Butrflynet wrote:
I make a point of not listening to the wind bag so you'll have to clue me in on what Reverend Rush had to say to his flock of listeners.
By the way, since we're taking inventory on what will or not be accomplished based on the list of campaign promises, how did George W. do in that regard? Have you taken his inventory yet?
Rush is a bit of a windbag, he admits it not in those words, but he does admit it, and he is right more than half the time, perhaps 80 to 90% of the time, better than most news outlets. Today, I didn't catch all of Rush, but the part I heard he talked about the Lincoln bible thing, agreeing with my take on it earlier, and he also talked about the auto industry, which I agree with for the most part, but not completely, his take on it. Speaking of talk show people, I have run onto one that strikes me as very good lately, that being Lars Larsen. He isn't on that many stations, but very articulate, not sarcastic like Rush, just matter of fact, and pretty sound conservative. This evening, I heard him interview Mitt Romney, and oh, we missed a huge opportunity to truly have a smart guy as president, compared to what we have.
In regard to inventorying Bush, I have done it all along, he protected the country, he was committed to his decisions, he had good Supreme Court nominees, but failed with domestic spending, the prescription drug program should have never happened, immigration policy pretty much flopped although not totally, etc. etc. But he as a president to respect, he and Laura have class, a breath of fresh air. Bush is a decent man that aged terribly while president, but he took the job very seriously, which is also a breath of fresh air. I agreed with Bush part of the time, and disagreed with him part of the time, but he is a man I respect. Far from perfect, just a man, as any of our presidents are. I think history will treat Bush far better than the lefties are treating him now.