High Seas wrote:old europe wrote:Ha, I missed this bit. I certainly disagree with this:
High Seas wrote:Only the American manufacturers were left out of this party, which lasted 7 whole years!
America certainly was heavily involved in supporting both Iran and Iraq in this conflict. Ridiculous to claim otherwise. I'm sure "Iran-Contra affair" rings a bell.
Not at all like your usual intelligence, Old Europe - isn't it a bit early to have started drinking?! Neither Iran nor Iraq were buying weapons from American manufacturers in that Iran-Contra "affair"... Try again when you're sober

You're completely right. In the Iran-Contra affair, American manufacturers had sold equipment to the US government, which, in turn, sold it to Israel, which sold it to moderate Iranians, which transferred it into Iran.
As you know, almost no Western nation was directly involved. Most deals were handled across four, five or six corners.
Nevertheless, America (directly or indirectly) supplied Iraq with technological aid, intelligence and dual-use and military equipment. America supplied Iran with more than 2,500 anti-tank missiles, with HAWK medium range surface-to-air missiles and with spare parts for the HAWKs; additionally with intelligence, and with satellite images.
All of the equipment that was transferred was purchased from American manufacturers. All of the equipment ended up in the hands of Iraqis and Iranians.