snood wrote:
The thing is, from all accounts Gates didn't get irate until the officer looked at his ID, determined that he was the rightful resident of the house, AND THEN STARTED DEMANDING THAT GATES COME OUTSIDE. Gates in turn asked for the officer's name and badge number, and when he finally came outside and started asking others among the (6, I heard) officers what the 1st officer's badge number was, the 1st officer arrested him for (what amounts to) having the temerity to speak uppity to an officer of the law.
Much is being made of the officer's requesting or demanding Gates come out of his house.
I don't know if this is true, but I heard a couple of guys in the airport discussing the subject and one of them claimed that it was standard procedure to ask the homeowner to step outside of their house in the case of a reported break-in because:
1) The criminals could be telling the homeowner to get rid of the cops
2) The homeowner might not know anyone was in the house.
This sounds reasonable, but I can't confirm it.
Can anyone else shed light on this assertion?