Quote:You say you never saw atrocities and that those you served with and talked to about their service there never saw atrocities. Fine. I take you at your word.
How does that extrapolate into "Kerry smeared all veterans", or "Kerry lied"?
Essentially he did, snood. Here is this statement:
"highly decorated veterans testified to war crimes committed in Southeast Asia, not isolated incidents but crimes committed on a day-to-day basis with the full awareness of officers at all levels of command...."
That being one of a package of statements that essentially misrepresented the entire military, snood. I would think you should care. Perhaps you wouldn't care if a politician accused your unit of committing atrocities for which there was no credible evidence?
Quote:Don't you think there are veterans who did see, and who have admitted to seeing, atrocities in Vietnam? Are those men traitors or liars for saying what they saw?
I think there were atrocities, as in any war snood, but they were not run of the mill standard procedure, no way, and it has been shown that many of the stories at that Winter Soldier meeting were bogus, much driven by the anti war hippies of the 60's mindset. Look, I am not pro-war, and I was not necessarily in favor of Vietnam, but I am arguing for a realistic look at history here, thats all. Further, you would be surprised at how many bogus soldier stories there are, bogus Vietnam vets there are, I have met one or two myself, and have read about many. It is some kind of phony soldier syndrome or something.
Quote:Yes I am in the military. Consequently, I have seen what peer pressure and groupthink does to people in the military - on a small scale, it is why racial and sexist humor goes unchallenged in the military by most who hear it .
On a large scale, it is the reason why Abu Ghraib was able to happen. It wasn't because no one saw, or knew that what was happening there was wrong. It was because of some twisted code of "honor" that says a serviceman should not turn on other servicemen - even when they are dead wroing in every conceivable way.
I agree very much with you on that point, snood. I always wondered as a kid why something like the Holocaust could have ever happened. After serving in the military and working for a corporation, I understand it now. For what its worth, I was not a military type of guy, I did what I was supposed to do, I was reliable, did my job, and when it was time to get out, I was happy to leave. I only served my draft time of 2 years, actually minus 2 1/2 months due to an early out, they didn't need me once I got back stateside and any job waiting - they granted early outs. I was not lifer material, but I am glad there are career military to keep it running.
Quote:If you KNOW that My Lai and My Khe happened, and was wrong, how can you act like it was the only time that kind of thing happened? Or do you still deny that over 300 men women and children were massacred at My Lai and My Khe? And why was Kerry wrong for saying that it was wrong? If ANY of what Kerry said went on there, why should he apologize?
Apparently they happened, but I am convinced they were isolated cases, not on a day to day basis, no way. Kerry should apologize because he plainly said they were not isolated incidents, but happened day to day, and he testified to Congress based on hearsay, hearsay that was bogus, plain and simple, and he is responsible for painting a picture of the the American military to Congress and to the American people that was a lie. Thats why he should apologize, snood, maybe you don't think it is important, but I am here to tell you it was important to the Swift Boaters, and I think it should be important to any self respecting serviceman.
Quote:You need to get off your self-righteous high horse, IMHO.
You have it backwards in my opinion. It is people like Kerry and his ilk that should have gotten off their high horse a very long time ago, and I think it is high time that you, a serviceman, should stand up for the serviceman. If you don't care, that is your right to do so, but I would think the reputation of the military and the reputation of your country should mean more to you than a cheap liberal politician in the name of John Kerry.
One last comment, I don't care about Kerry in regard to my own respect, but what I do care about is the country, and it irks me when cheap politicians run down the country, trash it, trash everything about it, and it is all bogus, too many people have died for good causes to stay silent about it. I am going to call them for what they are, cheap politicians, period.