genoves wrote:
Okie- You appear to be well read-Perhaps you can help. I am looking for any articles or essays which explain why the Dow Jones is at such a low point>
Not that well read, just observant of events. I think it can be explained by the market running scared of Obama. Why invest into business, if profits are going to confiscated, that is if you can even make a profit after satisfying all the rules and regulations. Read this article:
"The Market Is Shorting Obama's 'Stimulus'"
Quote:I can,of course, quote from many left wing sources to show that the coming of the Messiah-Obama,would bring manna to all--that "change" would bring security and peace after the horrendous deficits and war mongering of the last president. I have read that Obama had such charisma and such talent that the citizens of the USA would be heartened and lifted up by his succession to the presidency.
But, I can't find out why his massive stimulus plan and his large infusion of money to help the housing market has met with a PLUNGE in the Stock Market>
I fear for the Presidency of B.H.Obama. When the MILLIONS of ORDINARY CITIZENS open their 401 K's after the first quarter and find that their holdings have gone down even further, despite the fact that the Messiah promised to lead them out of the financial desert, it doesn't look good for the left wing Democrats in the elections of Nov. 2001.
I can say one thing without fear of contradiction--Roland Burris will not be re-elected Senator of Illinois in 2010 especially since both major Chicago Newspapers have urged that he resign.
I think the markets just need a president that has full faith and confidence in the free markets, and business. We don't have one, plain and simple. If McCain had been elected, we would be having problems, but I would bet the markets would be significantly higher than they currently are, and people would be more enthusiastic about paying taxes, working, etc. As it is, why work, why pay taxes, after all, the administration doesn't, and they are going to rob the producers and give it to the non-producers. Instead of doing something productive, Obama is instead talking to the mayors, promising them everything, after all he is a Chicago community organizer, so what more can we expect. Anybody not in favor of giving money to the inner cities and cities that are in econ0mic shambles through their own doing are going to be accused of racism. Anybody that thought racism would disappear because of Obama being elected is living in la la land, as it is only going to get worse, because they have found out that the country can be intimidated into capitulating. But the government has no money, and it hasn't dawned on Obama yet, perhaps it has, and they will just print all that they need, thus devaluing all the savings and wealth earned by hard working people, so that it can be redistributed to the poor, in the name of fairness. Essentially, Washington is now run by thugs.
For what its worth, this is the Dow Jones since Obama began to beat Clinton in May of 2008, when it was about 13,000. It has lost almost half its value since then: