Thu 23 Feb, 2006 10:03 pm
it needed to be done... I'm selling furniture at a huge showroom...60K square feet. They have thirty on the sales staff and outside of me there are about 6 who know their ass from their elbow and the rest are either babies or idiots and in most cases both.
This should be like shooting fish in a barrel....they are going to give me the scheduling flexibility I need to do gigs so I suppose I'll do it awhile....
Sorry to hear that, Bear. I hate to see a man having to work for a living.
I need a comfy chair. Do you sell comfy chairs ?
Well I hope to have my events business back on track within the year... that's work, but much more satisfying and lucrative. Gotta pay for my cocaine habit and those hookers meanwhile somehow though. I have to fill the empty hours without squinney somehow.
It seems like there must be a way to make a living through cocaine and hookers, but how ?
there is, but after my long illness I need a little more time at the gym to get my pimp hand built back up... I'm working on it.....
Fight the good fight, brother.
Damn. Should have mentioned this long ago, but I knew a guy who got into selling time shares in some low grade resort in Colorado. Made out like a bandit, he did.
It has been suggested to me that I might want to try selling cars as an interim gig but....please.... I'm not a complete scumbag.....
Plus, that position is already filled by Slappy.
No, furniture salesmen are just as big of scumbags as car salesmen. At least, the furniture commercials are much cheesier.
But at a dealership, you'd be working 12 hour days.
You practicing your closing skills?
"Hey baby, you look good on that couch. You know what else you'd look good on, eh? ME! BOP!"
CalamityJane wrote:Plus, that position is already filled by Slappy.
Not for two years it hasn't. So now I can make fun of Bear for having the cheesy sales job.
Actually, you can make some decent $$ selling furniture.
Blue has a good sales personality, I think he'll make some bucks.
He can sing 'em a ballad as he closes the sale
what is Scotchgard and is the are simlar substance for like, wine?
Do what you need to do my friend ... best wishes!!!!
You've got the gift of the gab, Bear. You'll do well at this, methinks.
By the way, Kicky is wanting to buy a futon and I am after a custom made four poster that has a love harness attachment.
This sounds more like an irregular job.