rabel22 wrote:But what has happened to .. single payer health insurance, [etc]? These were all things he promised and has so far reniged on.
Obama never promised single payor health insurance. He explicitly rejected it throughout the campaign. No Democratic primary candidate except Kucinich endorsed single payor.
There's several things I share your disappointment in Obama on, eg shutting down the "black sites". He's announced closing Guantanamo - and has promptly been betrayed on it by the Congressional Dems. But he never even broached Baghram [sp?] etc.
Most of the things you mention aren't very good examples, though - single payor being the obvious one. But also pulling out of Iraq, for example. "[W]hat has happened to .. removal of our troops from Iraq," which he has "reniged on"? You make it sound like he promised to get them out already by now. He didn't: even back in the campaign Obama said it would take 16 months, and those are far from over. And while he may not make that deadline, today the US forces withdrew from the Iraqi cities, which is a pretty major step.
I mean, if you're going to call the man a fraud for not living up to his promises, you have to get the promises right. Cant call him a fraud for reneging on promises he never made.tt