The difference between my sources and your sources are that at least my sources admit their political viewpoint. Liberal sources often want to deny any bias, most notably the main stream press, which is hugely biased but continue to deny that they are.
Limbaugh, Hannity, and a whole bunch of conservative talk show political analysts all admit they are conservative and they readily admit their political views when they analyze what is happening in current events. In contrast, many liberals want to paint themselves as centrists.
I have found Media Matters to be very slanted, and even Factcheck.org, I have found to be biased, yet their whole image that they wish to have is to be the final unbiased word on any issue. I have found that to be too much to hope for. I don't remember the case a while back, but it struck me as leaving some pertinent information out, or slanting the analysis.
Face it, nobody is perfectly unbiased, we all approach any issue with a built in belief system with which we correlate everything to. Everything can be argued with evidence or backup information, but we all choose which evidence we wish to weight more highly than others, and I doubt that anyone has all the evidence for any issue, so you and I are both guilty of choosing the evidence that we tend to believe, and which supports what we think is probably the case - based upon everything we have absorbed about the issue and the personalities involved.