georgeob1 wrote:Steve (as 41oo) wrote:If the United States had not made such a mess of Iraq, we would not have so much trouble from Iran. We have dealt Iran a very strong hand and weakened the very forces within Iran who are reformist and sympathetic to the West. Lets be absolutely clear on one thing though, if the Iranian government wants to get its hands on nuclear weapons, IT WILL DO SO.
The United States has not made a "mess of Iraq" at all.
It was a dangerous tyranny that was about to see the end of economic sanctions at the hands of the ever vacillating Europeans on the Security Council, and an ensuing flood of oil revenues which Saddam would have used to further his power, armaments, and WMD programs.
Today it is a very disorderly republic with a goiod chance of democratically resolving tribal and sectarian issues previously suppressed through force and terror.
On what possible basis can any serious observer posit that the Security Council'd "hand" would be stronger now had the United States not intervened in Iraq? Saddam thumbed hius nose at the UN and a host of Security Council resolutiuons, and, but for the actions of the U.S. and the UK, he would have gotten away with it ! Please explain to me how this would have strengthened the trembling hand of the United Nations Security Coouncil,
Some here took a principled stance against the war. I have to admit that once it was clear USUK were going to war whatever, I supported the idea of a quick campaign to get rid of Saddam. But I did so assuming
a) our intentions towards the people of Iraq were honourable
b) the so called New Iraq could be fairly easily established
c) we would actually win.
I dont believe now our intentions were honourable. We went in for the oil and the profits for large western corporations. Clearly we have failed to establish a new democratic Islamic Iraq as a model for the region. Finally if we have not exactly lost yet, we are not winning either. Every day scores of people are killed, and the situation seems to be spiralling into civil war.
I said America made a mess of Iraq because this was primarily an American adventure. I dont think Britain would have invaded Iraq alone. What really infuriates me is that having decided on invasion, we didnt do it PROPERLY with enough troops to flood the cities, nip any insurgency in the bud, and hence get the reconstruction going strong from the outset.
Now in the south, Iran controls the show. British forces have lost control. The people just want us out, and so do the troops.