Yup, Terry, you got em all. Dinah was one of the first stories I read in which I understood rape. I remember thinking that Absalom did what I'd have done.
As long as I got people here to help correct my memory (what was I thinking with 'Moses'? He married a dark skinned lady not two sisters

) I might as well toss out a few others.
Well the Samson whooping on Philistines with the jawbone of an ass is quite funny, but a famous one. I always liked his flaming fox trick.
The kid in the New Testament who fell out a window spooked the heck out of me as a kid.
I probably mentioned the "joints of his loins" story already.
There is an abstract mention of 'chariots' in the NT that many interpret as being cars. I'd say it's a bit of a stretch.
There's the tale (false) about how Shakey signed the KJV by inserting his name in Psalms 46.
There's the oral sex episode in SOS.....