Fri 10 Mar, 2006 05:09 pm
I just heard an interview on CBC, in which the commander of Canadian Forces, Rick Hillier, said schedule--and he pronounced it "sked-jewell," and not "shed-yule." He must not really be Canajun. This is scandalous. How can you people keep this man in such a crucial job when it ought to be apparent that he's not a real Canajun?
He'll be saying nucular next.
He must have learned to pronounce it in schul... .
Thanks and a tip 'f me hat to Ike and Monty.
I say, Lt. General Hillier has got to go ! ! !
You know, he could be a stealth American ! ! !
Shouldn't be surprised if he wants to be paid in dallers.
Must have been hit with a hockey puck.
You know, if an important American military man, like, say, General Motors or General Mills, made a gaffe like that . . . we'd have his hide hanging on the barn by morning . . .
I'm gonna put up my carkeys, speak to my friend the leftenant, and go search down and whack that gen'rul.
He called Afghans 'scum'. Guess he wants Canadians embroiled in GWB's war.
I am Canadian and I say "fuddle duddle" to all who poke fun at our military men.
That was rawther un-Canajun, talk72000.
We don't allow that kinda talk.
Are you old enough to remember when Tim Horton's sold Fuddle-Duddles in the pastry case, Chumly?
I bet he dosn't even pronounce about "aboot" and that he says "soda" instead of pop.
Well, Canadians have real casualties in Afghanistan now and even terrorrists in Toronto.