Fri 24 Jul, 2009 11:24 am

Even more Cyclobabble!
0 Replies
Fri 24 Jul, 2009 11:25 am

Unbelievable Cyclobabble!
0 Replies
Fri 24 Jul, 2009 11:25 am

When will it end?
0 Replies
Fri 24 Jul, 2009 11:40 am
Cycloptichorn wrote:

Actually, I did read the reports, and know that Gates stepped out on his porch. That was a mistake on his part. Yet still, it did not provide the cop with a compelling reason to arrest Gates; he did so b/c he could, not b/c there was an actual disturbance going on. Gates yelling at the cops is not a public disturbance, I highly doubt that any other citizen was affected by it in the slightest.

The cop exercised his power incorrectly, likely b/c he is an asshole, like many cops.

Obviously the cop did have a compelling reason to arrest Gates and that should be obvious by the fact that he arrested him.

You weren't there, yet your first inclination is that it must be the cop's fault. I still do not believe you read the reports as you keep making these asinine comments.

What bullshit. The cop created the nuisance. Within one's own home, you can say whatever you like at whatever volume you wish. The second Gates stepped out on the porch, he was arrested - he created no disturbance outside the house.

Oh, maybe you were there to witness this. Otherwise how could you possiby say **** like this?

Whether Gates was White, Black, or Green, he has the right to berate a cop who has been asked to leave his house and is not complying, without a doubt. That's not a disturbance, that is a citizen exercising their right to property. It isn't about 'allowing' yourself to be berated; it's about a cop complying with the law and not using petty excuses to throw someone in jail.

You say that you don't care that Gates was black, but yaknow what? I don't really believe that. I highly doubt you bunch would be lining up to defend a black cop who was accused of the same thing by a white professor. Nope. Reverse-racism, and the need to see Whites as some sort of oppressed group who can't stand up to others due to charges of 'racism,' is a fundamental plank of the Conservative mindset.

You show that when you state,

Being white means you allow yourself to be berated by some professor with a chip on his shoulder?


I couldn't care less about what you believe. You're a liberal, so what else could we expect from you. Intellectual honesty? As if that were actually possible. All conservatives are closeted racist homosexuals who hide behind homophobic/racist rants who do nothing but hurt America according to you and your ilk so why should we care what you believe?
Fri 24 Jul, 2009 11:48 am
Yankee wrote:

You both strike me as old men. Old. It is no wonder you are Conservative when you are clearly unable to understand the way the world has changed over the last several decades. I have nothing but pity for either of you, on this issue; you don't seem to know a damn thing about how the cops really operate in this country.

I do not know about Okie, but I can rely on many many years of experience and have seen this country change in ways I never imagined. Some good, some bad.

Your youthful ignorance and obvious bias against authority is duly noted.

Don't pity me, you fool.

Nope; I'm pitying. And I don't believe I am acting foolish in the slightest.

What you need are real life lessons and a good spanking.

Maybe you should travel with the Police a few evenings or join the military and see what reality really is. Maybe you should go to the real back woods where I grew up where even an outhouse was a rarity, where learning how to hunt and fish was the only way of getting fresh food to eat, where farming was the only way to get fresh veggies.

Well, let me begin by saying that it is no surprise whatsoever that you grew up in the backwoods. The funny thing is, you seem to think that it has given you some unique or better perspective on life than those of us who didn't. Let me assure you, it did not. All it likely did was limit your ability to understand different ways of life and different perspectives than your own.

As for your 'police and military' comment, I disagree that this represents what 'reality really is.' And you would be quite incorrect to assume that I haven't ridden along with the police; in College, I took several Criminal Justice courses, more than one of which included nighttime ride-alongs in police cruisers. I've seen people be complete assholes to police and I've seen people assault police officers. I know what they go through. None of that excuses their actions, when they break the law or let their power go to their heads - ever.


You sound like just another sissy boy who blames society for your own problems.

Specifically, what problem do you believe I am blaming society for? I don't have any problems worth mentioning, my life is ******* fantastic.

You sound like Mr. Gates who blames everyone but himself for igniting a situation that did not have to occur. All Mr. Gates had to do was the proper thing, say "HERE IS MY ID, THANK YOU SIR FOR YOUR CONCERN".

I do believe that Mr. Gates did show the cop his ID; at which point, the cop had no further reason to arrest him whatsoever, and should have left the scene, or at the very least worked to de-escalate the situation. The cop did neither, and made an extremely poor decision.


He decided to play the race card, just like you.

Shame on you.

As I said earlier - I completely understand the meaning of the words 'race card' when you use them. It is based in your fundamental belief that whites are an oppressed group in our society. It is a major plank of your political party, and articulated quite openly every time racial incidents arise - appealing to that sense of injustice that many whites feel, that fear that resides within them, is a powerful tool in the Republican party's arsenal.

It is immaterial to me that you say 'shame on you,' for you have not displayed any of the qualities which would lead me to believe that you are someone whose approval I would crave, for any reason. In fact, your entire tenure here at A2K has been a rather poor one, in my opinion, and your attempt to shame me is more a badge of honor, than it is some sort of criticism.

Fri 24 Jul, 2009 11:48 am
Now THAT , was a real good spanking!!! Cool
Fri 24 Jul, 2009 11:49 am
snood wrote:

Well said, oh one-eyed one. How's married life?

Excellent, thanks! Of course, we have lived together for several years, so the difference in our day-to-day lives has not been significant; but I know that we made the right choice, and that makes me feel pretty good.

How about yourself, how are things in your neck of the woods?

Fri 24 Jul, 2009 11:55 am

Obviously the cop did have a compelling reason to arrest Gates and that should be obvious by the fact that he arrested him.

Obviously, the cop did not, b/c Gates was let go without charges. Are you claiming that all arrests are predicated by compelling reasons to do so? That would be pretty foolish of you.


Oh, maybe you were there to witness this. Otherwise how could you possiby say **** like this?

I read both Gates' account of what happened, and the police report. I assume the truth lies somewhere in the middle. Did you read Gates' account of what happened? It doesn't seem so.


I couldn't care less about what you believe. You're a liberal, so what else could we expect from you. Intellectual honesty? As if that were actually possible. All conservatives are closeted racist homosexuals who hide behind homophobic/racist rants who do nothing but hurt America according to you and your ilk so why should we care what you believe?

I do not believe that all Conservatives are in fact closeted racist homosexuals, so this is a pretty inaccurate statement on your part. However, it is pretty clear that the Republican party uses Homophobia and Racism in order to whip up Conservatives into voting for them.

I think it's pretty clear that I hit a nerve on that last part, but you won't ever admit it, so why don't we just let it go with this: the cops acted stupidly, just like Obama said. They didn't have to arrest Gates, they could have worked to de-escalate the situation. They did not. Whether or not it had anything to do with race is immaterial, other than the fact that the Conservatives of America cannot wait to use any issue in which it seems a white person is being accused of racism or racist behavior as a tool to attack the Democratic party, and stoke the flames of racial division.

cicerone imposter
Fri 24 Jul, 2009 11:55 am
BTW snood, do you still live in or close to Texas? We're having a meet in Austin on the Sept 4th weekend. Hope you can join us.
0 Replies
Fri 24 Jul, 2009 11:58 am
Yankee wrote:

Now THAT , was a real good spanking!!! Cool

Apparently you didn't have real spankings in the backwoods; that was nothing...

I should comment, that maybe if you had grown up in my neighborhood - full of poverty, gang activity, and inter-racial violence - maybe you would understand 'real life' better. It's easy to think that racial problems aren't really problems when you've never had to deal with them.

Fri 24 Jul, 2009 11:58 am

President Obama acted stupidly and his comments are incendiary!

Cambridge Police Unit Requests Apology From Obama for 'Stupidly' Remark

The Cambridge and area police unions voiced their support Friday for Sgt. James Crowley and requested an apology from
President Obama for saying officers "acted stupidly" for arresting black Harvard scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr. at his home.
0 Replies
Fri 24 Jul, 2009 11:59 am
Well, let me begin by saying that it is no surprise whatsoever that you grew up in the backwoods.

Why do you say that? Do you have a certain prejudice against that?

The funny thing is, you seem to think that it has given you some unique or better perspective on life than those of us who didn't. Let me assure you, it did not. All it likely did was limit your ability to understand different ways of life and different perspectives than your own.

Arrogant presumption on your part. Yet, you again reach a conclusion that my life experiences limited my ability to understand different ways of life.

I took several Criminal Justice courses, more than one of which included nighttime ride-alongs in police cruisers. I've seen people be complete assholes to police and I've seen people assault police officers. I know what they go through. None of that excuses their actions, when they break the law or let their power go to their heads - ever.

Apparently you failed that course since again you just painted the entire police force with a broad brush.

I completely understand the meaning of the words 'race card' when you use them. It is based in your fundamental belief that whites are an oppressed group in our society. It is a major plank of your political party, and articulated quite openly every time racial incidents arise - appealing to that sense of injustice that many whites feel, that fear that resides within them, is a powerful tool in the Republican party's arsenal.

You have again reached a false conclusion as I have been consistent in this topic to say race had nothing to do with it. I am not White, nor a member of a Political Party so again, 2 more flase assumptions on your part.

In fact, your entire tenure here at A2K has been a rather poor one, in my opinion, and your attempt to shame me is more a badge of honor, than it is some sort of criticism.

You think very highly of yourself since you consider yourself the judge of one's posts in this chat room.

You are acting just as Mr. Gates acted. You do not know when to shut up, do you. Cool

Fri 24 Jul, 2009 12:02 pm
I should comment, that maybe if you had grown up in my neighborhood - full of poverty, gang activity, and inter-racial violence - maybe you would understand 'real life' better. It's easy to think that racial problems aren't really problems when you've never had to deal with them.

When you are in a hole, stop digging.

You have no idea what poverty is, do you?
Fri 24 Jul, 2009 12:04 pm

You think very highly of yourself since you consider yourself the judge of one's posts in this chat room.

You are acting just as Mr. Gates acted. You do not know when to shut up, do you.

Why should I shut up? You are articulating a poor position, something which is neither uncommon nor unexpected from you. You certainly are in no position to affect me in any fashion, no matter what I say or do. So what is the reason for me to 'shut up,' as you put it?

We all have the inherent ability to act as judges of other people's posting. That's a fundamental part of life. It has nothing to do with 'thinking highly' of myself whatsoever; it is merely an articulation of my opinion that your posts are seriously lacking in quality, whether it comes to logic, rhetoric, or documented evidence of your position. This leads me to be unconcerned with the various statements you make, as they don't really have any relevance; being criticized by an old fool is no criticism at all.

Fri 24 Jul, 2009 12:06 pm
Yankee wrote:

I should comment, that maybe if you had grown up in my neighborhood - full of poverty, gang activity, and inter-racial violence - maybe you would understand 'real life' better. It's easy to think that racial problems aren't really problems when you've never had to deal with them.

When you are in a hole, stop digging.

You have no idea what poverty is, do you?

Well, I didn't **** in a hole, as you apparently did. But that doesn't mean I don't understand what poverty is. I had significantly different challenges than you did in your environment, but that does not make them any less real or less difficult to deal with.

Fri 24 Jul, 2009 12:08 pm

No matter how polished Cyclotroll is... Cyclotroll is still a turd - a liberal hack.
0 Replies
High Seas
Fri 24 Jul, 2009 12:12 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:

You think very highly of yourself since you consider yourself the judge of one's posts in this chat room.....You are acting just as Mr. Gates acted. You do not know when to shut up, do you.

Why should I shut up? ...........

One reason to shut up is that you can't talk and listen at the same time, or type and read; if you stop typing and read the facts you'll find out that the arresting officer had his radio open at all times. I hope Prof. Gates does file a lawsuit - court documents are automatically made under oath - and gets hit with a perjury conviction, since the tape will confirm the officer's account and contradict Gates's.
0 Replies
Fri 24 Jul, 2009 12:13 pm
Why should I shut up

That is what the cop told Mr. Gates and if he did, we would not be having this redundant conversation.

You refuse to accept Mr. Gates MAY have over-reacted by continually berating the officer AFTER he showed him his ID.

I do hope the tapes come out and they prove how foolishly Mr. Gates acted. Yet, somehow, I would expect you to say..."THE TAPES WERE FAKED?"
Fri 24 Jul, 2009 12:14 pm
I didn't **** in a hole

Then you haven't lived until you do! Wink
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Fri 24 Jul, 2009 12:18 pm
Yankee, This is a country with free speech; especially when one is at home.
0 Replies

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