proceedings in the High Court, saying that: “The issue of intelligence sharing is critically important to our two countries and we both have a stake in ensuring it continues to the fullest extent possible.”
0 Replies
Thu 30 Jul, 2009 08:35 am
@Diest TKO,
I did not say I believe in ALL people- you inserted that word yourself.
I said I believe in people. I, for example - do NOT believe that mechanics are likely to be tricksters- this is because in my experience I've very rarely felt that I've been tricked or cheated by a mechanic.

I have no problem paying for goods and services - I've been paying for goods and services since I started babysitting when I was twelve years old.

I have no idea why you are talking about orange trees and oil changes-except that you'd like to impress on me the fact that you believe that I have no idea what drives a free market economy - which in fact I do.
But as per my numerous posts on the subject - you choose to ignore the fact that I didn't like the woman's attitude and focus on the fact that you think I do not understand basic economics.
I am not speaking of honesty in business from my father's era. I'm talking about my experience yesterday and today and probably tomorrow.

This is where I find you arrogant. You speak to me as if I am not as intelligent or informed as you - or in fact your equal- because I do not see things the way you do or do have the temerity to disagree with you.
I find that arrogant and close-minded- and in fact, the opposite of someone who truly has a liberal mindset.

And Debra - from what Diest said - the woman indicated that she had little respect for her customers. I didn't have to infer or assume very much at all to figure that out.
Thu 30 Jul, 2009 08:41 am
Declaring that others only believe in people who 'think or speak like them' is more than a little arrogant as well...

People really don't react all that well when you attack them, you know that? This whole conversation started when you and Fox started chiding Diest for laughing at a woman who was using a sales pitch to make some dough.

Robert Gentel
Thu 30 Jul, 2009 08:46 am
Cycloptichorn wrote:
People really don't react all that well when you attack them, you know that?

Are you being ironic on purpose Cyclo?
Thu 30 Jul, 2009 08:52 am
Rasmussen poll numbers still heading down for Obama, now Minus 12 in the Strongly approve / disapprove index, and overall approval rating at an all time low at 48%.

"Overall, 48% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the President's performance. That is the lowest level of total approval yet recorded for this President. Fifty-one percent (51%) now disapprove. A plurality of voters now believe the President views American society as unfair and discriminatory. "
Thu 30 Jul, 2009 08:53 am
No other pollster can replicate those Ras results, Okie, so I don't know why you post them. Or, rather, I know why you post them, but it isn't indicative of a problem Obama has...

0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Thu 30 Jul, 2009 08:53 am
okie, The rasmussen polls may be showing some down trend, but after the health care plan and our economy begins to pick up, these slight downtrends will mean absolutely nothing! Record this post for posterity!
0 Replies
Thu 30 Jul, 2009 08:54 am
@Robert Gentel,
Robert Gentel wrote:

Cycloptichorn wrote:
People really don't react all that well when you attack them, you know that?

Are you being ironic on purpose Cyclo?

Nope. While I do attack others from time to time, I certainly have not been in this case.

Thu 30 Jul, 2009 08:58 am
But that's not true. You are dishonestly characterizing (i.e. attacking) Aidan and me with this line:
This whole conversation started when you and Fox started chiding Diest for laughing at a woman who was using a sales pitch to make some dough

This whole conservation started when Aidan, I and others expressed our opinion that unethical business practices are not something that should be condoned, approved, or a source of amusement, and some decided to defend unethical business practices as bonafide, proper, okay, and acceptable.
Debra Law
Thu 30 Jul, 2009 09:03 am
Foxfyre wrote:

But that's not true. You are dishonestly characterizing (i.e. attacking) Aidan and me with this line:
This whole conversation started when you and Fox started chiding Diest for laughing at a woman who was using a sales pitch to make some dough

This whole conservation started when Aidan, I and others expressed our opinion that unethical business practices are not something that should be condoned, approved, or a source of amusement, and some decided to defend unethical business practices as bonafide, proper, okay, and acceptable.

You haven't established that it is an "unethical business practice" for an Obama supporter to sell anti-Obama merchandise to consumers who want that merchandise.
Thu 30 Jul, 2009 09:04 am
Foxfyre wrote:

But that's not true. You are dishonestly characterizing (i.e. attacking) Aidan and me with this line:
This whole conversation started when you and Fox started chiding Diest for laughing at a woman who was using a sales pitch to make some dough

This whole conservation started when Aidan, I and others expressed our opinion that unethical business practices are not something that should be condoned, approved, or a source of amusement, and some decided to defend unethical business practices as bonafide, proper, okay, and acceptable.

Yeah, that's what I said. However, you made it personal yourself Fox with statements such as 'not everyone is like them, Aidan.'

If the people in question got the products they wanted, at a fair price, and they are happy with those products, there's nothing unethical here; the business owner gave the customers what they wanted. However, you have chosen to make a value judgment upon Diest and I for laughing at this. In fact, it is you and Aidan who decided to play judgey judge of others here, not Diest and I....

And there's little doubt that your interest in this stems from the fact that we were laughing at a bunch of McCain supporters. Like I said earlier - drop the holier-than-thou bullshit.

Thu 30 Jul, 2009 09:05 am
@Debra Law,
Debra, with most liberals, the end justifies the means, and you along with others continue to demonstrate that really well here. Thanks.
Thu 30 Jul, 2009 09:20 am
Cycloptichorn wrote:

Foxfyre wrote:

But that's not true. You are dishonestly characterizing (i.e. attacking) Aidan and me with this line:
This whole conversation started when you and Fox started chiding Diest for laughing at a woman who was using a sales pitch to make some dough

This whole conservation started when Aidan, I and others expressed our opinion that unethical business practices are not something that should be condoned, approved, or a source of amusement, and some decided to defend unethical business practices as bonafide, proper, okay, and acceptable.

Yeah, that's what I said. However, you made it personal yourself Fox with statements such as 'not everyone is like them, Aidan.'

If the people in question got the products they wanted, at a fair price, and they are happy with those products, there's nothing unethical here; the business owner gave the customers what they wanted. However, you have chosen to make a value judgment upon Diest and I for laughing at this. In fact, it is you and Aidan who decided to play judgey judge of others here, not Diest and I....

And there's little doubt that your interest in this stems from the fact that we were laughing at a bunch of McCain supporters. Like I said earlier - drop the holier-than-thou bullshit.


I see. 'Holier-than-thou bullshit' is not playing judgey judge of others? To conclude that there is "little doubt" about my motives is not playing judgey judge of others?

You think unethical business practices are okay if the customer gets what he or she wants. Aidan and I were arguing that if the vendor misrepresents who or what s/he is, and the customer intended to support a particular cause, the customer isn't getting what he or she wanted.

And while this particular incident was somewhat different, it is an illustration of a larger principle behind supporting certain companies because they are ethical and honorable and not buying from certain companies when you object to their business practices. Years ago many of us boycotted Nestle products because of greviously unethical marketing practices they were utilizing in the third world. Would it have been okay for Nestle to pass themselves off as somebody else and sell us products? We would have gotten what we wanted. But we would still have been supporting a company we could not condone.

I, and I believe Aidan, think honesty and commendable ethics in business are something to applaud. We do not think dishonesty and questionable ethics in business are something to defend.

And THAT is what this whole discussion has been about.


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