Oooh, this is sure to get the extreme leftists into a big tizzy, accusing me of stupidity, ignorance, and virtual insanity. I am going to post this anyway, because I have been sensing nervousness in the ranks, a jittery unsettled feeling among even Obama's supporters, that maybe they were indeed wrong about him. And I think some of his supporters may be suspicioning something is beginning to smell to high heaven with this administration, but are not yet voicing it any or much. The point here is that the guy may in fact have a disorder referred to as NPD or Narcissistic Personality Disorder. This possibility is rearing its ugly head because as he encounters more opposition, the guy is actually becoming more demanding, and angry. Read the following, it is interesting, and at least deserves consideration as a very real possibility, at least I believe Obama has at least a mild case of this disorder, but the magnitude of it is yet to be determined. I do think we do have a very troubling personality in the White House, which many of us seriously wonder how ugly this could become before the 4 year term is over.
This was actually written in September of 2008, but recent events and Obama's behavior tends to get my attention a little more in regard to this. Obama has made some very unrealistic moves and demands, almost as if he resides in some imaginary place in his mind, unconnected to reality. Many Dems have cowtowed to the guy up to this point, even intimidated by him, but increasingly, perhaps a few more are beginning to dig in their heels, and Republicans are becoming much more vocal.
"The 2008 presidential election in America is the most crucial election in this country's history, not because the issues are that critical but because of Sen. Barack Obama. The Democratic presidential candidate's language, posture and demeanor suggest that he may suffer from narcissistic personality disorder, or NPD. NPD is a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration and a lack of empathy. The following are some of the symptoms of NPD that can be seen in Sen. Obama:
He subtly misrepresents facts, opportunistically shifts positions, ignores data that conflict with his fantasy world, is overly confident and acts presidential despite commensurate merits and his modest life achievements, considers himself above the law, talks about himself in the third person, has a messianic vision of himself and his "mission," displays false modesty while often evincing haughtiness, sublimates aggression, holds grudges and behaves as an eternal adolescent. These are narcissistic traits as seen in Sen. Obama by Dr. Sam Vaknin. The author of "The Malignant Self Love," Vaknin states, "Barack Obama appears to be a narcissist."
NPD is the prime disorder experienced by all the madmen of history " from Hitler to Stalin, Mao, Kim, Pol Pot, Osama, Khomeini, Saddam and Idi Amin. These men wreaked havoc and killed millions. They looked normal. Few suspected their insanity until it was too late.
Obama shares something else with these infamous narcissists: a chaotic childhood. One determining factor in the development of NPD is childhood abuse, such as the neglecting of his or her emotional needs.
Pathological narcissism is not run-of-the-mill narcissism " someone with a hedonistic or self-centered sense of self " but rather someone with a very weak sense of self. A child who feels inferior, due to real or perceived social rejection, will try to compensate his feeling of inferiority..."
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