c.i. wrote-
Quote:Pregnancy would never be prevented by our youth even with the best sex education. Drinking, passions, curiosity, and hormones usually wins the battle. Many children learn the lesson too late; they always think it'll never happen to them.
Notice how the use of "never" renders that first sentence utterly meaningless.
With that word present the sentence is so obviously true as to be not worth writing.
It is an impossiblity,outside segregating the youth by gender,to prevent unwanted pregnancies.
But they can be reduced.They could even be much reduced and it might be possible to return them to levels of 50 years ago which did result from education despite exactly the same forces being in operation as are mentioned.
There are interests which gain both financially and in terms of influence from "children learning the lesson too late".
I'm pro-choice too.And I choose to remain uninterested in women who have had abortions or those only engaging by the facilitations provided by the rubber and pharmaceutical industries.