Foxfyre, the nature of a forum where we can be somewhat anonymous, it allows us to state our opinions without any sugar coating at all, and it probably causes us to be sarcastic of other differing opinions. Perhaps similar to how mean drivers can be when they get into their cars and have some anonymity. I confess to being sarcastic, but hopefully I can keep the worst in check.
Its easier to be nice to people we agree with of course. Actually there is a difference in the online personality of all of us, including liberals. Some libs seem outright mean, others seem to be reasonable people simply with different opinions for whatever reason. What befuddles me is libs seem to trust government almost completely, except when it involves the military or national defense issues, while conservatives rightly distrust and are skeptical of government, although we accept the necessity and wisdom of national defense as one of the few functions of the federal government that is mandated by the constitution.
One last thought. The amount of time I waste here bugs me, but it is somewhat of an addiction. My wife says it provides an outlet without us having to discuss it all the time. I grew up in a family that loved to sit around the table and discuss politics and many subjects, and it was not uncommon to take an opposite viewpoint simply to be devils advocate. It was a form of recreation. We did not become angry. We talked it all out, then went out and went to work, or whatever we needed to do. My view of politics is that it is not the "end all" issue. I will do what I can do, but it only goes so far, and at the end of the day, the world will be what it is. Our primary job is to take care of our own responsibilities. Politics is interesting, but not all consuming. However, I am one of those that tear up every time the national anthem is sung. I simply do not understand anyone that doesn't like this country.