H2O_MAN wrote:waterforlife wrote:You could be getting the odor from sulfide reducing bacteria OR hydrogen sulfide in your water.
You can't have one
OR the other.
It breaks down like this... H2S=Anaerobic decay aided by bacteria produces hydrogen sulfide, which in turn, produces sulfur.
Before you spend any money, put the water softener into bypass and see if the smell is still there. If not, use a good softener mineral cleaner in the brine tank and see if the odor disappears. In addition, does the odor come from all water outlets or just one? what I have found is that you may be getting an odor from the overflow in the sink and drain from a buildup of soap makeup hair and other stuff that will collect in the drain. If this is the case when you first run the water the gas will be forced up and out the overflow and seem to be coming from the water itself. If you can, physically clean the drain and pour clorox into the overflow and the drain. On the hot water side if present, remove the "Anode Rod" It is usually a hex nut on top of the tank. Pull the rod out and cut it off about two inches below the plug and put the plug back in. You may also need to drain the tank.