Yeah, that's the day I got shitcanned for making star-knives in shop. And a bong. Great days....
The story that always haunts me is the one about the concubine who ran away from her abusive husband back to her parents'. He comes to fetch her, then travels back to his own home. He stops overnight in a small village and waits in the square for someone to take him home. Late that night, the last man comes walking home and takes him to his house. Later that night some men from the village approach the house yelling that the owner should throw out his guest so that they can have sex with HIM. The husband throws out the female concubine instead, and they rape her till she dies. The next morning the husband sort of kicks her to wake her up, discovers she is dead, chops up her body into 12 pieces, and sends a piece to each tribe to rile them up to attack the village.
I've never wondered why she left him in the first place.
Perhaps they should have offered to buy him some drinks first, always helps to break the ice. Seems to be a recurrent theme, packs of gay rapists prowling around the Middle East. I've never quite been sure that it is actually true or a bit of neighbour-bashing.
I've only been a member of this group for a few hours, so please take that into consideration before you all jump down my throat; but some of the posts in this topic strike me as anti-Semitic. Any Jews out there who aren't ashamed of their heritage or were all the posts actually submitted by Christians? I really found the lighthearted references to Jewish wives and their love of shoes offensive. Perhaps you were thinking of Imelda Marcos . . .
Phoenix32890 wrote:sweetcomplication- Welcome to A2K!
We have all sorts of religions (& non-religions) represented here, from atheist to the devout of many faiths. We sometimes tend to be "politically incorrect", and a tad irreverent, so that might explain your "take" on some of the remarks made!
That's true, sweet - some tend to be "a tad irreverent". And some take obvious pleasure in expending verbal defacation on religion... there's a whole spectrum of approaches.
Unfortunately, all the good stories are from the old testament (Torah). One of the few things that 'Bible Christians' (ie they have a Bible, somewhere) forget is that there is very little in the whole book about the works/teachings of Christ and the majority of the 'new' testament is the rantings of Paul (what a downer) or the mad ravings of the fans of the End Days (still popular today).
However, I do remember a couple of beauties involving Christ. One involves him busting up a funeral, he needs some more disciples or something. "Can I bury my Dad first?". "Let the dead bury the dead". This is fairly common behaviour in cult leaders ie I'm calling the shots here.
Next one is him (and funeral-free followers) wandering around before entering Jerusalem. Christ spots a figtree and wants to eat the figs, there aren't any (out of season) and he curses the tree. Later on they find the tree has withered, a miracle! Jay Co says 'You can do anything with the power of faith'. One less useful figtree; yeah, fight the power.
And yes, welcome to A2K sweetcomp.
fig trees, um neat story, kinda reminds me of Bush and Congress, if you don't give me what i want i'll burn you.
Craven [et al] this just fell into my hands:
The Harlot by the side of the Road : forbidden tales of the Bible / by Jonathon Kirsch. This copy published by Random House in 1997.
"Sex. Violence. Scandal. These are words we rarely associate with the sacred text of the Bible... tales of seduction and rape, voyuerism and exhibitionism, intermarriage and illegitimacy, assassination and murder". Back cover.
Welcome sweetcomplication.
As Phoenix has stated and you will soon learn, all organized religion gets defiled here on a regular basis.
I think it is a way for the unbeliever to quiet the nagging doubt in the back of their minds that perhaps they have made a horrible, tragic mistake.
As to your location, isn't everyone in North America there tonight?
As much as you may think offbeat humor and/or unpolished debate defiles your faith, please spare us your patronizing guilt-complex theories. I do not pretend to understand why you believe & do things the way you do, and I don't appreciate the same from you.
Ok, monger.
I only wish that you had some deeply held core beliefs that I could besmirch in a quid pro quo.
But, apparently, you don't.
If God had wanted us to have a sense of humor we would have been born with a clown nose, purple hair and size 34 feet.
I have always believed that the platypus and athiests were the only proof I needed that God DOES INDEED have a sense of humor.

Quote:I only wish that you had some deeply held core beliefs that I could besmirch in a quid pro quo.
But, apparently, you don't.
MaxsDad, I've never said I was an athiest.
monger: I never said YOU were.
Phoenix: So is this:
dadeo, here's the picture youse posted..