sozobe wrote:Wednesday was chock full 0' McCain weirdness, Thursday was 9/11 and a break from campaigning, Friday was Ike, today is Ike, tomorrow is Sunday. We'll see what Monday brings.
not quite what I've been seeing.
here it looked more like McCain and Palin over and over
Thursday was McCain, 9/11 and Palin's interview with Charles Gibson
Friday was McCain on The View, Ike and more on Palin's interview with Charles Gibson
Today started with McCain on the View, Ike and Palin with Charles Gibson again
there were a couple of brief references to Obama's appearance on Letterman but they were brief brief brief - with positive comments following them most times I saw them (CNN not so positive - talk of how Obama doesn't react well to being surprised - what to do what to do)
McCain/Palin have the general public/general media momentum right now. They've even taken over the Entertainment Tonight/Showbiz Today slots that occasionally featured Obama (not a great measuring tool but a lot of people watch that programming - more than the political stuff)
The best thing for Obama right now seems to be that McCain kinda fouled out on The View - but still, the talk is about McCain.