okie wrote:I read the article, and it makes no sense.
Well, I read your posts, and you make no sense to me. Maybe it's all in the eye of the beholder.
okie wrote:You pretend as if there was no filtering process at Gitmo, high risk, low risk, etc.
I don't pretend anything.
If you're talking about the filtering process that kept innocent people locked up for
years, you'll have to admit that it's a pretty pathetic filtering process.
okie wrote:Even some of the ones already deemed low enough risk to turn loose have been caught trying to kill or killing other innocent people.
I won't take your word for it.
okie wrote:So how do you pretend to run this court system to determine innocence, where and how, oe?
Again, I do not pretend anything. It's up to the United States of America to put these people to trial, and I assume that is what's going to happen under President Obama.
All Germany is doing is checking whether it could offer to take those in who are found to be innocent but cannot return to their countries of origin.
okie wrote:Sure if someone is in fact for sure innocent as far as can be determined so far, we would have turned them loose already, and if their own country did not want them, you have to ask yourself, why, oe, has that ever occurred to you?
Do yourself a favour and read up on the Uighurs, will you? That you have a pretty strong opinion in lieu of factual knowledge doesn't really help this discussion.
okie wrote:You pretend as if the article solves the problem, and it solves nothing.
You're really obsessed with the idea of other people pretending something, aren't you?
I'm not pretending the article is solving anything, I'm pointing out that several of the points you have brought up are already mentioned in the article. I can only conclude that you have not understood what you have read.
In the meantime, you are pretending there is a filtering process in Guantanamo without having any evidence for that. You are pretending that those detained in Guantanamo are all guilty without having any evidence for that. You are pretending that if somebody has been determined as being innocent, he would be free already without having any evidence for that.
Your whole argument is based on complete and utter unquestioning trust in the Bush administration and the process they have come up with.
How's that for being a follower and apologist?